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After World WarⅡwith the collapse of European colonialism system, Most of European colonists have returned to their original countries, meanwhile many immigrants from the European original colony moved into the European. As European has a large number of colonies in the Islamic world, the main body of these colonial immigrants is Muslims who believe in Islam. Thus Muslim immigrants became the largest minority ethnic group in Europe. Gradually they came to Europe and had an important impact on European political, economic, social and cultural values, thus Muslims become unavoidable issues that contemporary European states should face to. As there is huge difference in the aspects of cultural, religious and values between Muslims and the European mainstream society, so the friction and conflicts between the two cultures are inevitable. Muslim population in European countries has also become an important domestic and foreign policy reference index:it is related to whether the foreign ethnic groups can integrate with the local society, but also be as a symbol of so-called "clash of civilizations" between the Islamic world and the West.
     In the context of the global anti-terrorism, European integration, social diversity and racial issues intensified, European Muslims become worthy studying for the Chinese academy.
     As a part of worldwide transnational migration, British Muslims happen and develop with the interaction between East and West in the globalization era, the expansion of Western colonialism, colonial independence, the reconstruction of Europe and other major historical events. Britain is one of the largest immigration countries in Europe. Muslim immigrants who have different cultural backgrounds and come from various countries play an important role in British political, economic, cultural and other fields, thus it is closely related with the British social and cultural development strategies. British government had to admit "cultural diversity" of immigrants in the post-colonial era, and gradually began to implement cultural pluralism model. Compared to France, Germany and other Western European countries, Britain has the long-term relative harmony relationship between mainstream society and the Muslim. But in recent years, with the economic setbacks in the European integration process, the relationship between the mainstream society and Muslim has become tenser in Britain. This phenomenon reflects the complex relationships among the national identity, ethnic identity and religious identity. How to reach the inclusive relationship between the mainstream society and Muslim immigrants; between national identity and the ethnic cultural identity, reduce the social and cultural conflict, it is essential not only for Britain, but also to provide important reference to solve the Ethnic Issues for the global multi-ethnic country.
     In this dissertation, ethnographic and the history of ethnology research methods was combined to be used, according to the author's issues awareness arising from China and the data being collected in the field survey of UK. This dissertation starts with the presentation of Muslim immigration process in context of the historical development in UK and Europe, then describes the Muslim population actuality in the UK, Under the "push and pull" effect of the UK's labor demand and the wish of the Muslim's going abroad for development, analyzes Muslim immigrants'motives to western countries and the distribution of the immigrants, describes the whole socio-economic status of British Muslims, and pointed that the cultural diversity for their livelihoods and marginalization of the status quo; and then Carding the British complex denominational branch of Islam, analyzes the functions of Muslim religious organizations on maintaining immigrant mutual help, strengthening Muslim identity, expressing interest demands and promoting political and social participation, ect. Based on the author's special concerns on the development of Muslim education and women, this dissertation pays special attention to identify the educational needs of Muslim, tries to find the unmet need problem in the British education system and predicted the social consequences might be caused. This dissertation focuses on revealing British Muslim women who are under the orientalism imagine on Islam and Muslim women from Western mainstream society, their disadvantaged position in education, career, marriage, social participation and other aspects, and points out extraordinary sacrifices they made in the context of cultural conflicts. Based on the author's concern about the future prospects of cultural pluralism policy, the dissertation also analyzes the challenges of multiculturalism policies and the political interaction between the British government and Muslim after "9·11" and "7·7" London subway bombings in order to show that there exists potential Islamophobia performance in the British society and the British Muslims fight for stigma. Finally, the dissertation discusses the globalization impacts on British Muslim identity and causes to deep cultural identity crisis, then come to conclusion that "mobile" ("Variability") of the British Muslim identity is closely related with the Islamic world outside.
     The core argument of this dissertation is that the pursuit of group life philosophy, identity concepts and cultural diversity clear out the human situation in the process of globalization. In this dissertation, the author used the concept of "mobile of the subjective, multi-self and identity complex" to interpret the correlation among social structure, cultural identity and context symbol, and it has the significance of resolving rather than deepening of cultural identity crisis. This liquidity cultural identity concept will make people has the flexible choice and pass through local and West, modern and tradition, nationality and globalism, etc. In the manner of "take a root" and "shift" in the era of the globalization and multiculturalism.
1 Immanual Wallerstein:The End of the World as We Know it:Social Science for the Twenty-first Century, University of Minnesota Press,1999. p17.
