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     分析了虚拟科技创新团队内部知识网络的知识流动效率测度模型,修正了V.Latora and M. Marchiori的效率测度模型。对虚拟科技创新团队知识流动效率的评价方法进行了研究,从知识流动水平、知识流量、知识存量增长三个维度构建了知识流动效率的评价指标体系,提出了采用能够有效处理不确定问题的D-S证据推理模型进行评价,详细讨论了应用证据理论进行知识流动效率评价的具体算法步骤。
Along with the science and technology innovation project are becomingincreasingly complicated, the cross and fusion of various disciplines and areas, and atthe same time with the fast development of electronic information technology,science and technology innovation team gradually develops toward the direction ofthe network and virtualization, has the nature of the virtual team, and finally formedvirtual technology innovation team (VTIT). VTIT has become an organization formadopted widely, and it integrated advantage resources through creative task as thelink to span the obstacles of time, place and organization boundary. Facts proved thatit can not only solve funds, technology, talents and information that needed by thetechnical innovation, but also can improve participants’capacity of technologyinnovation, get technology, resource and so on various advantage. Knowledge flow isknowledge’s movement process between knowledge body through certain media andpath to realize knowledge sharing and creation. Knowledge flow is a key of successto VTIT. Members as nodes, VTIT forms a knowledge network by way of members’mutual connection and interaction, so the related tools available knowledge networkof knowledge flow analysis. The research on knowledge flow has the vitalsignificance to success operation of VTIT.
     The paper researched on virtual technology innovation team internal knowledgeflow, the main research contents includes the following several aspects: Firstly, itdefines the concept and connotation of VTIT, analyzed of ways and process ofknowledge flow, discusses the connotation, structure and other related content ofknowledge network, as the theoretical basis of this research.
     On this basis, it used game theory to study the conditions, stability andsustainability of knowledge flow in VTIT. Putting emphasis on the main factorsinfluencing knowledge transfer, such as transfer effect, system factors, team size andso on, it takes knowledge transfer utility function as breakthrough point to analyzethe problems on the basic static games level, mixed strategies games level under theexistence of rational expectations, repeated games level in which the future interestsis considered and evolutionary game gradually relaxing restriction.
     By using the SEM, it proposed and proved knowledge flow efficiency’s maininfluence factors and pathway in VTIT through the theoretical analysis and empiricalstudy. Knowledge flow efficiency including knowledge flows actual level,knowledge flows and stock change two aspects. The power factors, the conditionfactors and the ability factors all have significant impact on it. Considering theimportant role of knowledge flow’s intention as motivation factors, it analyzed of itsrelevant influence factors separately.
     It analyzed of knowledge flow efficiency’s measure model of internalknowledge network within VTIT, and fixed the model by V. Latora and M. Marchiori.Researched on the evaluation method of knowledge flow efficiency of VTIT,constructed evaluation index system from knowledge flow level, knowledge flowsand knowledge stock growth three dimensions, and puts forward D-S evidencereasoning model for evaluation which can effective treat uncertainty, and discussesthe specific algorithm steps of evidence theory’s application for knowledge flowefficiency evaluation.
     Finally, it proposed management mechanism to promote knowledge flow inVTIT from member-selection decision mechanism, coordination mechanism oforganizational system and organizational environment, coordination mechanism ofmembers’network capacity and knowledge flow capacity, motivation mechanismand cultural management mechanism five aspects. It putted forward multilevelextensive comprehensive evaluation for member-selection decision. It analyzed ofcoupling degree’s measure method of organizational system and organizationalenvironment and introduced that members’knowledge flow ability and networkcapability should be coordinated development and promote each other. It analyzed ofmotivation mechanism for knowledge flow within internal network based on networkstructure visual angle and cultural obstacle to knowledge flow of VTIT, came up withthe countermeasures and proposals.
     The research provides reference and theory basis for promoting knowledge flowin VTIT, to bring knowledge dense advantage into full play and improve itstechnology innovation ability.
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