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     中国西北五省区不同地理区系茧蜂资源的丰富程度为:古北界>东洋界;华北区>华中区>蒙新区>青藏区;不同生境茧蜂资源的分布为:山地>林区>农田>植物园区>山前草地=荒漠;不同海拔茧蜂资源的分布情况为:1000m-2000m >500m-1000m >2000m-3000m >500m以下>3000m以上;不同气候类型的分布情况为:温带半湿润季风气候>温带大陆性干旱气候>高原高寒气候>亚热带湿润季风气候。多样性分析表明青海省茧蜂的均匀度最高,多样性指数也最高,但优势度指数最低;新疆地区的茧蜂的丰富度最低,多样性指数也最低,优势度指数最高;陕西省,甘肃省的茧蜂丰富度指数,多样性指数相差不大;各地多样性指标差距不大。
     研究结果表明,我国西北五省区茧蜂科Braconidae共有9亚科46属,它们分别是:反颚茧蜂亚科Alysiinae Stephens的反颚茧蜂属Alysia Latreille、缺肘反颚茧蜂属Aphaereta Foerster、开臂茧蜂属Asobara Foerster、巨穴反颚茧蜂属Aspilota Foerster、线痣反颚茧蜂属Dinotrema Foerster、光鞘反颚茧蜂属phaenocarpa Foerster、长痣反颚茧蜂属Tanycarpa Foerster;茧蜂亚科Braconinae Fabricius的阿蝇态茧蜂属Amyosoma Viereck、茧蜂属Bracon Fabricius、柔茧蜂属Habrobracon Ashmead;甲腹茧蜂亚科Cheloninae Nees von Esenbeck的革腹茧蜂属Ascogaster Wesmael、甲腹茧蜂属Chelonus Jurine、小甲腹茧蜂属Microchelonus Szepligeti、愈腹茧蜂属Phanerotoma Wesmael、合腹茧蜂属Phanerotomella Szepligeti;矛茧蜂亚科Doryctinae Forster的矛茧蜂属Doryctes、断脉茧蜂属Heterospilus Haliday、合沟茧蜂属Hypodoryctes Kokoujev、条背茧蜂属Rhaconotus Ruthe、柄腹茧蜂属Spathius Nees;优茧蜂亚科Euphorinae的蝽茧蜂属Aridelus Marshall、大颚茧蜂属Cosmophorus Ratzeburg、优茧蜂属Euphorus Nees、悬茧蜂属Meteorus Haliday、食甲茧蜂属Microctonus Wesmael、突眼茧蜂属Myiocephalus Marshall、毡腹茧蜂属Pygostolus Haliday、长柄茧蜂属Streblocera Westwood、汤氏茧蜂属Townesilitus Haeselbarth et Loan、赛茧蜂属Zele Curtis;小腹茧蜂亚科Microgastrinae Foerster的绒茧蜂属Apanteles Foerster s. str.、盘绒茧蜂属Cotesia Cameron、荻茧蜂属Diolcogaster Ashmead、长颊茧蜂属Dolichogenidea Viereck、刻茧蜂属Glyptapanteles Ashmead、小腹茧蜂属Microgaster Latreille、侧沟茧蜂属Microplitis Foerster;蚁茧蜂亚科Neoneurinae Bengtsson的华蚁茧蜂属Sinoneoneurus He, Chen et van Achterberg;潜蝇茧蜂亚科Opiinae Cresson的闭口茧蜂属Biosteres Foerster、衡痣茧蜂属Eurytenes Foerster、潜蝇茧蜂属Opius Wesmael、胫脊茧蜂属Utetes Foerster、缘脊茧蜂属Fopius Wharton;内茧蜂亚科Rogadinae的脊茧蜂属Aleiodes Wesmael、横纹茧蜂属Clinocentrus Haliday、内茧蜂属Rogas Nees。
     蚜茧蜂科Aphidiidae Haliday共有8属分别是:蚜茧蜂属Aphidius Nees;少脉蚜茧蜂属Diaeretiella Stary;全脉蚜茧蜂属Ephedrus Haliday;基突蚜茧蜂属Fissicaudus Stary & Schlinger;孔蚜茧蜂属Fovephedrus Chen;长径蚜茧蜂属Lipolexis Foerster;平突蚜茧蜂属Lysiphlebia Stary & Schlinger;蚜外茧蜂属Praon Haliday
This paper is based upon the examination of 15242 specimens mainly collected by sweeping from Shanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai, Xinjiang Provinces, in northweast of China. 9 subfamiles 46 genera of Braconidae and 8 genera of Aphidiidae are recognized and illustrated.
     The paper comprises 3 parts: General account, analyzing of bio-diversity index and Taxonomic part. In general part, the taxonomic history, morphology, biology, host records and the utilization for biological concrol. In the second part, based on 15242 specimens analysed Braconidae and Aphidiidae resources in different region, entironment, altitude, climate types. In the third part, the 9 subfamiles 46 genera of Braconidae and 8 genera of Aphidiidae from the 5 provinces are identified and a diagnosis for each is given.
     A list of the genera recognized in this paper is as follow.
     1) In different region of five provinces the distribution of Braconidae is that northern region >central China >Mongolian New >Qinghai-Tibet area; In different entironment the distribution of Braconidae is that mountain > forest > farmland > plant garden > lawn front hill = desertification; In different altitude the distribution of Braconidae is that 1000m-2000m >500m-1000m >2000m-3000m >lower than 500m > higher than3000m; In different climate types the distribution of Braconidae is that Temperate semi-humid monsoon climate > temperate continental arid climate> Highland cold climate > humid subtropical monsoon climate.
     The analysis of bio-diversity index shows that the species diversity and evenness is the highest in Qinghai province, but the dominance is the lowest. In Xinjiang province the richness and species diversity is the lowest, but the dominance is the highest. the richness and species diversity in Shanxi and Gansu provinces is the same, the bio-diversity index in five provinces has the less difference.
     2) Braconidae: Alysia Latreille, Aphaereta Foerster, Asobara Foerster, Aspilota Foerster, Dinotrema Foerster, phaenocarpa Foerster, Tanycarpa Foerster;Amyosoma Viereck, Bracon Fabricius, Habrobracon Ashmead ; Ascogaster Wesmael, Chelonus Jurine, Microchelonus Szepligeti, Phanerotoma Wesmael, Phanerotomella Szepligeti;Doryctes, Heterospilus Haliday, Hypodoryctes Kokoujev, Rhaconotus Ruthe, Spathius Nees;Aridelus Marshall, Cosmophorus Ratzeburg, Euphorus Nees, Meteorus Haliday, Microctonus Wesmael, Myiocephalus Marshall, Pygostolus Haliday, Streblocera Westwood, Townesilitus Haeselbarth et Loan, Zele Curtis;Apanteles Foerster s.str., Cotesia Cameron, Diolcogaster Ashmead, Dolichogenidea Viereck, Glyptapanteles Ashmead, Microgaster Latreille, Microplitis Foerster;Sinoneoneurus He, Chen et van Achterberg;Biosteres Foerster, Eurytenes Foerster, Opius Wesmael, Utetes Foerster, Fopius Wharton;Aleiodes Wesmael, Clinocentrus Haliday, Rogas Nees.
     Aphidiidae:Aphidius Nees, Diaeretiella Stary, Ephedrus Haliday, Fissicaudus Stary & Schlinger, Fovephedrus Chen, Lipolexis Foerster, Lysiphlebia Stary & Schlinger, Praon Haliday.
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