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Luman募集因子(Luman Recruting Factor, LRF)是近年来发现的一个转录因子,目前的研究主要集中于其分子结构的研究,但其在雌性哺乳动物生殖过程中的作用鲜有报道。前期基因敲除鼠实验证明:LRF基因与小鼠的生殖相关,LRF基因敲除雌鼠无论与野生型雄鼠或杂合子雄鼠合笼后,均可产生后代,但产仔数降低,纯合子基因敲除雌鼠的母性变差;与基因敲除的雄鼠交配则不育。基因敲除雌鼠妊娠期促乳素(PRL)、糖皮质激素和催产素的分泌范型发生显著变化。提示LRF在小鼠生殖中的作用,但其作用的机制和影响生殖的环节与时期则不清楚。本实验应用实时荧光定量PCR、免疫组织化学和Western blot等方法检测了LRF在雌性小鼠生殖组织中的时空性表达,主要检测了LRF在发情周期中不同阶段的卵巢、输卵管和子宫中的表达;LRF在小鼠卵泡发生及植入前胚胎发育过程中的时空性表达;LRF在围植入期子宫中的时空性表达,在假孕、延迟着床和着床激活、人工诱导蜕膜化及类固醇激素处理的小鼠子宫模型中的表达。进而揭示LRF对小鼠卵子发生及植入前胚胎发育、胚胎植入的调节作用。此外,研究了LRF介导的ERS在小鼠卵巢颗粒细胞凋亡过程中的作用。
     1.构建GST-LRF-N端原核表达载体,最佳表达条件优化后,亲和层析方法纯化得到GST-LRF-N端融合蛋白并免疫兔子和小鼠获得了抗血清;通过优化GST-LRF表达条件,应用切胶及反复冻融方法获得了GST-LRF融合蛋白,免疫小鼠获得了抗血清。以上两种方法获得的抗血清经Western blot鉴定特异性较强,适合用于进行后续实验。
     2.应用实时荧光定量PCR、免疫组织化学技术和Western blot方法研究LRF在小鼠发情周期中不同阶段的卵巢、输卵管和子宫中的时空性表达。LRF在发情周期卵巢、输卵管和子宫中有明显的变化规律。LRF在发情前期和发情期的表达最低,而在间情期表达水平最高;在各个时期的输卵管壶腹部和峡部,子宫腺上皮和腔上皮都检测到了LRF蛋白。提示LRF可能在雌性小鼠生殖过程中具有重要的作用,且LRF的规律性变化可能与类固醇激素的周期性变化相关。
     3.应用实时荧光定量PCR、免疫荧光细胞化学方法研究LRF在植入前胚胎中的表达。在受精卵、2-cell、4-cell、8-cell、桑葚胚和囊胚中都检测到了LRF mRNA和LRF蛋白。而LRF mRNA和LRF蛋白在囊胚期显著地增加,且在滋养外胚层和内细胞团都检测到LRF蛋白,提示LRF可能参与胚胎发育和分化,以及胚胎植入过程。
     LRF mRNA显著性地在妊娠第5d附植窗口期子宫增加,LRF蛋白在妊娠第5d附植窗口期的子宫内膜胚胎附植位点、腺体高表达,与妊娠1-4d的妊娠子宫相比,基质细胞中LRF蛋白表达显著地增加,提示LRF参与胚胎附植过程。胚胎着床激活子宫LRF mRNA显著高于对照组,LRF蛋白高表达于胚胎着床激活子宫附植位点和腺体,结合假孕实验小鼠模型结果,说明活化的胚胎参与激活子宫容受性,进而参与胚胎附植。
     LRF mRNA在妊娠第6、7d显著增加,LRF高表达于妊娠第6d的初级蜕膜区(PDZ),第7d的次级蜕膜区(SDZ)。诱导蜕膜化子宫LRF mRNA显著地高于未诱导的子宫,LRF蛋白微弱地表达于未诱导的子宫腔上皮,而诱导的蜕膜化子宫出现许多的蜕膜化细胞,并高表达LRF蛋白。提示LRF参与蜕膜化过程。
     与对照子宫相对比,激素诱导的子宫LRF mRNA发生明显的变化,在外源激素未处理的对照子宫腔上皮只能检测到微弱的LRF蛋白,在P_4和E_2+P_4处理的子宫腔上皮、腺上皮及间质细胞都能检测到LRF蛋白,在E_2处理的子宫腔上皮、腺上皮能检测到LRF蛋白。提示LRF受到E_2、P_4的调节。
Luman recruitment factor (LRF) is novel identified transcription factor, but thebiological function of LRF remains unknown. Previous studies with LRF knockout mouse hasbeen suggested that LRF has relationship with the mouse reproduction, the litter size and thematernity of homozygote LRF knockout female mouse (LRF-/-) reduced when mated withwild type (LRF+/+) and heterozygote (LRF+/-) male mouse, but sterility arised when thehomozygote LRF knockout female mouse (LRF-/-) mated with homozygote LRF knockoutmale mouse (LRF-/-). The patterns of prolactin (PRL), glucocorticosteroid, ocytocin in thepregnant female mice were remarkably changed. These results suggested that LRF might playimportant roles in the mouse reproduction, but the mechanism and the accurate function ofLRF in reproduction were unknown. The expression patterns of LRF in the mouse werechecked by Real time PCR, immunohistochemistry and Western blot during different time andgerminal tissue, including ovary, oviduct and uterus during estrous cycle; Ovarian follicle andpreimplantation embryo; Peri-implantation mouse uteri, the uteri of pseudopregnant mouse,the uteri of delayed implantation and activiated implantation, artificial induced decidual uteri,the uteri administrated with steroid hormone. The biological functions of LRF were revealedthrough these studies. In addition, the biological function of LRF in the ERS during ovariangranulosa cell apoptosis was studied.
