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Water resources system is a complex coupling system, and it's connected with our social development and living environment. The study of water price develops with the study of resources economics, and it is an important part of the study of natural resources value.
    Combining positive study and normal study, quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, this paper systematically studies water pricing. Water pricing study relates to a broad field. In accordance with sustainable development theory, from the angle of coordination of resources, environment administration and economic policy, this paper has a try on introducing relative theory of economics into water pricing study. This paper reviews present state of water price study. Then after international comparison about water price system, this paper exposes defects of our water price system and states reform objects. As regards problems of our existing water price system, this paper makes monographic study about forming mechanism of water price, pricing method of water resources and pricing mechanism of water resources.
    In order to find general law of water price system, this paper compares water price system of America, Canada, England and France, and concludes their joint characters, which are helpful to our reform on water price system. At the same time, after analyzing defects of our present water price system, this paper explains one of important roots of unreal water price is view of priceless natural resources, imperfect resources price theory and pricing method. Based on this analysis, according to Maxis' labor value theory, western utility value theory, this paper analyzes connotation of water resources value and gets the conclusion that water resources has economic value and ecological value, and importance of its ecological value should be paid more attention. According to rent theory, externality theory of economics, this paper analyzes mechanism of water price forming, puts forward that water price should involve resources price, engineering price and environment price, and the re-decided water price is in dist
    inctive comparison with existing water price which is basically engineering price.
    On the basis of clear water resources value connotation and price composition, this paper analyzes ways of natural resources' price forming and states forming idea and forming principle of water price model. Analyzing relative factors of water pricing, this paper puts forward structure of water resources pricing model, makes pricing model of resources price, engineering price and environment price respectively, and sets up dynamic all-cost pricing model. Resources price is the core and difficulty of calculation about water resources value, and basis of water resources pricing. This paper emphasizes on pricing way of resources price and makes positive study about resources price of Dalian. Moreover, after discussing pricing of regenerated water resources, this paper proposes integrate pricing system of water resources and regenerated water resources.
    At last, this paper studies water resources mechanism, suggests choosing different water resources pricing mechanism considering water resources characteristic and different water demand, so that we attain government pricing mechanism, government guiding pricing mechanism and market pricing mechanism. Key point of improving government pricing mechanism is to price differentially to different users, to devise scientifically water price structure, to choose rationally charging model, to revoke water price subsidy, to clear out water resources administration system and to make clear of price administration right. Main point of introducing market pricing mechanism is to dispose first water right, to open up water market through the establishment of water right transaction system so as to improve market pricing mechanism of water resources.
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