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Industrial cluster, the industrial organization form with regional embeddedness, isthe core of regional and national competitiveness. The upgrading of industrial clusteris the key method to get rid of lock and recession and to fulfill sustainabledevelopment. Whether from the perspective of theoretical innovation orthe need ofpractical development, it has the vital significance to study the relationship andinherent laws between the mechanism of industrial cluster upgrading and innovationdriving. Taking the upgrading mechanism of industrial cluster which bases on theinnovation driving as the research object, the doctoral dissertation takes the formationof the innovation driving system of industrial cluster and enhancement of innovationfunctions as the point of departure and end goal. Among them, the industrial cluster isthe object of innovation driving mechanism, the industrial cluster upgrade is thedevelopment goal of innovation driving, and innovation driving is the core mechanismof industrial cluster upgrading. Regional economics, industrial economics, innovationeconomics, geography economics, institutional economics provide the theoreticalbasis for this dissertation. The theories of national innovation system, regionalinnovation system, industrial cluster, and economic development provide detailedtheoretical tools and analysis methods to this dissertation.
     Through theoretical overview of existing research results of industrial cluster’supgrading mechanism, innovation driving and the relationship between them, thisdissertation interprets the connotation of industrial cluster’s upgrading mechanism andinnovation driven, analyzes the relationship between the upgrading mechanism andinnovation driving. According to study, the existing theories emphasize the twoupgrade paths to innovation driven of cluster governance and embedded in globalvalue chain, break away the industrial development mode from industrial clusterupgrading, and the effect and regularity of innovation driving have not beenresearched seriously. Research shows that the essence of industrial cluster upgradingis the upgrading of industrial development mode, innovation driving is the premise ofupgrading mechanism of industrial clusters playing roles and is the core of the upgrading mechanism of industrial cluster. Therefore, based on existing results, theupgrading mechanism of industrial clusters develops deeply, which can be expressedas the innovation driving development mode of cluster governance is embedded inglobal value chain. Based on this, this dissertation will study theinnovation drivingonthe core position of upgrading mechanism of industrial clusters and its internaloperation mechanism and laws, so as to clarify the dissertation’s research direction.
     Based on the existing research achievements of innovation driving, thedissertation argues that innovation driving is a method of resource allocation, a kind ofendogenous development mode, an innovation function system, and also an industrialdevelopment strategy. According to study results about the form and mechanism ofinnovation system of national innovation system, regional innovation system andindustrial clusters innovation system theory, by using the method of cross disciplineand multi angle system analysis, this dissertation constructs the general analysisframework of innovation driving system consisting of innovation resources,innovation subject, innovation mechanism and innovation environment. Thetheoretical framework analyzes innovation driving system elements, the relationshipbetween them, the system mechanism and the innovation effect. Innovation driving isa dynamic open system composed of four elements, and improve the economic systeminnovation power through the multi agent collaboration, integration of multi factors,multi linkage mechanism together to achieve innovation functions includingtechnological innovation, knowledge innovation, system innovation, marketinnovation, service innovation and financial innovation. The construction ofinnovation drivingtheory framework of this dissertation provides a theoretical tool tothe research on the mechanism of industrial cluster upgrading.
     Based on the construction, combining the method of universality and particularity,this dissertation applies the general framework of innovation driving system toindustrial cluster upgrading process, and carries outfrom the four dimensions ofinnovation resources, innovation subject, innovation mechanism and innovationenvironment. During the course of innovation resources research, based on theeconomic growth theory, this dissertation makes a comparative study of innovationresources and traditional resources, and discusses how to promote industry upgrading by optimizing the combination of cluster resources. In the innovation subject research,this dissertation focuses on the analysis of the main function, power resource andability of innovation subject in innovation driving system, takes the enterprise as thecore, and from a cooperative, collaborative innovation, regional governance andknowledge flow dimensions interactively analyses of the collaboration relationshipbetween innovation subjects. In the innovation mechanism research, this dissertationexplains the basic concepts related to innovation driving mechanism and its systemconstructions, and discusses function and characteristics of the market mechanism,the government regulation mechanism and the cluster innovation mechanism in thecluster upgrading. In the innovation environment research, from the regional, nationaland global aspects, this dissertation analyses how the innovation environmentalfactors including regional innovation environment, national innovation environment,and the environment embedded in global value chain.
     According to above researches, innovation driving is the main driving force ofindustrial cluster upgrading. The upgrading and development of industrial clusters canbe jointly promoted by relying on the interaction and collaboration among innovationsubjects, the allocation optimization of innovation elements, linkage effect ofinnovation mechanism, and innovation environment, which formats technologicalinnovation with enterprises as the main body, knowledge innovation with institutes asthe main body, institutional innovation with government as the main body, serviceinnovation with intermediary service institutions as the main body, and financialinnovation with financial institution as the main body.
     Finally, combining empirical research and normative analysis and through aspecific case, this dissertation studies the mechanism how innovation driving plays arole in the upgrading of industrial clusters. Taking Zaozhuang new lithium energyindustry of Shandong province as an example, this dissertation introduces the presentand basic information of industrial cluster, analyzes existing problems of clusterupgrading from four aspects of innovation driving system, and formulates specificindustry cluster upgrading strategy.
     According to the need of industrial clusters upgrading, this dissertation studiesthe innovation driving system and law, and deepens rational knowledge of upgrading mechanism of industrial clusters from the angle of innovation driving, which not onlyexpands the research field of cluster upgrading and enriches the research results ofinnovation driving, but also makes through the inner link between innovation drivingand cluster upgrade realizing the innovation of research perspective; The constructionof innovation driving framework model provides theoretical guidance for researchinginnovation driving modes and rules of general economic system and formulatinginnovation driving strategy, and realizes the innovation of theory construction; Theinnovation driving system theory is applied to industrial cluster upgrading, and themechanism of cluster upgrading develops into the combination of inside and outsidepath under innovation driving development mode, which upgrades from elementsdriving development mode to innovation driving development mode, strengthens thecluster network governance and embeds in global value chain, and improves theinnovation ability and competitive strength of industrial clusters, whichnot onlyexplains the innovation driving strategy and innovation driving policy scientificallyand systematically, but also makes up the defect of study on the industrial clustersupgrading mechanism and has a more profound, systematic and comprehensiveunderstanding to the inherent laws of industry cluster upgrading, therefore it helps toput forward more systemic and pertinent policies and measures, plays the role oftheory guiding practice fully, and fulfills the innovation of research results.
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