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The opening ceremonies are a series of procedures specially designed to mark the beginning of the Olympic Games and it is a good opportunity for the host country and city to display their historical and cultural charm,local characteristics and social state,as well as their own understanding of Olympism and Olympic Spirit.Those social factors that influence the development of the Olympic movement also have an impact on this concentrated occasion,and it is point of interaction to study the multi-cultural diversity.
     This study regards opening ceremonies as main object and uses the methods of previous literature study,induction study,observation study, interviews study,comparative analysis and historical analysis and so on to have a survey.On the base of analyze the basic structure of the opening ceremonies,this study summarize its features and functions.Then, this study divided the history of opening ceremonies into four periods, which is1896 ~1912,1920 ~1936,1948 ~1976 and 1980-present,and the main conclusions are as follows:
     1.The structure of opening ceremonies includes figure structure and significance one,in which the latter one is the base of the former one and the figure structure is external appearance of significance.
     2.The components of opening ceremonies figure structure includes five parts,which is time,space,implements,roles and behavior components.Time of opening ceremonies developed from day to night.Space of opening ceremonies from combination of stadium and church to stadium itself,and then developed to linking with the surrounding landscape. The dimensions of stadium are extremely increasing used.The perfection of the Olympic logo and the trend of performances prop's increasing larger is what change the implement of opening ceremonies made.When it comes to role,apart from the male-dominated to gender development,the scope of the audience and actors range from single one into multi one, which including both present audience and TV audience as well as audience and delegations.Behavior was mainly means parade style,torch lit and relay changes.
     3.The trend of opening ceremonies development is from ritual to show. Its basic structure was formed before World War I and developed well between the two world wars.Meanwhile the performance reached a peak as well at the same time,yet the ritual is still the base of it.From after World WarⅡto the 1970s,ritual gave its way to show,which provide new style to opening ceremonies.After 1980's,show,but not ritual has become an essential part of the opening ceremonies.Admission type,and so on,the ceremony has begun to show services.
     4.Opening ceremonies reflect the profound social changes,such as political,economic,cultural,media and technology.
     5.Opening ceremonies also enjoy a certain degree of independence, which is mainly determined by its significance structure.
     6.Whether ritual or show is the main base and how to maintain the effectiveness of the ritual has become a life-and-death issue affecting the development of the opening ceremonies.The Olympic movement may need to start a war to defend the effectiveness of the ritual and to maintain the significance structure of opening ceremonies.
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    3 彭兆荣.人类学仪式研究概述.民族研究,2002,(2):88-96
    4 F.伊根,张雪慧.民族学与社会人类学的一百年.世界民族,1981,(2):40-46
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    6 E.R.Leach深受列维·施特劳斯“新结构主义”学说影响,但他自认为是马林诺斯基传统的功能主义者,代表作为《缅甸高地的政治制度》(Political systems of Highland Burma.London,1954)。
    7 维克多·特纳(1920~1983)20世纪六七十年代相当活跃和多产的人类学家。他在恢复人们对比宗教学的兴趣及开创“符号人类学”的研究方面扮演了主要的角色,是与格尔兹(Clifford Geertz)分庭抗争的象征人类学家。
    8 仪式与现代性的关系不十分密切。一般学者认为,仪式以及仪式所承载的象征是空洞的形式主义,现代人将更加理性,而原始人或生活在部落中的非西方人则更加盲从、更轻信、更宗教,因而也就更加注重仪式化。可是道格拉斯认为,这两者没有必然的关系。
    9 参见安托尼奥·阿里巴斯·帕洛,张珠圣,沈肖肖.人类学的主要流派简介.国外社会科学文摘,1982,(11):37-39
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    11 同2。
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    22 Rappaport.R.A.Ecology,Meaning and religion,Richmond,Calif:North Atlantic Books,1977,p174.转引自彭兆荣.人类学仪式研究述评.民族研究,2002,(2):89
    23 Staal,F.The Meaning of Titual,Numen 26,No.1.1975:p9转引自彭兆荣.人类学仪式研究述评.民族研究,2002,(2):89
    24 Geertz,C..The Interpretation of Culture,New York:Basic Books,1973:112转引自彭兆荣.人类学仪式研究述评.民族研究,2002,(2):89
    25 参考格兰姆斯在《仪式研究的起点》(Beginnings in Ritual Studies)中根据仪式的用途分为的六种仪式类型,转引自[129]薛艺兵.神圣的娱乐:中国民间祭祀仪式及其音乐的人类学研究.北京:宗教文化出版社,2003,p12-14
    26 Smith,G.Elliot,李申,储光明、陈茅、郭方译.人类史.北京:社会科学文献出版社,2002,P2
    27 根据薛艺兵《神圣的娱乐》p132文化时间结构模式图改编
    28 转引自任海 顾拜旦与奥林匹克仪式.中国体育科技,2001.37(3):8
    29 不过闭幕式颁奖典礼上,所有获奖运动员在马拉松冠军斯皮里宗·鲁伊斯的带领下绕场。
    30 1904 St.Louis(Spalding Almanac)Official Olympic Reports.http://www.aafla.com,p17
    32 转引熊斗寅 顾拜旦体育思想研究系列之三 顾拜旦与奥林匹克理想 体育与科学.2003.24(5):45
    33 Slowinowski,1991a,1993:De Moragas et al.,1996
    34 corteges
    35 Kairos
    36 Pierre de Coubertin.Does Cosmopolitan Life Lead to International Fridenliness? American Review of Reviews,1894,4,17.In John A.Lucas.Future of the Olympic Games,Human Kinetics,1992
    45 时任德国科隆体育学院院长。
    46 历史证明这一决定的正确性——墨尔本奥运会结束不到一个月。萨尔地区就经过全民公决回归了德国。
    47 1952年冬,组委会主席在国际奥委会和组委会委员的陪伴下讲话。1952年,组委会主席直接邀请元首宣布开幕。47之后,组委会主席讲话……(讲话是背对运动员,面向贵宾席),没有国际奥委会主席讲话。1956年冬,也只是只有组委会主席讲话,然后开幕。1956年,运动员入场后组委会主席讲话。国际奥委会主席讲话,元首宣布开幕,1960年冬,开幕式由副总统理查德德·尼克松宣布开幕,1964年,组委会主席讲话后,播放顾拜旦讲话录音,国际奥委会主席讲话。
    48 Borgers.1996:Buschma and Lennartz,1996:Cahill.1998,1999a.b
    50 Bell,C.Ritual Theory.Ritual Practice.New York & Oxford:Oxford Press.1992,P221
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