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Broad sense investment relativity research about general matter metabolizing including life-form matter especially including sapiential life-form matter and their enterprise and country organizations which bring temperament from life-form matters’general metabolizing rules.
     Natural science and social science have already in different ways do their research and explore work.In passed days social science research base pure human and social moving rule,not about their matters’attribute and metabolizing research;and the same time,natural science fully care of general matters’moving rule .natural science do not research across all about life-form matters’fields metabolizing rule,especially do not including sapiential life-form matter and social matter such as enterprise,organizations and countries etc. which bring life-form temperament, in fact these join metabolizing at all .It’s research only in numerator level biology or individual, category ,colony research work. It did not touch social matter which bring life-form matter temperaments in common space-time dimensionality attribute and their metabolizing moving rule.
     This is a front edge for natural science base theory fruit need expand and across to social science,which till called blank field.
     Broad sense investment relativity using the way that researching since microcosmic to universe matter metabolizing rule, throw fully different space-time dimensionality researching work find special space-time dimensionality matters’attribute and metabolizing rule.In the apace-time dimensionality we across the blank field for natural and social since need expand and joint.The point is matters’common attribute and metabolizing rule.Bran-new and uniform consecutive researching work we stand by a higher state to see special dimensionality which including life-form matter and not life-form matter common metabolizing rule.But in our eye sight we more care of the matter between life-form and not life form matters which called social matter.We most care of social matter attribute and metabolizing rule.When the sapiential life-form matter be pointed out human being,in fact in the earth,we research in enterprise and country,their action and metabolizing rule from a higher tier.It’s that---direct investment.
     Broad Sense Investment Relativity are including:absoluteness transformation Principle,relativity principle,not symmetry principle,frame fractal principle,system transformation abide best low cost principle. These principles have already been fruit of front edge and elder natural science researching work.The theory break up different space-time dimensionality,different matters attribute, seeking out the common metabolizing rule.
     Enterprise and country as two social matter be found exist base fractal configuration and it’s bring life-from matters’temperament.carve up life-from and not life form matter, energy yardstick of value, capital relativity etc. these conception bring and make more phenomena explaining and testify. And it’s breaking up many old conception.
     Why an enterprise can’t stop operation and innovation? why income need put out in front? Why great profit need risk more? Why no same corporate culture contains different enterprise? Why enterprise operation innovation no same way?.Why no popular success marketing method? Why the corporate culture is around building a team for fundamentality? Why Chinese business have even been a greatest culture in past few thousand years, but now the central of business culture turn to the west countries? Why a corporate as a human in law. Why productions in marketing will grows up, development, and the end will wither away? It’s around us, we seem know the phenomena but do not know what the reason is. The Broad Sense Investment Relativity will tell you.
     And in the farther we using the theory to know why social make development, dynasty metabolizing. Property right system if is the only base of the political rule. Property right, if it is the only reason makes social class and system. What is the right way for the Chinese national enterprise property system next step transformation.
     Broad Sense Investment Relativity throw general matter’s attribute and metabolizing rule explaining, deducing the human being special space-time dimensionality social matters’more phenomena.And in the before,we just discover or conclude these phenomena are exist.In the old days we even make mistake explaining in this field along while. It’s influence social practice and national policy of the country.
     In the ages, Broad Sense Investment Relativity point out a new direction of the social theory research work,solve the tip problem of property right institution etc.of social practice and theory. It’s most important value for the current socialization country transform.
     In the field of science research work, the Broad Sense Investment Relativity crossed natural science research and social science, make advanced natural science theory fruit shine upon the social science research. The theory set up is history of social science research necessity. May be in another space-time, someone will be using different theory name.
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