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苹果(Malus domestica B.)是世界上最重要的鲜食和加工果品之一。苹果和以苹果浓缩汁为主的加工业成为我国加入世贸组织以后最具国际市场竞争力的优势农产品之一。我国长期以鲜食苹果栽培为主,主栽品种如富士系列、元帅系列、嘎啦系列等均偏甜而少酸,导致加工产品酸度低,出口效益较低,生产上迫切需要发展适宜加工的酸度高的品种。为了研究苹果酸度调控机制,本文利用分子标记、分析代谢关键酶和cDNA-AFLP差异显示的方法对控制果实酸度的基因进行了研究。主要结果如下:
     利用苹果上开发的140对SSR引物对东光和富士的F1代群体进行了酸、非酸性状的分子标记筛选,得到一个与果实酸性状连锁的SSR标记(CH03d12),遗传距离为8.89 cM。共显性分析表明酸(Ma)对非酸(ma)为完全显性。
Apple (Malus domestica B.) is one of the most important processing and table fruits all over the world. Apple and its processing industry represented by concentrated juice have become one of the most competitive agricultural products in the international market after China’s accession to WTO. However, we are still facing a most outstanding problem, i.e. lacking of special processing varieties with high acidity. In order to investigate the mechanism of malic aicd accumulation in apple fruits, we conducted some researches on the genes related to apple fruit acidity by screening SSR markers, cloning and transcriptional analysis and cDNA-AFLP techniques.
     1. Analysis of apple fruit acid/non-acid trait by SSR markers
     In this study, SSR markers linked to acid/non-acid trait in apple fruits was recruited from 140 SSR primer pairs. The screening population was composed of 91 F1 offsprings crossed by apple cultivar‘Dongguang’and‘Fuji’. Of 140 SSR primer pairs, only primer CH03d12 produced a polymorphic band linked to the acid trait with a linkage distance of 8.89 cM. The SSR marker analysis, coupled with the change of the total acid and malic acid contents, revealed that acid/non-acid trait was governed by a major gene and acid trait was complete dominant.
     2. Extraction of total RNA from apple flesh with the modified hot borate method.
     Apple fruits, especially at the riping stages, contain high contents of polysaccharides and other secondary metabolites. Therefore, it is very difficult to extract RNA from riping apple fruits. In order to resolve this problem, an modified hot borate protocol was developed for extracting high quality RNA from riping apple fruits by using assistant reagents and rearranging extraction steps. This modified method was so effective as to produce ca. 13.40μg/g total RNA from fruits at early stage, i.e., approximately 7 days after anthesis, and ca. 7.02μg/g from fruits at late stage, i.e. 7 days before harvest. The A_(260)/A_(230) of resultant RNA was more than 2.0 as well as A_(260)/A_(280) ranged from 1.8 to 2.1. The quality was high enough to perform RT-PCR and cDNA-AFLP analysis.
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