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     1.基于硼酸功能化单体与糖蛋白中1,2-/1,3-邻二醇结构的相互作用,发展了一种糖蛋白酶的高效固定新方法。首先,在镀金金电极(Au-plated Au)上,先后滴涂葡萄糖氧化酶(GOx)-氨基苯硼酸(ABA)复合物和氯金酸钠,使生成GOx-PABA-Aunano生物纳米复合物,最后滴涂壳聚糖(CS),并空气中干燥。本法中,纳米金颗粒生长在酶分子附近,可大大增强酶反应电子转移速率并增敏安培响应。所制得的CS/GOx-PABA-Aunano/Au-plated Au电极在第一代和第二代生物传感模式下都具有很好的分析性能,以其作为生物阳极的单极生物燃料电极的功率密度优于多数文献报道。
     2.构建了一种用于高敏检测尿酸(UA)的安培传感器。在镀铂的金电极(Ptplate/Au)表面,在含有尿酸氧化酶(UOx)的中性水溶液中,借助氯铂酸的化学氧化作用,使糖蛋白UOx结合的3-噻吩硼酸(TBA)聚合,生成UOx-聚(3-噻吩硼酸)(PTBA)-Ptnano生物纳米复合物,随后外裹一层CS膜,制得CS/UOx-PTAB-Ptnano/Ptplate/Au电极。所制酶电极对UA的检测灵敏度达134μAmM-1cm-2,检测限为1μM (S/N=3),线性范围为5μM~1.2mM,并具有优异的操作和储存稳定性。酶电极用于血清样品中UA的分析,结果满意。
     3.提出一种简便的酶催化合成策略,藉此制备了酶-PTBA聚合型生物复合物(PBCs)用于高性能单酶/双酶安培传感。在含辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)的水溶液中,通过加入氧化剂H202,触发酶催化氧化聚合TBA单体,得到HRP-PTBA PBCs;在HRP和GOx混合溶液中,通过加入H202或葡萄糖(有氧条件下GOx和葡萄糖的混合溶液中将产生H202)促发酶催化合成反应,得到GOx-HRP-PTBA PBCs。将所制PBCs简单地滴涂至镀金的金电极(Auplate/Au)表面,再外裹一层CS膜,制得单酶/双酶安培生物传感器。PTBA和TBA可以与酶外壳糖基结合(硼酸-邻二醇相互作用),而较少影响酶活性,UV-vis光谱测试结果表明包埋酶几乎保持了原始酶的比活性。在媒介体Fe(CN)64-存在下,采用循环伏安法、电化学阻抗谱和计时电流法研究了酶电极的电化学行为。CS/HRP-PTBA/Auplate/Au电极对H2O2的检测灵敏度达390μmM-1cm-2检测限为0.1μM,线性范围1~400μM。CS/GOx-HRP-PTBA(H2O2)/Auplae/Au双酶电极对葡萄糖的检测灵敏度达75.1μAmM-1cm-2,检测限为1μM,线性范围为5μM~0.83mM。我们发现,采用Fe(CN)64媒介体,可有效地避免在使用其他可有效翻转GOx的媒介体时所遇到的“异常安培响应”。
     4.基于硼酸-糖蛋白的亲和作用和纳米材料修饰,构建了生物传感层层组装膜和H2O2安培生物传感器。采用化学氧化“一锅法”合成了硼酸功能化的新型多壁碳纳米管(MWCNTs),兼具CNTs的电学/机械特性和硼酸基的糖蛋白亲和性。以16.8~21wt.%糖基化的HRP为模型酶,采用石英晶体微天平、循环伏安法和电化学阻抗谱法,研究了纳米材料和糖蛋白酶的层层组装行为,以及组装材料的生物传感应用。结果表明,该组装策略为酶活性的保持提供了适宜的微环境。所得电极对H2O2的检测灵敏度达184.4μA mN4-1cm-2,检测限为0.2μM,线性范围为1μM~0.6mM。
     5.采用电化学石英晶体微天平(EQCM)技术研究了在弱酸性媒介中,ABA和苯胺的电化学共聚。采用N-乙酰神经氨酸(Neu5Ac)为模板分子,制备了PABA-co-PANI分子印迹聚合物(MIP)。在磷酸缓冲液(PBS, pH7.0)中,所得MIP具有良好的电活性和分子识别特性,PANI的共沉积显著增强了MIP膜在PBS中的稳定性。分析物Neu5Ac特异性结合到硼酸基会导致MIP膜电活性下降,藉此实现了在PBS中差分脉冲伏安检测Neu5Ac。检测灵敏度低至50μM,对葡萄糖等邻二醇类似物有很好的选择性。
By combining the biological recognition process (e.g. enzyme-substrate, enzyme-cofactor, antibody-antigen, hormone-receptor, DNA hybridization, lectin-polysaccharide) and physical/chemical detection elements, biosensing has become one of the most attractive branches of modern analytical chemisty. The efficient immobilization of various biological recognition elements (e.g. enzyme, antibody, ssDNA, receptor, organelles, microorganisms, organization, biomimic materials) plays a key role in the fabrication of biosensors. In this dissertation, the recent progress of electrochemical enzymatic biosensors and boronic acid recognition is reviewed. A series of detailed studies on enzyme immobilization and biosensing applications based on boronic acid recognition are conducted, as summarized below.
