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     报道了该地单巢轮虫的物种多样性,共发现162种单巢轮虫,其中146个确定种,分属于2目、18科、40属。发现了刚果盆地的9个新种,其中8个新种属于鞍甲轮科的3个属:狭甲轮属1种:不对称狭甲轮(Colurella asymmetrica n.sp.);鞍甲轮属5种:海妮劳鞍甲轮(Lepadella hanneloreae n.sp.),镜如鞍甲轮(L. jingruae n.sp.),维佳鞍甲轮(L. weijiai n.sp.),伟氏鞍甲轮(L.wilungulai n.sp.),杨干比鞍甲轮(L. Yangambi n.sp.);鳞冠轮属2种:弯刺鳞冠轮(Squatinella curviseta n.sp.),长刺鳞冠轮(S. longipila n.sp.)。另外1个新种:台氏长柄斧轮(Asciaporrecta desmeti n.sp.),共生于介壳阿米巴内(Arcella crenulata Deflandre,1928)。长柄轮科和长柄轮属也是非洲的首次报道,文章也探讨了轮虫和阿米巴的关系;另外,罕见种美丽丫背轮(Pulchritia dorsicornuta (Van Oye,1926))合并了原有错误鉴定种(Monostyla doraicornuta Van Oye,1926),同时我们建立了鬼轮科的1个新属,即丫背轮(Pulchritia),文章因此也重新评论了鬼轮科的4个属的分类特征。对新种和罕见种进行了测量、画图、拍照和详细地描述,并制备了600多个刚果盆地单巢轮虫的永久封片,初步建立起了刚果盆地单巢轮虫的标本库。
     探讨了刚果盆地的轮虫区系组成。刚果盆地单巢轮虫的优势群,依次是腔轮属43种(29.45%)、鞍甲轮属24种(16.44%)、异尾轮属14种(9.59%)。大多数轮虫是广布种,19种(13.01%)是非洲新分布种;13种(8.9%)是非洲特有的;11种(7.5%)是古热带特有的,5种(3.4%)兼在非洲和美洲报道。刚果盆地的单巢轮虫的10个优势种是:囊形腔轮(Lecane bulla (Gosse,1851)),巨长肢轮(Monommata grandis Tessin,1890),真蹻布相轮(Beauchampiella eudactylota (Gosse,1886)),尖角腔轮(Lecane hamata (Stokes,1896)),对棘异尾轮(Trichocerca similis (Wierzejski,1893)),似月腔轮(Lecane lunar is (Ehrenberg,1832)),凡达鞍甲轮(Lepadella vandenbrandei Gillard,1952),四角平甲轮(Platyias quadricornis (Ehrenberg,1832)),锯切镜轮(Testudinella emarginula (Stenroos,1898)),爪趾腔轮(Lecane unguitata (Fadeev,1925))。
     分析了刚果盆地腔轮的地理分布特点。43种腔轮里面,35个为广泛分布种,占刚果盆地腔轮的81.4%:其中真正意义上的世界广布种19种,占刚果盆地腔轮的44.2%;12种全热带种,占刚果盆地腔轮的25.6%;3种泛热带种,占刚果盆地腔轮的7%;膨爪腔轮(Lecane climacois Harring&Myers,1926)只在北美和非洲报道。另外7个种分布于非洲和东洋区,占非洲腔轮的16.3%;只有塞尔维亚腔轮(Lecane sylviae Segers,1993)是非洲特有的,占非洲腔轮的2.3%。文章探讨了轮虫的特有种和入侵种问题。
Results are presented on a study of the species diversity of Rotifera in Congo Basin. A total of162taxa with146identified Monogonont Rotifera from more than170samples collected on May2010and June2012, are reported. These taxa belong to2orders,18families,40genera.9species are new to science.8of them are classified in3genera of Lepadellidae, viz. Colurella asymmetrica n.sp., Lepadella hanneloreae n.sp., L.jingruae n.sp., L. weijiai n.sp., L.wilungulai n.sp., L. Yangambi n.sp., Squatinella curviseta n.sp., S. longipila n.sp., One new species,Asciaporrecta desmeti n.sp., lives in tested amoeba belongs to genus Asciaporrecta. The genus Asciaporrecta and the family Asciaporrectidae are first records in Africa. Discussion of relationship between rotifers and tested amoebae is also made. Another species Pulchritia dorsicornuta (Van Oye,1926) comb. nov. for Monostyla dorsicornuta. A reappraisal of the genera of Trichotriidae (Rotifera:Monogononta) is reviewed, with the description of Pulchritia new genus. We propose the genus to accommodate Pulchritia dorsicornuta and Macrochaetus kostei Jose de Paggi, Branco&Kozlowsky-Suzuki,2010. Measurements, drawings and pictures were made to the new species and rare species. More than600permanent rotifer slides were also made, Which established a reference collection of these organisms from Congo Basin.
     The rotifer fauna of Congo Basin as reported here consists mostly of members of43Lecane(29.45%),24Lepadella(16.44%) and14Trichocerca(9.59%). Majority of fully identified rotifer species recorded here are Cosmopolitan,19(13.01%) are new to the Africa fauna;13(8.9%)are endemic to Africa;11(7.5%)are Paleotropical species and5(3.4%) are reported both in Africa and America. Ten species are dominant in Congo Basin, viz. Lecane bulla, Monommata grandis, Beauchampiella eudactylota, Lecane hamata, Trichocerca similis, Lecane lunaris, Lepadella vandenbrandei, Platyias quadricornis, Testudinella emarginula, Lecane unguitata.
     The geographical analysis of Lecane, which is the most abundant group from Congo Basin, is made. Among43Lecane,35are widely distributed(81.4%):19of them(44.2%) are Cosmopolitan(sensu stictu),;12of them are(25.6%);3of them are (7%); L. climacois occurs both in South America and Africa. Another7Lecane have ranges encompassing the Oriental and African regions(16.3%). Just L. sylviae appears to be endemic to Africa (2.3%). The thesis discussed the endemism and invasion of rotifers.
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