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To protect cultivated land resources, especially cropland, to ensure national food security and society stability, the most strict cropland protection system in the world has been put into practice in our country. Cropland occupation by construction has been restricted by the implementation of land use regulation. Land use regulation, which is a system and measurement, is to utilize land resource rationally, coordinated develop economic, society, and environment by compiled land use planning and divided land to agricultural land, construction land and unused land. The core and focal points of land use regulation are protecting agricultural land, restricting cultivated land conversion, and insuring utilized agricultural land in agricultural way. The creation of land use regulation has been related to land resource endowment and situation of our country. However, after the implementation of the system for 12 years, its original purpose has not been achieved. As for rural household, which are mainly cropland protector, it has been unfair especially. It is necessary for us to improve efficiency of regulation and constructing specific compensation to consummate and improve this measurement.
     Hereby, in the dissertation, it builds a model for economic compensation and land use in efficient and rational way under the context of land use regulation by analyzing status quo of utilization of land resources and land use regulation, indicating current issues in relation compensation, evaluating performance of land use regulation, referencing experience in home and aboard, investigating willingness to accept of rural household, and optimizing compensation strategies of land use regulation. In the end, it puts forward some suggestion for decision-making departments to concern. The main content includes nine chapters. Brief introduction is as follows:
     Chapter 1:Preface. After introducing the research background, this chapter puts forward the study issue of cropland protection, mechanism of compensation and land use regulation. Then it states research purpose and meaning of the issue. After that it reviews and evaluates domestic and foreign related research outcomes. At the end of this chapter, methodology, technical routes, and possible innovation are summarized.
     Chapter 2:Theoretical basis of land use regulation and economic compensation. This chapter describes basic connotation of land use regulation, analyzes of the principal-agent relationship in land use regulation and explained the necessity of establishing excitation mechanism, indicates theory of environment equity and the unfair in practicing land use regulation, describes externality theory and externality of land use regulation, and explains property rights theory and the relationship with land use regulation and economic compensation.
     Chapter 3:The present condition of land use and related issues of cropland utilization of domestic. In this chapter, it describes the present situation of land use and the main issues in utilization, analyzes externality of agricultural land use and measurement of compensation, explains the relationship between the income disparity and cropland conversion, and finally discusses the relationship between cropland changes and socioeconomic factors in Hubei province.
     Chapter 4:The present condition of land use regulation and related compensation and the existing problems. In this chapter, the current situation of land use regulation in our country and the its trend of development are discussed. Corresponding policy of land use regulation has been explained. Some issues of land use regulation have been pointed out. The status of corresponding compensation has been described. The necessity of establishing policy of matching compensation has been analyzed.
     Chapter 5:Analysis on the efficiency of land use regulation and its variation in our country. In this chapter, mainly method of analysis of the efficiency is discussed and the dynamical efficiency of land use regulation during 2000 to 2006 in our country is analyzed by using index of malmquist with date envelopment analysis. It shows that the mean level of performance of land use regulation is not high, and the variation of efficiency of regulation is obviously, and has great influence on national macroscopic policy. It is critical to devote major effort to developing economy, to enhance policy fostering and to ensure sustainability of policy for improving ability of macro control and regulation.
     Chapter 6:Experience referencing of land use regulation in domestic and international. In this chapter, it describes the context of practicing land use regulation and its trend of development in America, which is division of powers in political system, market oriented in economic system, and has large national territory and small population density. Then it describes the evolution and the design of system of land use regulation in Japan and Taiwan, which is short of land resource, having big population density and high-speed development in economy after the Second World War. The result shows that only in the way of connecting with government and market adjustment can land use regulation be put into practice efficiently.
     Chapter 7:Typical survey of willingness to accept. In this Chapter, taken Wuhan, Yichang, Xiantao, Jingmen and Zaoyang as typical areas, investigates the condition of basic recognition of land use regulation and the willingness to take corresponding compensation of village cadres. Then it determines willingness to accept for rural household.
     Chapter 8:Optimal design of mechanism of compensation under the context of land use regulation. In this chapter, types of compensation and way of financing are discussed. It deduces optimal strategies of compensation by discussed multi-objectives of government and builds a nonlinear model.
     Chapter 9:Conclusion, policy suggestion and study expectation. The full text is summarized. Some suggestion and policies about how to protect cropland and implement specific compensation for land use regulation are put forward. In the end, some issues and future work for this research are discussed.
     The possible new ideas of this dissertation are as follows:①It builds an analysis framework for land use regulation, cropland protection and economic compensation;②It forms a system analysis to evaluate performance of land use regulation, determine willingness to accept for rural household, and optimizes multi-objective compensation by comprehensive applied lots of research approaches, such as index of malmquist by date envelopment analysis, contingent valuation method, and nonlinear programming;③It puts forward some views, which provided a useful reference to similar macroeconomic researches and decision-making departments.
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