    3 International Religious Freedom Report (2003),载美国国务院网站(http://www.stategov/g/drl/rls/ irf/2003)。而根据欧盟官方网站于2004年公布的统计数据,以及欧共体统计办公室、英国广播公司、美国中央情报局网站于2005和2007年公布的世界各国概况统计数据,整个欧盟国家的穆斯林人口约为16146万,占整个欧盟国家总人口的比例为3%。
    4 Tinothy M. Savage:" Europe and Islam:Crescent Waxing Cultures Clashing ", The Washington Quarterly, summer 2004, p26.
    5《欧洲穆斯林何去何从》,[EB/OL]. http://www.elaputa.com/bbs/read.php?tid=1458.
    1陈志强:《欧洲移民问题:研究史回顾及中国视角构建》, 《上海商学院学报》,2008年第3期。
    1 Nonneman, G., Muslim Communities in the New Europe:Themes and Puzzles in:Nonneman, G., Niblock, T. and Szajkowski, B. (eds.) (1997) Muslim Communities in the New Europe, Reading; Ithaca Press.
    2 Vertovec, S. and Peach, C. (1997) Islam in Europe and the Politics of Religion and Community, in:Vertovec, S. and Peach, C. (eds).Islam in Europe:the Politics of Religion and Community. Basingstoke:Macmillan.
    1 Nielsen, J.(1992) Muslims in the Western Europe, Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press.p15
    2 ibid:11
    3 Gerholm, T. and Lithman, Y. (eds)(1988) The New Islamic Presence in Western Europe. London and New York: Mansell Publishing Limited.
    4 Shadid, W. and Koningsveld, P. (1995) Religious Freedom and the Position of Islam on West Europe. The Netherlands:Kok Pharos Publishing House.
    1 Vertovec, S. and Peach, C. (1997) Islam in Europe and the Politics of Religion and Community, in:Vertovec, S. and Peach. (eds).Islam in Europe:the Politics of Religion and Community. Basingstoke:Macmillan.
    2 Shadid, W. and Koningsveld, P. (1995) Religious Freedom and the Position of Islam on West Europe. The Netherlands:Kok Pharos Publishing House.p2
    3 Nonneman,G. Muslim Communities in the New Europe:Themes and Puzzles in:Nonneman, G.,Niblock, T. and Szajkowski, B.(eds.)(1997) Muslim Communities in the New Europe, Reading; Ithaca Press:Nielsen,J.(1992) Muslims in the Western Europe, Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press:Vertovec, S. and Peach,C.(1997) Islam in Europe and the Politics of Religion and Community, in:Vertovec, S. and Peach,C.(eds).Islam in Europe:the Politics of Religion and Community. Basingstoke:Macmillan.
    4 Roy, O. (1994) Islam in France:religion, ethnic community or social ghetto? In:Lewis, B. and Schnapper, D. (eds) Muslims in Europe. London, New York:Pinter Publishers; Nielsen, J. (1992) Muslims in the Western Europe, Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press:Vertovec, S. and Peach, C. (1997) Islam in Europe and the Politics of Religion and Community, in:Vertovec, S. and Peach, C. (eds).Islam in Europe:the Politics of Religion and Community. Basingstoke:Macmillan.
    1 Nielsen, J. (1992) Muslims in the Western Europe, Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press:Vertovec. S. and Peach, C. (1997) Islam in Europe and the Politics of Religion and Community, in:Vertovec, S. and Peach, C. (eds).Islam in Europe:the Politics of Religion and Community. Basingstoke:Macmillan.
    1 Hisham A. Hellyer:BRITISH MUSLIMS:PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick, England.1999.
    1 Sherif, Jamil (2002)'Historical roots of Islam in Britain' in Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) (2002a) The Quest for Sanity:Reflections on September 11 and the Aftermath. Middlesex:Muslim Council of Britain The Muslim Educational Trust (TMET) (1996) Issues in Islamic Education. London:The Muslim Education Trust p163.
    2麦西亚:中世纪英国早期的七国之 ,位于今英格兰中部。
    4 Hisham A. Hellyer:BRITISH MUSLIMS:PAST. PRESENT and FUTURE Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations,University of Warwick, England.1999.
    (?) Hisham A. Hellyer:BRITISH MUSLIMS:PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick, England.1999.
    1 Hisham A. Hellyer:BRITISH MUSLIMS:PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick, England,1999.
    2 Hisham A. Hellver:BRITISH MUSLIMS:PAST, PRESEXT and FUTURE Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick, England,1999.