     1. We propose a new protocol for efficient immobilization of a glycoprotein enzyme based on the interaction of its1,2-or1,3-diols with a boronic acid functionalized monomer. Briefly, casting a mixture of glucose oxidase (GOx) and anilineboronic acid (ABA) followed by a NaAuCl4solution to an Au-plated Au electrode surface yielded a GOx-poly(ABA)(PABA)-gold nanoparticle (Aunano) bionanocomposite, and chitosan (CS) was then cast and air-dried. In the present protocol, the small-sized Aunano or Au subnanostructures can form near/on the enzyme molecule, which greatly promotes the electron transfer of enzymatic reaction and enhances the amperometric responses. The thus-prepared CS/GOx-PABA-Aunano/Au-plated Au electrode worked well in the first-/second generation biosensing modes and as a bioanode in a monopolar biofuel cell, with analytical or cell-power performance superior to those of most analogues hitherto reported.
     2. A highly sensitive amperometric biosensor for uric acid (UA) was proposed. Chemical oxidation of glycoprotein-bound thiophene-3-boronic acid (TBA) monomer by chloroplatinate in neutral aqueous solution containing UOx yielded UOx-PTBA-Ptnano bionanocomposite with high specific enzymatic activity on a platinized (Ptplate) Au electrode, which was then covered by an outer-layer CS film to fabricate a CS/UOx-PTBA-Ptnano/Ptpiate/Au electrode. This electrode exhibited a linear amperometric response to UA concentration from5μM to1.2mM with a sensitivity of134μA mM-1cm-2, a limit of detection (LOD)(S/N=3) of1μM, and excellent operation/storage stability, which also worked well in serum samples.
     3. We propose a facile one-pot enzymatic polymerization protocol to prepare enzyme-PTBA polymeric biocomposites (PBCs) for high-performance mono-/bi-enzyme amperometric biosensing. Briefly, horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-catalyzed chemical oxidation/polymerization of TBA monomer was conducted in aqueous solution containing HRP (or plus GOx) by either directly added or GOx-glucose generated oxidant H2O2, and the mono-/bi-enzyme amperometric biosensors were prepared simply by casting the prepared PBCs on Au-plated Au electrode (Aupiate/Au), followed by coating with an outer-layer CS film. The PTBA is used here due to its (and TBA's) capability of covalent bonding with enzyme at the glycosyl sites (so-called boronic acid-diol interaction) which less affects enzymatic activity, and UV-vis spectrophotometric tests confirmed that the encapsulated HRP almost possesses its pristine enzymatic specific activity. The enzyme electrodes were studied by cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and chronoamperometry in the presence of Fe(CN)64-mediator. The CS/HRP-PTBA/Auplate/Au electrode responded linearly to H2O2concentration from1to400μM with a sensitivity of395μA mM-1cm-2and a LOD of0.1μM. The bienzyme CS/GOx-HRP-PTBA(H2O2)/Aupiate/Au electrode responded linearly to glucose concentration from5μM to0.83mM with a sensitivity of75.1μA mM-1cm-2and a LOD of μM, and it is found that the use of Fe(CN)64-mediator here favorably avoids the "unusual amperometric responses" observed when other mediators that can also efficiently turn over GOx are used.
     4. A layer-by-layer (LBL) bionanocomposite assembly was fabricated based on boronic acid-glycoprotein affinity and modified multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) for amperometric H2O2biosensing. Boronic acid functionalized MWCNTs were prepared by chemical oxidation in one-pot manner, which combine together the electrical/mechanical properties of MWCNTs and bioaffinity of boronic acid toward glycoproteins. By using HRP of a glycosylation degree of about16.8-21wt.%as a model glycoenzyme, the LBL assembly was studied by quartz crystal microbalance, cyclic voltammetry, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for biosensing application. The LBL assembly provides a favorable microenvironment to retain the bioactivity of the enzyme and to prevent enzyme molecule leakage. The resulting biosensor responded linearly to H2O2concentration from1μM to0.6mM with a sensitivity of184.4μA mM-1cm-2and a LOD of0.2μM.
     5. Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance was used to study the electrochemical copolymerization of ABA and aniline in a weak acidic medium, and a PABA-co-polyaniline (PANI) based molecular imprinted polymer (MIP) was prepared using N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac) as template molecules. The Neu5Ac-eluted MIP showed good electroactivity and molecular recognition behavior in phosphate buffer solution (PBS, pH7.0), and the codeposition of PANI can notably improve the stability of the MIP films in this PBS. The specific binding of analytes to the boronic acid moieties decreased the film electroactivity, thus sensitive differential pulse voltammetric determination of Neu5Ac was performed in PBS (pH7.0) with a LOD of50μM, and high selectivity against analogue diols such as glucose was obtained.
     6. A sensitive colorimetric analysis was developed for tyrosinase (TR) activity using the principle of crosslinking-induced gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) aggregation. Boronic acid and tyrosine bifunctionalized AuNPs were synthesized by carbodiimide chemistry. In the presence of reducing agent ascorbic acid, TR catalyzes the oxidation of tyrosine with aid of O2, and the enzymatic product exists as the desired catechol structure. Based on the boronic acid-diols interaction, an aggregation behavior of AuNPs occurred, which is dependent on TR activity. Thus, a sensitive TR activity assay and inhibitor screening colorimetric system are achieved.
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