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Total Factor Productivity is the ratio of total outputs to a bundle of all the factor inputs. The main contents of the research were that based on analyzing and comparing domestic and foreign research methods and in accordance with Chinese agricultural economic background and available datum, Tornqvist index was used to measure TFP of the whole country, and Malmquist index was used to measure every province' TFP and TFP changes were decomposed into technology efficiency, scale efficiency and technology change, then based on which, panel data and production function were used to analyze factors deciding agricultural TFP's increasing.
    Analyzing From application and adjustment of models and methods, the research reached some conclusions as followed:
    1. Some relative theories and methods were introduced and compared. In order to grasp the advanced trend of the studies on agricultural inputs and outputs, We studied and compared some relative theories and methods about agricultural TFP studied by USDA, OECD, IFPRI and some of Chinese researchers ,and chose and introduced their models and databases, then analyzed their theories' framework and tried to measure, based on which, the research methods were selected.
    2. Models conform to Chinese agricultural situation were chosen and some relative datum were adjusted. After 1980s', as the reform on market economy be pushed porward, market price affects the effiency of agricultural output in a greater extend. In national data system, price datum have been systematized and standardized step by step, but the datum about provinces' price are still scattered. In order to make the datum match to the research methods, we took Tornqvist index which needs price data to measure national agricultural TFP, and we took Malmquist index method which need not relative price data to measure 29 provinces' agricultural TFP. In order to measure every kind of input factor's role on promoting agricultural TFP, We devided input factors into embodied factors (including farmland, labor, machinery and fertilizer) and disembodied factors(including infrastructure, education and irrigation).In research, Data quality of farmland, grassland, labor, etc had been modified and evaluated according to national average level.
    3. The databases of inputs and outputs were established, which could be connected with models and methods, the measures which could be repeated were be done, and standardized analysis instruments were presented. Three databases were established, which were national inputs and outputs database ranged from 1979 to 2003, 29 province's inpus and outputs database ranged from 1980 to 2003 and the database about analyzing factors promoting agricultural TFP ranged from 1992 to 2003, and these three databases were connected with TFPIP1.0, DEAP2.1 and Stata8.0 respectively, which made visual and standardized measures feasible and provided analysis instruments for furture practicable studies.
    From analyzing research results, the conclusions could be drawn as followed: 1.Being clear about agricultural TFP's increasing tendency. According to measure, during 1979 to 2003, the average increase speed of national agricultural TFP is 4.52%, the periods during which the increase speed of national agricultural TFP be higher were 1979~1984 and 1990~1995, and during 1979~1984 and 1990~1995, the increase speed was 6.40% and 6.98% respectively, and during other periods, the increase speed was lower.
    2.Comparing 29 provinces' differences in process of increasing. The results of measuring indicated that most of the provinces which pure technology efficiency was 100% or in another word lying on
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