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TH(Triple Helix)即“三重螺旋”,它是大学、产业、政府三方面合作关系发展至今的最佳形态和结构。探究基于TH的三方合作关系的实质和内涵,揭示其发展演变的内部规律,对于建设国家创新系统,提升国家的国际竞争力具有重要意义。
TH, Triple Helix is the newly excellent configuration and framework of University-Industry-Government relationships. It is significant for building Chinese National System of Innovation and upgrading our world competitiveness that explores the connotation and the essentials of University-Industry-Government relationships based on TH.
    This dissertation belongs to exploratory research which means adventure in knowledge. As we know now, Chinese Taoist Lao Tze said that the way bears sensation, sensation bears memory, sensation and memory bear abstraction, and abstraction bears all the world. The outline of this dissertation resembles to the way of Lao Tze. It begins with the single main body, then discusses the bilateral relationships between two bodies, at last demonstrates the triple relationships within three bodies. Based on the experiences of the developed countries and the TH theory brought forward by the forthgoers, the main contributing conclusion of the dissertation includes: firstly, it elaborates the inner structure and the pedigree within the TH of university-industry-government. Secondly, it points out the disfigurements and flaws in Chinese university-industry-government relationship and then puts forward the mission and countermeasures to cope with these problems. Last by not least, it finishes a quantitative analysis of Chinese TH model with the scientometric, the webometric and the Triple Helix Algorithm and then according to the arithmetic result, it compares the Chinese TH with some other typical countries' and finally draws some valuable conclusions.
    The full text is divided into eight chapters. Its literary construction arrangement is as
    As a preface, the first chapter defines research objects, puts forward the research problems, reviews the research background and introduces the investigative methods and the framework of the dissertation.
    Chapter 2 and 3, laying a foundation for further studying of the university-industry-government TH relation networks, first traces back to the origin, development and realistic condition of each object, then dwells on the formation and development of the bilateral cooperation between any two objects.
    Chapter 4 describes a lot of the advanced practices and successful experiences of the United States, Japanese and EU where the university, enterprise and government jointly concentrated on promoting the economic development, academic research, knowledge expanding and technique innovation.
    Chapter 5 sets forth National Innovation System and post-Humboldt model. As parallelism to them, it expatiates the TH system and its types and its latest international research improvements.
    By applying the TH model theory to analyzing the cases of developed countries that mentioned in chapter 4, Chapter 6 finds out the block gene and tendon compages that consists of the university-government-industry TH. Furthermore, it gives the pheno-types as some external expressions of the genotypes and the family-tree diagram constituted by these phenotypes. After a transition, it illuminates the scientometric, the webometric and the Triple Helix Algorithm and their application.
    Chapter 7 researches the TH of Chinese university-industry-government relationships. Commencing on the growth of Chinese university, the development of high technology industry and the transition of government function, it points out the limitation and flaws of "University-Industry-Research" and brings forward Synaesthetic Model of Triple Helix of university-industry-government collaboration and development, which can dialogue with international academic circles. Finally, consulting with the Triple Helix Algorithm mentioned in 6.2.2, it offers a useful model analysis with the help of scientometric and some comparative results on Chinese TH and some others'.
    Chapter 8 summarizes the contributing conclusion of this dissertation, and then makes further prospect on the TH progress.
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