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In the fast changing era of knowledge-driven economy, with the property of intelligence (patent, trade mark, secret of opening,etc.) It is central new wound enterprises or individuals, because the uniqueness of the ownership of properly and inherent value influence factor intelligently, increase its complexity of carrying on the securitization and difficult degree. Taiwan can consult rising in recent years abroad and vigorous successful experience of the proprietary securitization of intelligence '. thought Taiwan promoted the reference of the proprietary securitization of intelligence.
     This text turns the proprietary securities of intelligence into function analysis, procedure analysis, particularity analysis first, and then to the proprietary securitization supplier of intelligence (original organization, intermediary) And the demand is square (investors) ,Analysis make will by way of questionnaire, analyze Taiwan implement intelligence proprietary feasibility, obstacle of securitization, overseas every experience draw lessons from and then ' for instance: Ancient bronze mirror price, legal system foundation, right dose of assetses, creditor's rights in future are transferred and the assets are transferred is questions such as true, management styles,etc.) ; And then and then put forward and pursue the relevant suggestions of implementing the condition of proprietary securitization of the intelligence of Taiwan on every analysis. Hope that can develop property securitization of intelligence to benefit and help to Taiwan in the future by the discussion of this text. If can succeed in promoting such new developing financial goods, believe that has positive appraisal on the efficiency and liberalization of the financial market of Taiwan, can increase the popularity on the international finance of Taiwan even more.
    4 Sean F Kane, Securitization May Work Beyond Music Royalty Income Stream, 19 No.S, Entertainment Law andFinance,August 2003, p1.
    5 Vipal Monga, The rock star issued IP-backed bonds in 1989. Since then, the market for these kinds of deals has grown.14 vol. O5, IP Law&Business,May 2005, p2.
    6 F. Scott Kieff, Troy A. Paredes, An Approach to Intellectual Property, Bankruptcy, and Corporate Control, R Hodge O'Neal Corporate and Securities Law Symposium, 82 Washington University Law Quarterly, Winter 2004, p1313.
    7 Michael Milani, Enabling IP Securitization by Improving Cash Flow Predictability, 5 No.12, Patent Strategy&Management, April 2005, p1-2.
    8The Securitization of Intellectual Property Assets --A New Trend, WIPO, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Intellectual property for business, 2005/12/11.
    10 200H中华民国科学技术年鉴(200811),财团法人国家实验研究院科技研究与信息中心。
    19 Stephen C. Glazier, Patent Strategies for Business, LBI Law&Business Institute, 3ed, p1.
    20 Joseph Richard Falcon, Managing Intellectual Property Rights: The Cost of Innovation, 6 Duquesne Business Law Journal, Spring 2004, p241.
    26整理自Stephen C. Glazier, p1-7.及邱惠立,从知识产权管理观点论知识产权证券化,东华大学财法所硕士论文(2007)。
    27Michael E. Porter,竟争优势,李明轩、邱如美合译,天下文化,1999年5月,页268-269。
    28参阅自Bruce Berman, p13-14
    29出处:Bruce Berman, From Ideas to Assets: Investing Wisely In Intellectual Property.
    30同上注Bruce Berman, From Ideas to Assets: Investing Wisely In Intellectual Property.
    31自从积极进行专利授权活动后,TI己获得超过40亿美元的收入,IBM则是每年都有10亿美元以上的授权收入。参考Russell L. Parr, From Ideas to Assets, Bruce Berman edited, p.283.
    38整理自Stephen C. Glazier, P3-7.
    41参考Russell L. Parr, From Ideas to Assets, Bruce Berman edited, p.281-282.
    42参考H. Jackson Knight, From Ideas to Assets, Bruce Berman edited, p.20.
    43参考Russell L. Parr, From Ideas to Assets, Bruce Berman edited, p.282.
    44参考Russell L. Parr, From Ideas to Assets, Bruce Berman edited, p.282-283.
    45参考H. Jackson Knight, From Ideas to Assets, Bruce Berman edited, p.21.
    46参考Russell L. Parr, From Ideas to Assets, Bruce Berman edited, p.283.
    47同上注Russell L. Parr, From Ideas to Assets, Bruce Berman edited, p.283。
    49同上注Russell L. Parr, From Ideas to Assets, Bruce Berman edited, p.283。
    50参考Russell L. Parr, From Ideas to Assets, Bruce Berman edited, p.284.
    51参见美国内地税法(Internal Revenue Code, IRS ) 26 USCS ' 170 (2004) Charitable, etc., contributions and gifts.:((a) Allowance of deduction. (1) General rule. There shall be allowed as a deduction any charitable contribution (asdefined in subsection (c)) payment of which is made within the taxable year. A charitable contribution shall beallowable as a deduction only if verified under regulations prescribed by the Secretaryw.)。
    52参考Russell L. Parr, From Ideas to Assets, Bruce Berman edited, p.286-287.
