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合成孔径雷达(SyntheticAperture Radar, SAR)通过发射宽频带信号来获取高的距离分辨率,并利用长的合成孔径来获取横向高分辨,从而获得大面积的高分辨率SAR图像。SAR具有全天候、远距离和极强的穿透力等特点并能在恶劣环境下以很高的分辨率提供地面信息。因此,SAR在地球科学、水文科学和生态科学等领域的作用越来越重要。然而,在SAR系统中,相干斑的存在使得后续基于SAR图像的理解及解译存在着很大的困难。因此,根据SAR图像中的观测值准确地估计图像真实的雷达散射截面积(Radar Cross Section, RCS)一直是SAR图像预处理的一个重要的研究课题。近些年来,根据未降斑处理或者已预降斑处理后的SAR图像,进行SAR图像的分割和后续的变化检测也一直受到雷达信号处理领域的广泛关注。
     针对传统空域非局部均值(Non-local means, NLM)方法在SAR图像相干斑抑制中存在相似区域提取不足和方向信息捕获不足的问题,提出了一种基于各向异性高斯方向窗和史蒂文无偏风险估计(Stein’s unbiased risk estimation, SURE)准则融合的非局部均值算法。该方法利用多个不同方向的各向异性高斯窗来匹配SAR图像的局部空间几何结构,比传统的方形窗能更好地保护SAR图像中的方向性结构。然后,采用比率测度测量策略来衡量两个图像块的相似程度。最终,结合Stein’s无偏风险估计(SURE)准则来融合不同方向的各向异性高斯窗的非局部平均结果。文中针对多幅测试SAR图像进行了对比实验,实验结果表明:提出的方法在有效抑制SAR图像相干斑的同时很好地保留了SAR图像的几何结构信息,为后续的SAR图像理解与解译奠定了良好的基础。
     针对传统空域两时相SAR图像变化检测存在相邻像素间相似特征捕捉和方向分辨率较差的不足以及SAR图像相干斑噪声建模的困难,提出了一种基于Stein’s无偏风险估计(SURE)阈值线性展开(linear expansion of threshold, LET)和非下采样Brushlet变换的SAR图像二维最大类间方差(2D-otsu)变化检测方法。该方法基于两幅SAR图像的差异图,结合非下采样Brushlet域的各向异性局部高斯非线性加权均值计算和空域最小化均方误差的线性组合来获取相干斑噪声抑制后的均值特征,并结合差异图的灰度特征最终实现变化区域的检测。非下采样Brushlet变换解决了小波角分辨率的问题,可获得各个方向、频率和位置的方向纹理的精确定位。SURE-LET方法不必为原始差异图像假设统计模型,并使得算法仅解决一个线性方程系统,快速而有效。该方法在SAR图像变化检测中优于传统的算法,并且由于非下采样Brushlet变换和各向异性高斯方向窗的引入,能够在变化区域检测的同时很好地保留纹理边缘等细节信息。
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) can obtain high range-resolution by transmittingwideband radar signal and high azimuth-resolution by long synthetic aperture.Therefore, high-resolution SAR image with large-size can be captured. SAR has theability to image the earth’s surface in nearly all weather conditions for long distance.Together with its high spatial resolution, the SAR has a more and more important role atfields of geosciences, hydrology and bionomics, etc. While, the subsequent SAR imageunderstanding is difficult because of the presentation of SAR speckle. Therefore, interm of the observation value of the SAR image, the estimation of the true value of theRadar cross section (RCS) is an important research topic of SAR image pre-processing.These years, the subsequent SAR image segmentation and change detection have moreand more attentions in the Radar signal processing fields.
     In this dissertation, the SAR image despeckling technology, SAR imagesegmentation and change detection methods are studied, and a series of practicaleffective methods are proposed. The author’s major contributions are outlined asfollows:
     1. The non-local despeckling method for SAR image based on anisotropicGaussian directional window and Stein unbiased risk estimation (SURE) aggregationhas been proposed.
