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Future mobile communications have to support the transmission of high rate data and multimedia applications in the radio spectrum, which is already extremely scarce.As one of the key techniques of new generation mobile communication systems and broadband wireless communications systems, adaptive transmission technique can exploit potential channel transmission ability sufficiently so that it enables the systems to reach the maximum transmission capacity and reliability by dynamically adjusting transmission parameters according to channel estimation and traffic QoS requirement.
     Firstly, the digital trunking communication system and the characteristic of TETRA standard features are briefly introduced in this dissertation, and then summarize the origin and development of adaptive modulation technology, and describe the international actuality and tendency of adaptive modulation. Introduced the demand of modulation technologies for mobile communication system, and then analyze the modern digital modulation characteristics, the principle of QAM modulation and demodulation, the main parameters and the modulation signal constellation diagram of the distribution structure. Adaptive modulation and demodulation system choose the mode of modulation based on the signal-to-noise ratio of the signals.So,the estimation of signal-to-noise ratio is one of its key technologies.In this paper, analyze the principle of maximum likelihood (ML) estimation algorithm and maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) estimation algorithm, and give the lower limit of CRLB of the signal-to-noise ratio. For adaptive modulation and demodulation, analyze the basic principles, decision criteria and performance parameters.
     At last, simulate using MATLAB software, analyze the BER of QAM modulation based on AWGN channel, and the influence of SNR estimation error on adaptive modulation and demodulation system. Design the adaptive variable rate transmission simulation system based on the characteristics of adaptive modulation and demodulation techniques, including: the choice of threshold algorithms, methods of signal-to-noise ratio settings, the realization of system function, and the simulation results and analysis are given.
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