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As a different way to understand and deal with crime from the state’s formal justice system, restorative justice now has much influence in the whole world since 1970th when it was firstly put forward. There are a lot of researches and practices on restorative justice in many countries including China and it is an active academic sphere at present. In this paper, I would like to critically reflect on the existing theory and practice of restorative justice on the basis of other studies, so my study will be both normative and empirical.
     Different from retributive justice, restorative justice holds that the crime is a violation of a particular person and the relationship between people, so the most important thing is to restore the harm suffered from the crime instead of punishing the offender, and the victim, offender and the community has the right to take part in the judicial process. The restorative justice absorbed the criticism to the formal judicial system from victim’s movement, feminist movement, postmodern theory and native people’s movement and their proposition. It criticized the simple picture that the replacement of community justice by state justice is a progress in the western history and holds that we should find an alternative to the formal justice from the community justice in the history. The proponent of restorative justice puts forward a republican theory of criminal justice on the basis of criticizing the theories which legitimize the power of the state to punish. This republican theory of criminal justice asserts the purpose of the criminal justice is to promote the dominion which requires the criminal justice activity should be reduced as least as necessary and emphasizes the factor of conscience established in the socialization process to prevent crimes. It also pays much attention to the role of“reintegrative shaming”employed by the community. However, the community justice and“reintegrative shaming”are both challenged by the reality.
     In the practical aspect, I critically analyze the major models of restorative justice according to the core values and principles of it and estimate their effects on the basis of existing data. As an indicator, the reduction in recidivism is not supported strongly by the data. But it is not an important indicator comparing with the victim and offender’s satisfaction with the process and results of restorative justice, so it shouldn’t overturn the positive effects of restorative justice. The analysis in the practice can give us a deeper understanding of restorative justice itself. When the restoration and the ability to restore are understood as items of different degree, State’s formal judicial system also can be restorative. The reflection on the circle sentencing reminds us that the community is not an entity which is ready to supply the needed resources. It may be full of prejudice, discrimination and imbalance of power, so it needs to be changed in the process of restorative justice.
     From the analyses of the theory and practice of restorative justice, I find that the“community”is the most important problem that the restorative justice proponents must face. I summarize the meanings of“community”in the restorative justice and the questions against it on the basis of the previous discussion. I respond to these questions in addition to the related opinions of the restorative justice proponents. Another problem related to the problem of“community”is social injustice, which goes beyond the sphere of community and connects to the broader structural process. I respond to this question from two aspects. In one aspect, the restorative justice provides an opportunity for the discussion of the social injustice related to the particular crime, which may promote the collective efforts in the community level to change the structural process partly. In the other aspect, as a public space, the restorative justice can combine its discussion on social injustice with the voice from other public spaces to form public opinion. If the public opinion is strong enough, it may influence the political decision of the state, and it may induce the institutional change in the state, which is the most important for the solution of the social injustice,because the problem of social injustice is caused by the structural process joined by many actors.
[1] Albert W. Dzur and Susan M. Olson,“The Value of Community Participation in Restorative Justice”, Journal of Social Philosophy, Vol.35, No.1, Spring 2004, p.92.
    [10] Don John O. Omale,“Justice in History: An Examination of‘African Restorative Tradition’and The Emerging‘Restorative Justice’Paradigm,”African Journal of Criminology & Justice Studies: AJCJS; Volume 2, No.2, (November 2006), p.36.
    [11]关于埃尔迈拉案的较为详细的叙述参见Howard Zehr, Changing Lenses(,Scottdale: Herald Press,2005), p.159.
    [13] Howard Zehr, The Little Book of Restorative Justice, (Intercourse, PA: Good Books.2002), p.36.
    [15] Howard Zehr and Harry Mika,“Fundamental Concepts of Restorative Justice,”Restorative Justice: Critical Issues, eds. Eugene McLaughlin, Ross Fergusson, Gordon Hughes, Louise Westmarland, (Sage Publications in association with The Open University,2003), p.43.
