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This paper focuses on French composor Camille Saint-Saens’s Piano Concerto No.2,mainly studying the style of this composition and probing into its performance in different aspects. Based on sincere analysis the paper writer firstly discusses the technical performance of this composition, then its style, therefore providing effective techiniques to perform this typical concerto. In order to comprehend its style deeply, the paper writer also analyzes different recorded versions of this concerto performed by different pianists, thus giving some help for us to study both its musical and performance style thoroughly.
     There are four parts in this paper.
     The first part discusses Saint-Saens’s life and the four phrases of his musical career to show the influences of his experiences and changes in life on his ideas and style of his career.
     The second part carefully analyses the concerto in order to grasp its style and characteristics of Saint-Saens’s Piano Concerto No.2.
     The third part further studys concrete performance style and emphases of this concerto in order to grasp its style in performance and therefore to show the original concerto in great extent.
     The fourth part studys the individual performances of this concerto through different recorded performance versions, comparing the performance style of different pianists including their technical characteristics, aesthetic value, artistic treatment in order to guide our research, performance and teaching, and to improve our ability in artistic appreciation.
    [2]:Watson Lyle, Camille Saint-satins: His Life and art, Reprint Services Corp, 1923.
    [3]: 《音乐会指南》(Guide du concert, special Saint-saens issue, Junary, 1922. )是在1922 年 1 月圣一桑去世后为纪念他而发表的,共收录了 29 篇有关圣一桑音乐的文章。
    [4]:詹姆斯·哈丁(James Harding), Saint- saens and his circle, London:Chapman and Hall, 1965.
    [5]:Paul Cannon Pollei, Virtuoso Style in the Piano Concertos of Camille Saint-saens. Ph. D. dissertation Florida State University, 1975.
    [6]:Edward Albert Rath, An Analysis of the Second and Fourth Piano Concertos by Camille Saint-satins. D. M. A. dissertation, Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin, 1975.
    [7]:Stephen Studd, Saint-saens: A Critical Biograph,Brian Rees, London: Cygnus Arts, 1999. Camille Saint-saens: A Life, LondonChatto and Windus, 1999.
    [8]: Timothy S. Flynn, Camille Saint-satins: A Guide to Research, New York and London: Routledge, 2002.
    [9]:Camille saint-saens,《HAMONIE ET MELODIE》,Paris,calmann-levy,editeurs.droits de reproduction et de troduction reserves.
    [10]: 朱爱国,《圣桑>》东方出版社,1998.11.
    [11]: 钱亦平编著,《世界著名交响诗欣赏》,上海音乐出版社,1989 年.
    [12]: 朱爱国《圣桑》P.21.
    [13]:Camille Saint-satins, Musical Memories, P. 77.
    [14]:Camille Saint-satins, Outspoken Essays On Music, P. 3.
    [15]:Camille Saint-saens, Musical Memories, P. 109.
    [16]:Camille Saint-satins, Outspoken Essays On Music, P. 4-5.
    [17]:Caimille Saint-satins, Outspoken Essays On Music, P. 184.
    [18]:camille saint-saens, Outspoken Essays On Music P.122.
    [20]: 古典主义和浪漫主义音乐的节奏形态基本上是“均衡律动”,而 20 世纪作曲家则用各种方法“破除”这种“均衡律动”,不断根据节奏特征和重音变换随时改变节拍;采用由几组互相独立、各具特点的节奏型组合成复杂的复合节奏;从根本上“打倒小节线暴君”,使传统意义上小节线的作用荡然无存,圣桑当时使用这种对节奏的处理方法,显然做法比较大胆。
    [21]:塔兰台拉(Tanantella)原为意大利南部的一种民间舞曲.据传:被一种毒蜘蛛"塔兰图拉"(Tarantula)咬伤的人 必须剧烈跳舞方能解毒 塔兰台拉舞即起源于此说 另一说此舞因产生于塔兰多城而得名.其特点:速度极快 6/8 或 3/4 拍子 主要节奏为连续不断的三连音,有点接近“无穷动”)《牛津简明音乐辞典》P.1155.
    [23]摘自《音乐语言》戴里克·柯克[英]著,茅于润译,人民音乐出版社 P.34,1981 年版。
    [31]:摘自《牛津简明音乐词典》第四版 P.974.
    [32]:摘自《牛津简明音乐词典》第四版 P.229.
    [33]:其他 14、16、17、22、25、29、30、31、33—34、95—96、103—104 与鲁版本相同。
    [34]:76, 95 小节与鲁版本相同。
    [35]:75 小节与鲁版本相同。
    [36]:89、90、104—106、112—115、155—166 与鲁录音版本相同。
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