     1. Constructed GST-LRF-N terminal recombination vector and chosen the optimalexpression conditions, the GST-LRF-N fusion protein was purified by affinity chromatographand LRF antiserum was gained from the mouse and rabbit immuned with the GST-LRF-Nfusion protein. The LRF antiserum was identified by Western blot and the results suggestedthat the antiserum might be used for the next studies.
     2. The expression patterns of LRF in the ovary, oviduct and uterus during estrous cyclewere checked by Real time PCR, immunohistochemistry and Western blot. The expression ofLRF remarkably changed at different stages during estrous cycle, LRF was lower atpreoestrus and estrous than others, but higher at dioestrus. LRF protein mainly localized in theampulla and isthmus of oviduct, in the glandular epithelium and luminal epithelium of uterusat different stages. The results suggested that LRF might play important roles in the female mouse reproduction and the biological functions of LRF might be regulated by steroidhormone.
     3. The expression patterns of LRF in the preimplantation embryo were checked by Realtime PCR and immunofluorescence. The LRF mRNA and protein were all checked in zygote,2-cell,4-cell,8-cell, morula and blastula. The LRF mRNA and protein were remarkablyincreased in the4-cell and blastula, LRF protein were detected in the trophectoderm (TE) andinner cell mass (ICM). The results suggested that LRF might involve in embryonicdevelopment and differentiation, as well as embryo implantation.
     The localization of LRF protein in the ovarian follicle were checked, the LRF proteinexisted in primordial follicle, primary follicle, secondary follicle, tertiary follicle and vesiculagraafianae, LRF protein mainly localized in the oocyte and ovarian granulosa cell. The resultssuggested that LRF might involve in the development, growth, mature and ovulation ofoocyte. In addition, the LRF might play important role in proliferation and differentiation ofgranulosa cell.
     4. The expression of LRF in the peri-implantation pregnant mouse uterus,pseudopregnant mouse uterus, delayed implantation uterus and activated uterus, artificalinduced decidual uterus were checked by Real time PCR, immunohistochemistry and relatedmouse model.
     Compared with pregnant uterus during days1-4, LRF mRNA remarkably increased inthe uterus on day5when embryo implantation happened, LRF mainly localized in theimplantation site, stromal cell and glandular cell. The result suggested that LRF might involvein embryo implantation. The expression patterns of pseudopregnant uteri and implantationactivated uterus suggested that increased expression of LRF and the receptivity of uterus onday5was activated by the embryo.
     LRF mRNA remarkably increased in the uterus at day6,7when decidualizationhappened, the LRF protein localized in the primary decidual zone (PDZ) on day6and in thesecondary decidual zone (SDZ) on day7. LRF mRNA significantly higher in artifical induceddecidual uterus than control, little protein detected in the luminal epithelial cell in control, butmass of decidual cell were detected and stained positive in the artifical induced decidualuterus. The results suggested that LRF might involve in decidualization.
     Compared with the control, the LRF mRNA was changed in the uteri administrated withE_2, P_4, E_2+P_4. Little protein detected in the luminal epithelial cell in the control, but LRFprotein were detected in the luminal epithelial cell, glandular epithelial cell of uteri treatedonly with E_2, in the luminal epithelial cell, glandular epithelial cell and stroma-cell of uteritreated with P_4, E_2+P_4.The results suggested that the function of LRF regulated by E_2and P_4.
     5. Mouse granulosa cell were cultured in vitro and induced by thapsigargin (Tg) andtunicamycin (Tm) for ERS model, the biological functions of LRF was studied by Real timePCR, immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry. The LRF protein was checked in theapoptotic ovarian granulosa cell, the LRF protein and pro-apoptotic CHOP, Caspase-12wereco-localized in the apoptotic ovarian granulosa cell. ERS related genes were remarkablychanged companied with the increased apoptotic ovarian granulosa cell. The results suggestedthat LRF might involve in the mouse granulosa cell apoptosis.
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