    [18] Howard Zehr, The Little Book of Restorative Justice, (Intercourse, PA: Good Books.2002), p.37.
    [20]具体参见Howard Zehr, Changing Lenses,(Scottdale: Herald Press,2005), pp. 19~29.
    [21]转引自Antony Pemberton, Frans-Willen Winkel and Marc S. Groenhuijsen,“Evaluating Victims Experiences in Restorative Justice,”British Journal of Community Justice, vol. 6, no. 2, Summer 2008, p. 100.
    [22]转引自Gerry Johnstone, Restorative Justice: Ideas, Values, Debates, (Willan Publishing,2002), p.67.
    [23] Howard Zehr, Changing Lenses,(Scottdale: Herald Press,2005), p. 31.
    [24] Howard Zehr, Changing Lenses,(Scottdale: Herald Press,2005), p. 31.
    [25]关于美国的受害人援助和服务项目以及欧洲的受害人权利具体参见Larry J. Siegel, Criminology, (Thomson Wadsworth, 2008), pp. 64~69.以及Howard Zehr, Changing Lenses(,Scottdale: Herald Press,2005), p. 31. Note 5提供的相关资料。
    [26] Emillo C Viano, Restorative Justice for Victims offenders: A Return to American Tradition, Corrections Today, July 2000, p. 133.
    [32]关于自由女性主义和激进女性主义在堕胎问题上的争论,详见Andrew Altman, Arguing About Law: An Introduction to Legal Philosophy, (Wadsworth Publishing Company, 2001), pp. 208~215.
    [33] Patricia Smith,“Introduction: Feminist Jurisprudence and the Nature of Law,”in Feminist Jurisprudence, eds. Patricia Smith,(Oxford University Press,1993), p.4.
    [34]关于这个问题的详细讨论,参见Andrew Altman, Arguing About Law: An Introduction to Legal Philosophy, (Wadsworth Publishing Company, 2001), pp.215~220.
    [35] Betty Sichel A.,“Gender, thinking and moral development”, ISDA Journal4(1), 1991, pp. 3~4,转引自David E. Cooper, Ethics For Professionals In a Multicultural World,(Pearson Education, Inc., 2004), p.140.
    [36] Betty Sichel A.,“Gender, thinking and moral development”, ISDA Journal4(1), 1991, pp. 7-10,转引自David E. Cooper, Ethics For Professionals In a Multicultural World,(Pearson Education, Inc., 2004), p.142.
    [38] M﹒Kay Harris,“Moving into the New Millennium: Toward a Feminist Vision of Justice”, Restorative Justice: Critical Issues, eds. Eugene McLaughlin, Ross Fergusson, Gordon Hughes, Louise Westmarland, (Sage Publications in association with The Open University,2003), p.32.
    [41] David E. Cooper, Ethics For Professionals In a Multicultural World,(Pearson Education, Inc., 2004), p.179.
    [42] Juan Tauri, Allison Morris,“Re-forming Justice: The Potential of Maori Process”, Restorative Justice: Critical Issues, eds. Eugene McLaughlin, Ross Fergusson, Gordon Hughes, Louise Westmarland, (Sage Publications in association with The Open University,2003),p.45.
    [43] Michael Walzer, Thick and Thin: Moral Argument at Home and Abroad, Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, p.67,转引自David E. Cooper, Ethics For Professionals In a Multicultural World,(Pearson Education, Inc., 2004), p.180.
    [48] Kathlee Daly,“Restorative Justice : the Real Story”, Restorative Justice: Critical Issues, eds. Eugene McLaughlin, Ross Fergusson, Gordon Hughes, Louise Westmarland, (Sage Publications in association with The Open University,2003),p.201.
    [49]在上引达利文中作者引用了马克斯韦尔(Maxwell)和莫里斯(Morris)在重建前欧洲时代原著民模式的体系与具有文化适宜性的司法体系之间所做的区分。参见上引文,pp. 201~202.
