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     第一部分 黑素细胞的体外培养及生物学鉴定
     目的 为应用培养的黑素细胞研究白癜风的发病机制,对正常人表皮的黑素细胞进行体外原代及传代培养,并对黑素细胞的生物学特性进行鉴定。
     方法 采用MCDB254培养基对正常人表皮黑素细胞进行体外培养,采用HMB-45单克隆抗体免疫组化法对培养细胞进行鉴定,透射电镜观察细胞的超微结构,确定培养细胞为黑素细胞且具有正常的生物学特征
Vitiligo is a depigmenting disease of the skin ,characterized by destruction of MC in lesions of vitiligo , resulting in patches of depigmentation. In China, the incidence of vitiligo in patients is about 1% to 2%. It can condition the behavior of people suffering from vitiligo and can deeply affect their personal relationships. The etiology is still unknown and pathogenesis has not been completely clarified so far, various hypotheses have been proposed, they include the genetic hypotheses, the autoimmune hypotheses , the autocytotoxic hypotheses, the neural hypotheses, and the lack of microelement hypotheses.
    In recent years , Increase levels of H_2O_2 were demonstrated in the epidermis of both lesional and nonlesional skin of vitiligo patients, H_2O_2 levels increase in response to oxidative stress. An imbalance of antioxidants was found in the epidermis, correlated to an increased reactive oxygen species(ROS) production. ROS can interact with macrom olecules such as proteins, membrance lipids and nucleic acids, and fina lly cause cells damaged.
    In this study , Normal melanocytes were cultured with H_2O_2 in different dosages(0-0. 5mmol/L) and different time(0—60minute), the appearance and function of the cells were analysed .The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of H_2O_2 on the melanocyte in vitro cultured and the relationship between oxidative stress and vitiligo. Part One Culture and biological characteristics of melanocytes Objective To indentify the biological characteristics of MC cultured in
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