    4 Hisham A. Hellyer:BRITISH MUSLIMS:PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick, England.1999.
    6 Hisham A. Hellyer:BRITISH MUSLIMS:PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick, England,1999.
    7 Hisham A. Hellyer:BRITISH MUSLIMS:PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE:Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick, England,1999.
    8 Hisham A. Hellyer:BRITISH MUSLIMS:PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick, England,1999.
    10 Hisham A. Hellyer:BRITISH MUSLIMS:PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick, England,1999.
    1 Hisham A. Hellyer:BRITISH MUSLIMS:PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwic, England,1999.
    3 Hisham A. Hellyer:BRITISH MUSLIMS:PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick, England,1999.
    4 Hisham A. Hellyer:BRITISH MUSLIMS:PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick, England,1999.
    6 Hisham A. Hellyer:BRITISH MUSLIMS:PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick, England,1999.
    4 Hisham A. Hellver:BRITISH MUSLIMS:PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick, England,1999.
    1 Muhammad Anwar, Between cultures:continuity and change in the lives of young Asians, London,1998, p.2
    1 Deakins, N, Colour, Citizenship and British Society, London,1970转引自Muhammad Anwar, Between cultures:continuity and change in the lives of young Asians, London,1998, p.4.
    2 Anwar, M, Race and Politics, London,1986转引自Muhammad Anwar. Between cultures:continuity and change in the lives of young Asians, London,1998, p.4.
    3 Muhammad Anwar, Between cultures:continuity and change in the lives of young Asians, London,1998, p.4.
    4 Ibid, p8.
    1 http://www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/nugget.asp?id=293
    2 Census of England 2001,S104.
    1 Serena Hussain (2008), Muslim on the Map:A National Survey of Social Trends in Britain, London:Tauris Academic Studies, pp.38-40.
    2基于英国2008年劳动力调查数据,估计穆斯林人口已经高达240万,Muslim Population "rising ten times faster than rest of society", The Times,30,1,2009 www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/article5621482.ece
    1 Census of England 2001, S104.
    2根据联合国的定义,“国际移民”指的是“在非本人出生国居住一年以上的人口”,因此,这里的统计数据仅包括第一代移民。详见DESA (Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Population Division), World Population Policies 2007, New York:United Nations,2008。
    3 "Myth of return"由社会人类学家Badr Dahya提出,他曾对伯明翰和布来福德的巴基斯坦移民进行研究。Badr发现许多移民表现出想要返回他们自己的祖国的愿望,而这与他们所处的实际情况不相符合。这个词组被广泛用于指其他移民人口和聚居者的经验。(Badr Dahya(1974), The nature of Pakistani ethnicity in industrial cities in Britain" in A. Cohen (ed.) Urban ethnicity (pp77-118).London:Tavistock.)
    5 Understanding Muslim Ethnic Communities. Summary Report. The Communities and Local Government.2009. http://www.communities.gov.uk
    1 Understanding Muslim Ethnic Communities. Summary Report. The Communities and Local Government.2009 http://www.communities.gov.uk
    1 Ceri Peach(2006),Islam, ethnicity and South Asian religions in the London 2001 census, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers,31,353-370.
    1 Source:Census 2001,C0644, C1015.
    2 Understanding Muslim Ethnic Communities. Summary Report. The Communities and Local Government.2009. http://www.communities.gov.uk
    2 Grant of Settlement refers to the number of people who have been granted the right to permanently remain in the UK.
    3 Understanding Muslim Ethnic Communities. Summary Report. The Communities and Local Government.2009. http://www.communities.gov.uk
    Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (2001), Bangladesh State of the Environment Report 2001, BCAS.
    1 Mustafa Malik, "Islam in Europe:Quest for a Paradigm ", Middle East Policy, no.2, June 2001, p.100; Christopher Caldwell, "The Crescent and the Tricolor", Atlantic Monthly, November2000, p.22.
    2 Jorgen S.Nielson, Muslims in Western Europe (2nd ed.), Edinburgh University Press,1995, p.26.
    4 Tahir Abbas, Muslim Britain:Communities under Pressure. ZED Books LTD,2005, p28.
    1郝时远:《美国等西方国家社会裂变中的“认同群体”与ethnic group》,《世界民族》,2002年第4期。
    2 Bxuce Bawer, Crisis in Europe, The Hudson Review, Vol 58,No4, Winter 2006, http//www.hudsonreview. com/bawer Wi06.html.
