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For a long time, the agriculture in China has large-scale inputs of fertilizer and pesticide to increase agricultural production, which caused serious Agricultural Non-point Pollution to destroy agriculture-ecological environment and to constrain the sustainable development of agricultural economy. Chinese government has attached great importance to these problems and proposed“prevention and control on pollutions caused by fertilizer, pesticide and plastic sheeting”in "the 11th five-year plan for the development of national economy and social ". Therefore, researches on farmer conducts and strategies controlling agricultural non-point pollution have important theoretical and practical significance for the rural environmental protection and sustainable agricultural development.
     With respect to normative analysis and empirical research, using environmental economics theory, agricultural economics theory, agricultural technological economics theory and quantitative economics theory, this research analyzed the present situation of agricultural non-point pollution and non-economic phenomenon and the efficiency loss of agricultural inputs in the Boyang lake agricultural production, simulated regional environment EKC curves, emphasized the importance of Agricultural Non-point Pollution, empirically researched farmers’cognition and behaviors of agriculture non-point pollution using stakeholder theory and game theory and constructed common management organization of agriculture non-point pollution. As for strategy study, this research, resorting to international experiences, perfected our agricultural environment management system and optimized agricultural non-point pollution controlling policy. Finally, it constructed multiple feedforward and feedback control system of agricultural non-point pollution, and proposed corresponding strategies and suggestions.
     The main creative achievements are as following:
     1. Used stakeholder theory to analyze the Stakeholder Mapping, and the effect and benefit of stakeholder.
     2. Analyzed the behavioral characteristics of each stakeholder using game theory.
     3. Constructed a multiple feed forward-feedback controlling system of Agricultural Non-point Pollution, and proposed the strategies and suggestions corresponding.
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