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The urbanization is the inevitable trend the economic society develops, the social progress important symbol, also the developing process which in our country modernization process must pass through. At present, the Henan Province urbanization level was still lower than the national average level. How to choose the correct urbanization development path, promotes the Henan social economy development is the important issue. Many domestic and foreign scholars proposed study the urbanization question, however, the research which carries on view of the Henan urbanization's concrete condition was quite still weak, presents evidence the related research by the empirical analysis is short.
     This article firstly explains urbanization connotation, inquired into that domestic and foreign to urbanization development theory, then mentality which and method unifies using the theory and the practice, to the Henan Province urbanization development's history, the present situation, as well as the existence question carries on the thorough analysis, from the ideological recognition, the economy and the policy affects three aspects to discover restricts the Henan Province urbanization development the factor, respectively is: It has the impetuous point of view in the urbanization construction process; Because the policy and the provincial capital leading role has not displayed, the Henan Province economic development lag subsequently to affect the urbanization the development; The cultural aspect's question displays is neglecting the cities, the urban planning management system is imperfect. Based on this proposed promotes the Henan Province urbanization development countermeasure: First adjusts the development mentality, obtains from the urbanization essence to do the work; then, speeds up the second industrial the development, insisted the new industrialization path, and is suitable the technology advanced using the high technology and new technology, develops the tertiary industry vigorously; Finally, the consummation speeds up the urbanization the special operational policy measures, the labor market, the social security and so on coordinated reforms, eliminates the system barrier which gradually the farmer enters a city. Strengthens the urban planning the guidance and the restraint function, enhances the urban construction and the management level. Take Kaifeng as the example, the empirical analysis raises the countermeasure in some concrete prefecture feasibility and the serviceability, then realizes the Henan Province economy development.
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