    3 Fryer, Peter:Staying Power. London:Pluto.(1984)
    1 Annual Report of Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) 2001. http://www.Mcb.org.uk/aboutmcb.php.
    2 Religions in the UK-Directory 2001-2003; Editor Paul Weller, Director of the Multi-Faith Centre at the University of Derby; section on'Muslims in the United Kingdom'
    3 Vertovec 2002:21.
    4 The Salaam Mosque database,2003. http://www.salaam.co.uk.
    6 Religions in the UK-Directory 2001-2003; Editor Paul Weller, Director of the Multi-Faith Centre at the University of Derby; section on 'Muslims in the United Kingdom'
    1详见考克斯新闻社(Cox News Service)2007年12月13日报道:《欧洲空荡荡的教堂与满当当的清真寺Empty churches, full mosques in Europe, http://www.dailycamera.com/news/2007/dec/13/empty-hurches-full-mosques-in-europe.
    1 Understanding Muslim Ethnic Communities. Summary Report. The Communities and Local Government,2009. http://www.communities.gov.uk
    1 Understanding Muslim Ethnic Communities. Summary Report. The Communities and Local Government.2009. http://www.communities.gov.uk
    1 Patricia Sellick (2004), Muslim housing experiences, Oxford:Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies.
    1 Institute of Community Cohension (iCoCo):Understanding and Appreciating Muslim Diversity:Towards better Engagement and Participation, Coventry university; De MONTFORT University; University of Leicester, University of Warwick. April,2008. http://wwvv.icoco.co.uk
    1 Institute of Community Cohesion (iCoCo):Understanding and Appreciating Muslim Diversity:Towards better Engagement and Participation, Coventry university; DE MONTFORT University; University of Leicester. University of Warwick. April,2008. http://www.icoco.co.uk
    1 http://www.mcb.org.uk.
    1 MCB:The MCB-its history, structure and workings. Cited from http://www.Mcb.org.uk/aboutmcb.php.
    3 Sherif 2002:171.
    4 The Muslim News, May 25 2001,'Over 200 Muslim Councillors', By Hamed Chapman and Ahmed Versi http://www.muslimnews.co.uk
    5伊光编译:《西方穆斯林参政进入主流》,转引自: http://www.kyaz.com/news/ReadNews.asp?NewsID=987&BigClassID=20%BigClassName=国外穆斯林信息&SmallClassID=16&SmallClassName=国外穆斯林信息&SpccialID=0,2004-94
    1 Roshan Muhammad Salih:"Muslims voters urged to block Blair man". Cited from http://english.aliazeera.net/English/archive/archive?ArchiveId/39973.
    2 Muslims in Britain Past and Present[EB/OL]. http://www.Islam for today.com/Britain.html.
    3 Radcliffe, L. (2004) "A Muslim lobby at Whitehall?" Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations.15(3),365-86
    4 Aspinall, P. (2000) "Should a question on 'religion' be asked on the 2001 British census? A Public policy case in favour" Social Policy & Administration,34(5) pp.584-600.
    5 Meer,N, (2009) "Identity articulations, mobilization and autonomy in the movement for Muslim schools in Britain ", Race, Ethnicity and Education,12(3),379-398.
    6 Policy Innovation Unit(PIU) (2001) Improving Labour Market Achievements for Ethnic Minorities in British Society.www.cabinet-office.gov.uk/innovation/2001/ethnicity/scope.shtml.; Abrams, D. and Houston. D.M.(2006)Equality, Diversity and Prejudice in Britain. London:HMSO.
    7 See Modood (2009:42) for a discussion of the development of the MCB.
    1 http://www.mcb.org.uk.
    2 Department of Education:The Parent's Charter. You and your Child's Education, London:HMSO. (1991)
    3 The Independent 20/1/89
    1 Guardian22/7/89,Education Guardian 23/3/93
    2 The Guardian December 12,2001
    3 Naser Meer (2007) Muslim Schools in Britain:Challenging Mobilizations or Logical Developments? By University of Bristol.
    1 The Independent 15/7/90
    2 Swann. M. (1985)Education for All:A Summary of the Swann Report on the Education of Ethnic Minority Children, Windsor:NFER-Nelsen.
    3 Meer, N, (2009)'Identity articulations, mobilization and autonomy in the movement for Muslim schools'in Britain Race, Ethnicity and Education,12(3)379-398.