    [55] J. W. Mohr,“Criminal Justice and Christian Responsibility: the Secularization of Criminal Law,”unpublished paper presented to the Mennonite Central Committee Canada Annual Meeting, Abbotsfold, British Columbia, January 22, 1981, see Howard Zehr, Changing Lenses,(Scottdale: Herald Press,2005), p.100.
    [56]这一部分主要参考Howard Zehr, Changing Lenses,(Scottdale: Herald Press,2005), pp. 101~104.
    [60]Michael R. Weisser, Crime & Punishment in Early Modern Europe, (Humanities Press,1979), pp.51~67.
    [61]具体参见Emillo C Viano,“Restorative Justice for Victims offenders: A Return to American Tradition”, Corrections Today, July 2000, p. 132.
    [66] John Braithwaite and Philip Pettit, Not Just Deserts: A Republican Theory of Criminal Justice, (Oxford University Press, 1990), p.3.
    [67] David A. Reidy, On The Philosophy of Law, (Thomson Wadsworth, 2007), p.162.
    [68] David A. Reidy, On The Philosophy of Law, (Thomson Wadsworth, 2007), p.178.
    [70] John Braithwaite and Philip Pettit, Not Just Deserts: A Republican Theory of Criminal Justice, (Oxford University Press 1990).
    [72]具体可以参见Eliza Ahmed, Nathan Harris, John Braithwaite and Valerie Braithwaite, Shame Management Through Reintegration,(Cambridge University Press), 2001.
    [73] John Braithwaite, Crime, Shame and Reintegration, (Cambridge University Press, 1989), pp.85~86.
    [74] Howard Zehr, Changing Lenses,(Scottdale: Herald Press,2005), pp. 232~236.
    [75] Van Ness, Daniel W., New Wine And Old Wineskins: Four Challenges Of Restorative Justice, Criminal Law Forum,Vol. 4, No.2, 1993 Winter, p.272.
    [76]Gerry Johnstone, Restorative Justice: Ideas, Values, Debates, (Willan Publishing, 2002), p.11.
    [77] John Braithwaite, Restorative Justice & Responsive Regulation, (Oxford University Press, 2002), pp.12~16.
    [79] Howard Zehr, The Little Book of Restorative Justice, (Intercourse, PA: Good Books.2002), pp.35~36.
    [80] Kurki, L. (2000),“Restorative and Community Justice in the United States”, Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, edited by Michael Tonry, The University of Chicago Press,转引自陈晓明著:《修复性司法的理论与实践》,法律出版社2006年版,第117页。
    [81] Gordon Bazemore and Curt Taylor Griffiths,“Conferences, Circles, Bords, and Mediations: The‘New Wave’of Community Justice Decisionmaking”, Restorative Justice: Critical Issues, eds. Eugene McLaughlin, Ross Fergusson, Gordon Hughes, Louise Westmarland, (Sage Publications in association with The Open University,2003), p.82.
    [82] Pate, K., Victim-Young Offender Reconciliation As Alternative Measures Programs in Canada, (New York, Criminal Justice Press 1990), pp. 117~118,转引自陈晓明著:《修复性司法的理论与实践》,法律出版社2006年版,第119页。
    [90] David R. Karp and Lynne Walther,“Community Reparative Boards in Vermont: Theory and Practice”, Restorative Community Justice: Repairing Harms and Transforming Communities, eds. Gordon Bazemore, Mara Schiff, (Anderson Publishing Co.2001), p.211.
    [92] William Bradshaw and David Roseborough,“Restorative Justice Dialogue: The Impact of Mediation and Conferencing on Juvenile Recidivism”, Federal Probation, No.2 (December, 2005), p.16.
    [94]有关昆士兰试点项目的具体情况,参见Gerard Palk, Hennessey Hayes and Timothy Prenzler,“Restorative Justice and Community Conferencing: Summary of Findings from a Pilot Study”, Current Issues In Criminal Justice, November 1998, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 138~155.
    [95]有关伯利恒试验结果的具体分析参见Paul McCold,“An Experiment In Police-Based Restorative Justice: The Bethlehem (PA) Project”, Police Practice and Research, 2003, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp.379~390.
