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Objective To observe the effect of the xiongbitie-I on the clinical treatment of UA and the expression of CD40L and analysis the mechanism of its treatment on UA.
     Methods 60 patients with unstable angina pectoris were randomly divided into 2 groups. The treatment group and the control group both have 30 patients. There is no obvious difference in age、sex、illness course and severity degree between the two groups. Observe the change of the level of CD40L and the curative effect of unstable angina pectoris.
     Results 1. The level of CD40L in both groups reduced (p< 0.05) 2. The level of CD40L in treatment group reduced more obviously than the control group 3.xiongbitie-Ⅰhas a obvious curative effect.
     Conclusion 1.xiongbitie-Ⅰcould depress the level of CD40L in blood.2. xiongbitie-Ⅰcould improve the quality of life and the functional status of patients.
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