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     5.对原有历史数据进行整理,给出异常数据的四种处理方式。并通过C++Builder语言和SQL Server数据库实现质量管理系统的部分功能,以产品VH025AP为例,运用SPC绘制它的不合格品率P图、缺陷趋势分析图,并进行工序能力分析。
With the rapid development of computer technology, a new CA quality management model is a tendency for modern enterprises;the model is to take the customer as the center and can respond market fast. So only to accept and found the new model, enterprises would satisfy customers and success. This article according as modern quality management theory, applies statistical process control technology to modern quality management system, sets up an original system. The system provides the diverse statistical analysis tool, in view of the collected data selects different tools to deal with, in order to help people analyze data clear and direct-viewing and find the tendency of data change, and then people can define the key process and the determining factors. With the control charts, we can do more generalized analysis and contrast analysis and so on.The major work is as follow:1. At first the purpose and meaning of this project are discussed, the importance of quality management research is presented. The trend of the domestic and overseas research of theory and application about quality management are analyzed.2. Based on the modern quality management theory, discussed the quality management idea about modern quality management: taking customers in center, driven by market, putting people as essence, taking the quality control system as the guarantee, taking the science and technology as the backing, taking the sustaining improvement as the way and taking the scene management as the key point.3. With the principle and thought of statistical process control, introduced the control charts technology including its design principle、 sorts、 distinguish rules in different conditions and how to use control charts in quality management system.4. Compared with the two structural forms: the simple concentration-based form and the layered management form under centralized leadership. Based on the FOSHAN enterprise, emphasized the significance of procedure control in production, to exert function of SPC technology, and considering from PL carried on the system design to the quality control system, studied the design principle, produced the concrete system function structure drawing, and conducted the research to key technology, determined the quality character selection principle and the three methods of CP improve.5. To deal with the original historical data, supplied four way to eliminate the eliminate data. Stetted up partial function of the quality management system by C++
    Builder language and SQL Server database. And took product VH025AP as the example, analyzed its disqualification rate P chart > the flaw trend analysis, carried on CP analysis.6. Finally, the conclusion and the developing trend on QM are put forward.
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