    1 McDermott. M.Y. and Ashan. M.M. (1980) The Muslim Guide. London:The Islamic Foundation.
    2 Muslim Educational Trust (1992). Comments on the Government White Paper:Choice and Diversity, London: MET.
    3 McDermott, M.Y. and Ashan, M.M. (1980) The Muslim Guide, London:The Islamic Foundation.
    Anwar. M. (1982) Young Muslims in a Multicultural Society:Their Needs and Policy Implications, Leicester, the Islamic Foundation.
    1 Kairm, I, (1976) Muslim Children in British Schools:Their Rights and Duties, Birmingham:The Straight Path Monthlv.
    2 Iqra Trust (1991a) Meeting the Needs of Muslim Pupils, London:Iqra Trust
    3 Muslim Educational Trust (1992), Comments on the Government White Paper.Choice and Diversity, London: MET.
    4 McDermott, M.Y. and Ashan, M.M.(1980) The Muslim Guide, London:The Islamic Foundation; Anwar. M. Young Muslims in a Multicultural Society:Their Needs and Policy Implications, Leicester, the Islamic Foundation. (1982)
    5 Bullock Report,A Language for Life, London:HMSO. (1975) P286
    1 Liell, P. and Sanders, J.B. (1984) The Law adn Education, London:Butterworth.9th edn.
    2 Anwar. M. (1982) Young Muslims in a Multicultural Society:Their Needs and Policy Implications, Leicester, The Islamic Foundation; Hulmes, E, (1989) Education and Cultural Diversity, London:Longman.
    3 Sanvar. G. (1983) Muslims and Education in the UK, London:Muslim Educational Trust.
    4 Muslim Educational Trust (1992), Comments on the Government White Paper:Choice and Diversity, London: MET.
    5 Muslim Educational Trust (1992), Comments on the Government White Paper:Choice and Diversity, London: MET.
    6 Sarwar, G. (1991) British Muslims and Schools, London:Muslim Educational Trust; Union of Muslim Organizations, Young Council of UK and Eire (1989) Seminar on ERA 1988.
    7 McDermott, M.Y. and Ashan, M.M.(1980) The Muslim Guide, London:The Islamic Foundation;
    1 Joly, D. (1989) "Muslim in Europe:Ethnic Minorities and Education in Britain:Interaction between the Muslim Community and Birmingham Schools", Research Papers No.41. Centre for the study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham.
    2 Bastani, J. (1988) Parents and Teachers, Windsor:NFER-Nelson; Bastani, J. (1989) Working with Parents, Windsor:NFER-Nelson.
    3 Commission for Racial Equality (1990) School of Faith.
    4 Halstead, M.(1986) The Case For Muslim Voluntary-Aided Schools Some Philosophical Reflections, Cambridge: The Islamic Academy:Smith, G.(1990)'The Next Ten Years', Muslim Educational Ouarterly,1(5):p26-27
    5 Barrell, G. and Partington, J. (1985) Teachers and the Law, London:Methuen.6th edn.
    6 Mahub, S.A. (1992) "A Muslim Response to the Education Reform Act of 1988", British Journal of Religious Education 14:88-98; Anwar. M. (1982) Young Muslims in a Multicultural Society:Their Needs and Policy Implications, Leicester, the Islamic Foundation; Hulmes, E, (1989) Education and Cultural Diversity, London: Longman.
    1 Mahub, S.A. (1992) "A Muslim Response to the Education Reform Act of 1988", British Journal of Religious Education 14:88-98
    2 Joly, D. (1989) "Muslim in Europe:Ethnic Minorities and Education in Britain:Interaction between the Muslim Community and Birmingham Schools", Research Papers No.41. Centre for the study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham.
    1 Nielsen, J. (1986) "A Survey of British Local Authority Response to Muslim Needs", Research Papers:Muslim in Europe.No.30/31.Centre for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations. Selly Oak College, Birmingham.
    2 Joly. D. (1989) "Muslim in Europe:Ethnic Minorities and Education in Britain:Interaction between the Muslim Community and Birmingham Schools", Research Papers No.41. Centre for the study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham.
    1 Madrassah:单独的或附属于清真寺的经堂学校。madrassah student这个词的涵义接近“经学生/海里凡/满拉…”的意思。
    2 Jeffcoate, R.(1981) "Why Multicultural Education", Education 3-13 9(1):4-7
    3 Nielsen,J. (1986) "A Survey of British Local Authority Response to Muslim Needs", Research Papers:Muslim in Europe.No.30/31.Centre for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations. Selly Oak College, Birmingham.