     Aimed at the shortage of similar region and directional information capture lack forSAR image despeckling using conventional non-local means method (NLM), a newNLM SAR image despeckling method is proposed based on anisotropic Gaussiandirectional window and Stein unbiased risk estimation (SURE) aggregation. Thismethod is based on multiple different directional anisotropic Gaussian windows, whichcan match the local geometric structure and can capture more pattern redundancy thanthe square window in the conventional NLM. Then, the ratio measurement strategy isutilized to compute the similarity of two patches. Finally, the results of NLM withdifferent anisotropic Gaussian windows are aggregated using the Stein unbiased riskestimation criterion. For multiple SAR images, the experiment results show that the newmethod has advantages in the SAR image despeckling performance, and can wellpreserve the local geometric structure information, which is essential for understandingand interpretation of SAR image.
     2. Spatial threshold-segmentation method of SAR image based on adaptiveGaussian weighted directional window and three-dimensional Otsu method has beenproposed.
     Aimed at the shortage of the abilities of noise removing and small targetpreservation for the conventional three-dimensional (3D) Otsu thresholding method, a new three-dimensional Otsu method based on adaptive Gaussian weighted directionalwindow is proposed. The new method improves the window setting method of the3DOtsu. The window size, scale and filtering angles are adaptively determined by the localstationarity characters. Then, based on the non-local multiple directions similaritymeasurement, the pattern redundancy in the image can be captured effectively. Finally,the3D histogram is constructed based on the gray value, weighted mean value andweighted median value. And the threshold vector is computed by the maximumbetween-class variance method to segment the image. The proposed method has thebetter segmentation performance, with better performance for noise removal and smalltarget preservation.
     3. SAR image segmentation method in overcomplete Brushlet domain based onGray-Level Cooccurrence Probability and Fuzzy C-Mean (FCM) clustering has beenproposed.
     Aimed at the shortage of edge preservation and low direction-resolution for SARimage segmentation based on the conventional wavelet transform domain, a newsegmentation method is proposed based on Gray-Level Cooccurrence Probability(GLCP)features in the overcomplete Brushlet domain. This method compresses the redundantGLCP features extracted by the adaptive window Gaussian filtering in differentdirection coefficient blocks using compressed sensing, then the Fuzzy C-Mean (FCM)clustering method is utilized to complete the clustering and obtain the segmentationresult. The experiment results show that the new method has advantages in the edgepreservation and direction extraction, and obtains better segmentation results withrespect to other methods.
     4. SAR image segmentation method based on overcomplete Brushlet transform andspectral cluttering ensemble has been proposed.
     Aimed at the shortages of edge preservation and low direction-resolution based onthe conventional wavelet transform domain and the sensitivity of the scaling parameterof the spectral cluttering, a new segmentation method is proposed based onovercomplete Brushlet transform and spectral cluttering ensemble. This method solvesthe sensitivity problem of the spectral cluttering and low direction-resolution of thewavelet transform. This method has better performance than the conventional spectralcluttering, and avoids the selection problem of the scaling parameter. The new methodhas better segmentation performance than the conventional methods, and hasadvantages in the preservations of the edge and direction details.
     5. SAR image change detection method in overcomplete Brushlet domain based onStein unbiased risk estimation has been studied.
     Aimed at the shortage of similarity character capture and low direction-resolutionfor SAR image change detection and the difficult for the modeling of speckle noise, a new2D-otsu SAR image change detection method is proposed based on Stein unbiasedrisk estimation (SURE) and linear expansion of threshold (LET) in the overcompleteBrushlet domain. Based on the diversity image, this method combines the localanisotropic Gaussian weighted nonlinear mean procedure in the overcomplete Brushletdomain and linear combination with the minimum mean squared error in the originaldomain to obtain mean character after the speckle noise is removed. Then, changedetection is processed with combining the mean character and gray-level character. Theovercomplete Brushlet resolves the problem of low direction-resolution, and canaccurate positioning the texture of each direction, frequency and position. The SUREand LET principles together give a fast and efficient algorithm that only solves a linearsystem of equations, without the prior knowledge of the speckle noise model. The newmethod has advantages in the change detection performance, and can well preserve thedetailed information such as the texture edge.
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