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Based on the characteristics of surface water system and the current situations ofwater pollution in city of Tianjin, research was made mainly on security of surfacewater quality in this paper. The key influence factors of water quality safety wereidentified by system structure analysis. In order to improve water resource securityand water environment security, water quality warning model of reservoir and waterpollution control planning were made for algae bloom and urban storm water runoffpollution, which are the two main risk factors of the safetyof water source and urbanwaterenvironment.
     First of all, the current situation and the main influence factors of water pollutionof drinking water resource and urban water environment were analyzed. The safetysystem ofsurfacewater qualitywas establishedbythewatersafetytheory. Brittlenesstheory was introduced into the brittleness analysis of the main influence factors ofwater quality safety. The brittleness relationship of the subsystems of drinking waterresource, urban water environment, society and economy was also analyzed, whichcanbetakenasthefoundationoftheurbanwaterpollutioncontrolandmanagement.
     Secondly, based on the analysis of rules for algae bloom in Yuqiao reservoir,catastrophe theory was used to establish a cusp catastrophe model of algae bloom,taking total phosphorus and temperature as the control variables. What’s more, thecusp catastrophe warning model with combination variables was established byprincipal component analysis. With good warning accuracy, the model has the abilityofcatastrophewarningofalgaebloomaftertest.
     Third, aimed at the pollution characteristics of the river in flood season, aftermunicipal drainage discharged in, the water quality model of landscape river afterflood drainage was established by the methodology of river water environmentalcapacity, water body self-purification and system optimization, taking a landscaperiverinurbandistrict as thestudysubject. Combiningthedecrement ofpollutants andecological measures, the multi objective programming model based on ecological andenvironmentalengineeringforflooddrainagepollutioncontrolwasestablished.
     Ingeneral,inordertoguaranteethewaterqualitysafety,thetechniquesofsurfacewater quality safety, pollution warning of reservoir water quality and urban waterenvironment pollution control proposed in this paper could be taken as the theoreticalbasisofwaterpollutionwarningandcontrol.
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