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It’s critical for improving manufacturing competitive ability to make manufacturing structure rationalization and high-end. At present, the manufacturing structure in China can’t meet the international competitive demand. At the same time, the development conditions, such as the emergence of“lack of civilian workers”, rising period of labor cost, lack of resource and environmental degradation etc, have changed deeply, which impact the development mode of outspread that depends on competitive advantage of cheap labor and resource and it needs upgrade immediately. From the mid 1990s, the manufacturing structure in China has changed a lot, and it is at the transforming period which is up to higher level. At this period, the development of manufacturing is the basis of current manufacturing structure to be formed. To drive manufacturing structure to make reasonable adjustment to meet the competitive demand at home and abroad must have powerful guidance in theory to the upgrade of manufacturing structure and especially, by the research of the changes on manufacturing structure in China at transforming period, it will lead the manufacturing structure improved quickly. However, in related productive structure research articles, there are few about the manufacturing structural changes in foreign research articles. The domestic scholars are short of theory research about the manufacturing structural changes in the specific period. The status of theory research and realistic demand of the manufacturing development both require to summarize the changes of manufacturing structure at transforming period in China seriously. The article is just to meet the demand.
     At first, the shift-share analysis has been used in the article to discuss the structural alteration forms of different factor intensive manufacturing and its internal industries in the transform period, to estimate the evolvement status of structural height, and to make research of internal structural drive of industry increase alteration; then aiming at the research about the shortages and bifurcations of manufacturing structural alteration in China, build efficiency measure model to reflect factor heterogeneity, review the improving status of manufacturing efficiency, and then take it to evaluate the effect of manufacturing structural alteration; subsequently, the article uses stepwise analysis to analyze important factors which can affect the structural alteration in china to explore a breakthrough way to drive structural upgrade; finally, combining with the requirements for manufacturing upgrade that structure alteration facts and international cooperation development require, the article bring forward that the future structural evolvement should be based on the strategy of dynamic comparative advantage.
     The research has shown that from the mid 1990s, the technology intensive industry in manufacturing has expanded fastest, while labor intensive manufacturing attractive degree to factor descends. The development level of the industry which increment level is improved higher is faster than other industries, and manufacturing structure height has been boosted at a certain extent. In manufacturing structure alteration, the style structure alteration which is resulted by factor flow has become the main drive in the industry growth. However, the imbalance development in the different factor intensive manufacturing industries is the result that different industries’factors configure because of completion with each other, and it hasn’t become main drive factor of manufacturing structural adjustment.
     However, from the level of manufacturing increment and the efficiency of structural adjustment, labor intensive manufacturing has more advantages in increment and efficiency than those of capital intensive and technology intensive manufacturing. However, capital intensive manufacturing is better than technology intensive manufacturing. Consequently it forms the situation that structure optimized quickly, while efficiency improvement is lagged. It shows that the character of virtual highness of manufacturing structure in China is obvious and the overall level of manufacturing structural upgrade in China is low at transforming period, structural adjustment is ongoing under the situation that scale outspread takes the leading role and efficiency improvement need to be strengthened. The situation in manufacturing structural change is closely in relation to demand structural upgrade, progress of technology, economic opening degree, system transform, labor cost, and human resource abilities. The progress of technology becomes the chief effect factor, and labor cost rise and optimization of human resource abilities are in favor of improving structure upgrade.
     In the future structural update of manufacturing in China should quicken development strategy alteration, and change the leading thought from static comparative advantage into building up the dynamic comparative advantage and strengthening strategic factors training of technology, administrative, service and other human resources capital, which the industry structural upgrade will need, training more common labor into knowledge-type labor which has rich knowledge and skill quickly, building high-level labor intensive manufacturing, realizing the alteration from low-level labor intensive to high-level labor intensive, which is a new path for making full use of rich human resource capital on structural upgrade.
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