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Surgical resection of hepatic lobes or chemical injury can trigger hepatocyte replication and enlarge liver mass, this phenomenon was named for liver regeneration. The model of 2/3 hepatectomy in rat is the most widely used model and the closest approximation of pure liver regeneration unaccompanied by cellular injury. Liver regeneration is a pathophysiological process can be divided into priming stage, progression stage, cell cycle stage and termination stage. Among these, the priming stage is the most impotant and special stage. Hepatocytes can quickly change their state from G0 to G1 during this short stage. The mechanism of the priming of liver regeneration is still not very clear until now. Evident shows that plasma and intracellular factors both can play an important role during this stage. In the current research, in order to reveal the priming mechanism of liver regeneration, samples (plasma, hepatocyte total protein, hepatocyte cytosol protein) of the rats at 4 h after 2/3 partial hepatectomy (PHx) was studied by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) and two-dimensional blue native gel electrophoresis (2D-BN). Normal and Sham-operation control samples were also studied. In the 2DE studies, 19 differential proteins were found and identified in hepatocyte total protein samples and 7 differential proteins were found and identified in plasma samples. In the 2D-BN studies, 9 differential protein complexes contains 41 protein components were found and identified in hepatocyte cytosol samples and 1 protein complex contains 11 protein components were found and identified in plasma samples. The results reflect the complex changes of metabolism, substance transportation and signal transduction inside the hepatocytes at 4h after partial hepatectomy. Some of the results suggest that some protein such as ROCK-1 and M4 protein might be increasingly secreted into plasma and involved in the priming of liver regeneration. To date, the results constitute the largest database of proteome changes during liver regeneration from a single study. These finding give us the important clues for the study of the priming of liver regeneration.
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