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     对行人过街行为影响下的行人与机动车违章行为影响因素进行分析,并从行人及机动车违章行为角度出发,通过交通调查得到机动车违章相关数据,利用Logistic方法对机动车违章影响因素进行建模,提取影响机动车违章行为的主要参数,并通过Hosmer and Lemeshow指标对模型进行检验,检验结果证明该模型可较为准确反映机动车的违章行为。此外,分别针对行人违章及机动车违章两种情况,并考虑到行人间的相互干扰情况,利用间隙理论建立相应的效率及安全指标模型。最后,利用乘法合成法,将不同的指标进行合并,建立既考虑效率又考虑安全的综合效益指标,并绘制出不同违章率下的综合效益指标曲线图。
Faced with the depletion of fossil energy, global warming and worse environment,many national governments point out the concept of green environmental and sustainabledevelopment. The idea directly impacts the development of urban traffic. More and morecities encourage pedestrian traffic, bicycle traffic, and a model of sustainabledevelopment of urban traffic: walk system, public traffic system and bicylesystem,walking and bicycle of the slow traffic receive the esteem again.
     Over the past few decades, for adapting economy construction and social rapiddevelopment need, the efficiency and safey of vehicle operating are the most importantfactors when trying to solve urban traffic problems, in our cities. Pedestrians and cyclistshave to give priority to vehicles anywhere or anytime. And their benefits are damaged byvehicles. Their personal safety is under serious threat when interfering with vehicles. Theconcept of people-oriented is slowly filtering into people's minds, and the benefits andpersonal safety of pedestrians and cyclists have no longer been ignored, and have becomeimportant factors to solve traffic problem now.
     Pedestrian crossing behaviour is the most common phenomena in urban traiffic. Thetraffic conflict condition between vehicle and pedestrian is one of the most importantfactors leading to operation efficiency dropping and traffic accidents rising. Under themutual interference between pedestrians and vehicles, they all will take appropriateactions to adapt traffic conditions. The research on traffic characteristics of vehicles andpedestrians with pedestrians crossing can provides the theory basis for efficiency andsafey evaluation of pedestrian and vehicle,.In addition, it is also the important referenceof intersection signal control and management strategies, furthermore, promotes theurban traffic efficiency and safey. For all these reasons,this research is of great practicalsignificance.
     In this dissertation, we study deeply into the traffic characteristics of vehicles andpedestrians when pedestrians cross street. It mainly includes four aspects:
     (1) Pedestrians traffic characteristics with pedestrian crossing
     Based on the summary and analysis of the pedestrian traffic characteristics with pedestrian crossing, the paper analyzed the trajectory characteristics of pedestriancrossing. Video collection method was used to collect data, including the position andvelocity of pedestrian. Utilizing this coordinate point of pedestrian, we could obtain thepedestrian position and speed when crossing treet. Then the trajectory tracking analysissoftware of mixed traffic was used to generate the locus diagrams which can reflect thedetail spatial-temporal change of pedestrian.
     Based on the analysis on the position and speed of pedestrians, the influencingfactors on pedestrian trajectory of pedestrian were obtained. In addition, the factors wereclassified by their properties, and combining social force theory, the paper proposedseveral virtual force models of pedestrians crossing. At last, all this virtual forces werecomposed to a comprehensive virtual force model.
     (2) Efficiency Analysis of pedestrian crossing considering the influence ofinterference among bidirectional pedestrians
     The paper stated the modes of crossing, and the modes can differentiate to oncecrossing street and twice crossing street, and this two patterns have their owndistinguishing features. The pedestrian crossing delay and crossing capacity arecommonly used indexs. In comparison with the above two indexs, the pedestriancrossing delay was chosen to analyze further. Considering the interference amongbidirectional pedestrians, the paper used hydrodynamic theory to build the model ofpedestrian crossing delay under mutual interference among pedestrians. In addition,twice crossing street is split into two main stages and six kinds of situations were putforward based on the arrival distribution and crossing characteristic of pedestrians. Thepaper established all this six models of pedestrian crossing delay in every situation andcalibrated the parameters of the proposed models
     (3) Analysis the benefit of pedestrian crossing considering influence of vehicle andpedestrian peccancy
     The paper analyzed the influencing factors of vehicle and pedestrian peccancy whenpedestrians cross the street. then investigated the violations of vehicle and pedestrian.Based on the survey data, analyzed the influencing factors and build the models by usinglogistic regression. The proposed models have been proved to be a successful modewhich reflectting the real situation of vehicle and pedestrian peccancy. In addition,aiming at the vehicle peccancy and pedestrians violating traffic law, the paper used gaptheory to establish efficiency and safety models of pedestrian. At last, the indexes ofefficiency and safety are combined to build an comprehensive benefit index to make a quantitative evaluation on pedestrians crossing street based on multiplication synthesislaw.
     (4) Signal control of pedestrian-vehicle in road section with exit
     The paper make deep analysis of conflict characteristics between pedestrians andvehicles in road section with exit. By using probability theory and clearance theory buildthe delay model of the going-straight vehicle interfered with by left-turning vehicle,moreover, proposed the corresponding traffic control method of pedestrian andleft-turning vehicle. Based on this, two control schemes were analyzed comparativelythrough theoretical analysis and simulation examples. In addition, the paper also deeplyanalyzed the conflict characteristics between pedestrians and right-turning vehicle underdifferent control schemes. Based on this, the paper have maked a summary and analysisof the signal control condition of right-turning vehicle. Moreover, considering the vehiclepeccancy and mutual interference among pedestrians, the paper also proposed an averagepedestrian delay model under dfferent rates of violate, finally determined the signalcontrol condition of right-turning vehicle in road section with exit.
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