    1 Runnymede Trust (1997) Islamophobia-A challenge for all of us, London:Runnymede Trust.p11
    2 Yaqub, S.(1998) Forced to eat forbidden fruit, The Muslim News, January.p12 Yaqui, S. (1999) Domestic violence in the Muslim community, The Muslim News, June.
    1 Jawad, H. (1991) the education of women in Islam, Monograph, London:Gulf Centre for Strategic Studies.
    2 Jawad, H. (1991) the education of women in Islam, Monograph, London:Gulf Centre for Strategic Studies.
    3 Mirza, K. (1989) The Silent Cry:Second Generation Bradford Muslim Women Speak, Birmingham:Centre for the study of Islam and Christian Muslim Relations, p12
    4 Benn,T.(1998) Exploring experiences of a group of British Muslim women in initial teaching training and their early teaching careers, PhD thesis, Loughborough:Loughborough University.
    1 Parker-Jenkins, M.et al. (eds.) (1998) Career and Culture:Young Muslim women and their future aspirations, Derbv:Newscheck.
    2 ibid
    3 Versi, A. (1998) Muslim women win racism case, Q-News,28 August.
    4 Adil, A.(2001)Metropolitan police opens up to Muslim women,Q-News,25 May.p9
    5 The Muslim News,2000:5
    1 Muhammad Anwar, Between cultures:continuity and change in the lives of young Asians, London,1998, p.108
    2 Ibid, p.109
    3 Modood,T, Ethnic Minorities in Britam:Diversity and Disadvantage:The fourth National Survey of Ethnic Minorities, London,1997转引自Muhammad Anwar, Between cultures:continuity and change in the lives of young Asians, London,1998, p.115
    1 Southall Black Sisters (SBS)(2000)Forced marriage:An abuse of Women's Human Rights, London:Southall.p1
    2 ibid.p2.
    3 Haiffa Jawad (2003), Historical and Contemporary Perspective of Muslim Women Living in the West, Muslim Women in the United Kingdom and Beyond:Experience and Images, Leiden; Boston:Brill.
    1 Southall Black Sisters (SBS)(2000)Forced marriage:An abuse of Women's Human Rights, London:Southall.p2
    2 British Muslim Monthly Survey(2001) Vol.9:12,December 2001, Birmingham, Centre for the Study of Islam and Muslim/Christian Relations, University of Birmingham.
    3 Lewis, P. (1994) Islamic Britain, London:I.B. Tauris. p194
    1 Jawad, H.:The Rights of women on Islam:An authentic approach, Basingstoke:Macmillan,1998先知穆罕默德曾教导穆斯林:“妇有过,善言以教之,勿轻去。”夫妻之间若出现不和睦现象,双方的亲属必须进行劝导以使其重归于好。伊斯兰教法规定,男女双方都有离婚的权利。决定离婚的女子要遵守教法规定的“守制期”。所谓“守制期”,是指改嫁再婚前的待婚期。教法规定:主张离婚的妻子应该期待四个月零十日,“待婚期”满后,可自行决定是否再婚,且不会受到舆论的指责。
    2 http://www.mbc.org.com
    1 http://www.islamonline.net
    2 http://www.mpacuk.com
    3 http://www.Islamonline.net
    1 http://www.islamonline.net/servlet/Satellite?c=Article C&cid=1182774657883&pagename=Zone-English-New s/NWELayout
    1 Mian, S. (1997) Europe's Islamophobia, The Muslim News,28 November.
    2 Runnymede Trust (1997) Islamophobia-A challenge for all of us, London:Runnymede Turst.p5.
    3 ibid.p9.
    4 EL-Solh C. and Mabro, J. (eds) (1994) Muslim women's choices:Religious Belief and Social Reality, Oxford, Berg Publishers. Ibid.
    2 Daily Express, January 16th 1995, cited in Runnymede Trust (1997) Islamophobia-A challenge for all of us, London:Runnymede Trust.p26
    3 Kingston, S. (1995) Women in Islam versus Women in Judaeo-Christian Tradition:the Myth and the Reality, http://www.usc.edu/dept/dept/MSA/humanrelations/women-inislam/womeninjud-chr.html.
    4 Enloe,《香蕉、海滩和基地》,p.44.转引自:陈顺馨、戴锦华选编:《妇女、民族与女性主义》,中央编译出版社,2004年,第77贞。
    5 Ashraf, S.(1999)Shattering Illusion:Western Conceptions of Muslim women,http://www.jannah.org/shatter.html
    1 Kabbani, R.(1989)Imperial Fictions, Europe's Myths of Orient, London:Pandora.p16
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