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     1.本研究通过杂交试验对黑羽鹌鹑突变体的遗传机制进行了分析验证。试验表明,控制黑羽性状的基因h位于常染色体上,相对于等位基因H为不完全隐性,该基因座与性染色体Z上的基因座B/b和Y/y具有一定的互作关系。黑羽鹌鹑与朝鲜鹌鹑(栗羽)、北京白羽鹌鹑和黄羽鹌鹑的基因型和表型关系如下:♂♀黑羽hhZYBZYB hhZYBW栗羽HHZYBZYB HHZYBW黄羽HHZyBZyB HHZyBW白羽HHZYbZYb HHZYbW
The black feather quail was a new plumage color mutant that we discovered from Korea maroon quail, when black quail matching with yellow quail or Beijing white quail, a lot of feather colors were separated from their offsprings. In order to make full use of the black quail’s genetic characteristic of plumage color, developping genetic resources of black feather quail, the genetic mechanism of quails was analized by genetics cross test in the study, and black pure line of their genetic mechanism was bred by cross test, self-fertilization, backcross test. On the base of that, observations and analysises were carried out respectively from morphology, cytology, DNA molecular level, growth and production performance. The study provided scientific basis for the breeding new strains, the evaluation of Germplasm resourcesand autosexing hybridized combination.
     1. The black feather quail was first discovered and the interaction of sex-linked gene for plumage color was analized and identified by cross test. It was proved that the plumage color gene h which control the black feather traits loci in the euchromosome, relative to allele H, is not completely recessive and the gene interact with B/b and Y/y loci in the Z-chromosome. The phenotype and genetype of black feather and North Korean quail(Maroon), White colour quail in beijing and Yellow quail.♂♀Black hhZYBZYB hhZYBW Maroon HHZYBZYB HHZYBW Yellow HHZyBZyB HHZyBW White HHZYbZYb HHZYbW
     2. The appearance, growth and development, production performance, reproducti- ve performance and slaughter performance of male quail were observed and determin- ated. The results showed that the plumage color of the egg black feather quail from hatching to adult has significantly difference compared with the North Korean quails, yellow feather quail and white feather quail, in particular, the characteristics of the black feather from Hatching to 1 week were maked. when they are adult, their size and plumage color patterns are similar to the Korean quails, but its plumage color is deeper than North Korea. The rule of weight gain and production performance is almostly accord with North Korean quails, yellow feather quail and Beijing white feather quail. The weight of 10-week male and female quail were 120.62±6.28g and 151.25±16.36g. The age at first laying is 52.6±6.587d, after the beginning, the egg production rate of a week stabilized at 84.8%, the average weight of an egg was 11.2±0.325g, egg fertilization rate was 77.4%, fertilization egg hatching rate was 82.8%, male quail slaughter rate was 93.47±5.11%.
     3. According to the Chromosomes karyotype made by bone marrow, the Chrom- osomes karyotype of black feather was basically the same with North Korean quails and yellow quails.
     4. Through analysis of the genetic diversity of black feather quail’s nine microsat- ellite loci, the result shows that black feather quail in the nine microsatellite loci 46 al-leles were detected, the average number of alleles 5.111, The average PIC was 0.6204, the average heterozygosity was 0.6952, the average effective number of 3.5338 for the gene, black feather quail has rich genetic diversity and higher genetic potential, and we should strengthen breeding, make full use of their genetic resources and improve prod- uction performance, and at the same time, provides germplasm resources with genetic information from molecular.
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