    [98] Kay Pranis,“The Practice and Efficacy of Restorative Justice”, Criminal Justice: Retribution vs. Restoration (ed: Eleanor Hannon Judah, and Rev. Michael Bryant) The Haworth Social Work Practice Press, an imprint of The Haworth Press, Inc., 2004, p.148.
    [102] Howard Zehr, The Little Book of Restorative Justice, (Intercourse, PA: Good Books.2002), p.55.
    [105] Steven Luper, Social Ideals and Politics, (Mayfield Publishing Company, 1999), pp.401~403.
    [106] Robert Weisberg,“Restorative Justice and the Danger of‘Community’”, Utah Law Review, 2003, No.1, pp.343~349.
    [107] Howard Zehr and Harry Mika,“Fundamental Concepts of Restorative Justice,”Restorative Justice: Critical Issues, eds. Eugene McLaughlin, Ross Fergusson, Gordon Hughes, Louise Westmarland, (Sage Publications in association with The Open University,2003), p.40.
    [108] John Braithwaite, Crime, Shame and Reintegration, (Cambridge University Press, 1989),p.86.
    [110] John Braithwaite,“Restorative Justice and a Better Future”, Restorative Justice: Critical Issues, eds. Eugene McLaughlin, Ross Fergusson, Gordon Hughes, Louise Westmarland, (Sage Publications in association with The Open University,2003), p.59.
    [112] Gerry Johnstone, Restorative Justice: Ideas, Values, Debates, (Willan Publishing, 2002), p.52.
    [113]John Braithwaite, Crime, Shame and Reintegration, (Cambridge University Press,1989), p.95.
    [114] Nils Christie,“Conflicts as Property”, Restorative Justice: Critical Issues, eds. Eugene McLaughlin, Ross Fergusson, Gordon Hughes, Louise Westmarland, (Sage Publications in association with The Open University, 2003), p.23.
    [116] Adam Crawford and Todd R. Clear,“Community Justice: Transforming Community Through Restorative Justice?”, Restorative Community Justice: Repairing Harms and Transforming Communities, eds. Gordon Bazemore, Mara Schiff, (Anderson Publishing Co.2001), p.132.
    [117] Albert W. Dzur and Susan M. Olson,“The Value of Community Participation in Restorative Justice”, Journal of Social Philosophy, Vol.35, No.1, Spring 2004, p.97.
    [121] Albert W. Dzur and Susan M. Olson,“The Value of Community Participation in Restorative Justice”, Journal of Social Philosophy, Vol.35, No.1, Spring 2004, pp.93~98.
    [125] John Braithwaite,“Restorative Justice and Social Justice”, Restorative Justice: Critical Issues, eds. Eugene McLaughlin, Ross Fergusson, Gordon Hughes, Louise Westmarland, (Sage Publications in association with The Open University,2003), pp.157~163.
    [126] John Braithwaite,“Restorative Justice and Better Future,”Restorative Justice: Critical Issues, eds. Eugene McLaughlin, Ross Fergusson, Gordon Hughes, Louise Westmarland, (Sage Publications in association with The Open University,2003), p.57.
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    6. Braithwaite, John, & Pettit, Philip (1990) Not Just Deserts: A Republican Theory of Criminal Justice, Oxford University Press.
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    15. Johnstone, Gerry, (2002) Restorative Justice: Ideas, Values, Debates, Willan Publishing.
    17. Luper, Steven (1999) Social Ideals and Politics, Mayfield Publishing Company.
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    22. Reidy, David A. (2007) On The Philosophy of Law, Thomson Wadsworth.
    23. Siegel, Larry J. (2008) Criminology, Thomson Wadsworth.
    24. Smith, Patricia, (1993) Feminist Jurisprudence, Oxford University Press.
    26. Weisser, Michael R. (1979) Crime & Punishment in Early Modern Europe,Humanities Press.
    27. Zehr, Howard, (2002) The Little Book of Restorative Justice, Intercourse, PA: Good Books.

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