    58参考WIPO, Intellectual Property for Business, p.16.
    60参考WIPO, Intellectual Property for Business, p.17.
    61参考kevin G. Rivette and David HIine, p.61.
    62参考Russell L. Parr, From Ideas to Assets, Bruce Berman edited, p.288.
    64整理自Melvin Simensky, The New Role of Intellectual Property In Commercial Transactions, Entertainment and Sports Lawyer, Spring 1992, p5-6.
    66Bruce Berman, From Ideas To Assets: Investing Wisely In Intellectual Property, John Wiley&Sons, Inc. p215.
    78 Jeremy Lewis, Andrew Moore Ensuring IP Protection Through Escrow, 21 Entertainment and Sports Lawyer, spring 2003, p8.
    79 Jeremy Lewis, Andrew Moore,p.8
    86Willian J. Murphy, proposal for a centralized and integrated registry for security interests in intellectual property, 41 IDEA: The Journal of Law and Technology, 2002, p429.
    90参阅自Bruce Berman, p116.
    100陈月秀,知识产权证券化一从美日经验看我国实施可行性与立法之当议,政治大学法律学研究所硕士论文, 2004年,页460
    101Daniel Singer, Securitization Basics, in Accessing Capital Markets through Securitization,2001,p.13.
    102 Leon T. Kendall and Michael J. Fishman, Securitization: A New Era in American Fianace,in A Primer on Securitization, 1998,p.1-2.
    103吕妹静,资产证券化法制之研究一以资产担保证券为中心,国立台湾大学法律系硕士论文,页8-9, 1999年7月。
    104参l阅黄铭杰等,金融法,页269-270, 2005年10月,二版。
    105 Joseph C. Shenker and Anthony J. Colletta, Asset Securitization:Evolution, Current Issues and New Frontiers, 69Tex. L. Rev. 1369, 1374-1375 (1991).
    106王文宇、黄金泽、邱荣辉,金融资产证券化之理论与实务,页2-31, 2006年8月,二版。
    107同前注Leon T. Kendall and Michael J. Fishmano
    108刘绍梁、吕妹静,论资产证券化的立法趋势,月旦法学,第48期,页32, 1999年5月。
    l09 Thomas J. Gordon, Securitization of Executory Future Flows as Bankruptcy-Remote True Sales, 67 U. Chi. L. Rev. 1317, 1322-1323(Fall 2000).
    110邱奕德,金融资产证券化一银行业者的商机与挑战,全国律师,第6卷第8期,页54-55, 2002年8月。
    116 Edward M. Iacobucci, Ralph A. Winter, Asset Securitization and Asymmetric Information, 34 J.Legal Stud. 161,164-168(2005).
    117 Amnon Lehavi, Amir N. Licht, Eminent Domain, Inc., 107 Colum. L. Rev. 1704, 1742(2007).
    118庄如茵,资产证券化法制之研究一以小动产抵押债权为中心,国立高雄大学法律硕士论文,页120-122, 2004年。
    126储蓉,金融资产证券化理论与案例分析,页446-447, 2006年8月,二版。Securitization, 1999 Colum. Bus. L. Rev.441, 600 (1999).
    127 Lisa M. Fairfax, When You Wish Upon a Star: Explaining the Cautious Growth of Royalty backed Securitization, 1999 Colum. Bus. L. Rev. 441, 446-447 (1999).
    128谢哲胜、减大年、郑惠佳,小动产抵押贷款债权证券化,页64, 2000年1月。
    132 Kerr, Teresa N., Bowie Bonding in the Music Biz: Will Music Royalty Securitization be the Key to the Gold for Music Industry Participants?, 7 UCLA ENT. L. REV.367,p394-395, Spring 2000.
    134张茹兰,知识经济时代融资新策略一谈智财权资产证券化,今日会计,2002年6月,页22-23。Iss Hillery, John S., Securitization of Intellectual Property: Recent Trends from the United States,p.40, (March 2004).
    136以下主要参l阅自前注Kerr, p.383-385; Hillery, p.40;冯浩庭,页165-171;谢福源,页81-83;曾琼仪,页54-55。
    152周永宝,巴赛尔银行资本防议与资产证券化研习报告,中央存款保险公司,页64 <2003)。
    153同前注,Kerr, p.379.
    154周永宝,巴赛尔银行资本防议与资产证券化研习报告,中央存款保险公司,页63-64 <2003)。
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    67.陈景堂(2004),统计分析SPSS for Windows入门与应用,儒林图书有限公司,五版一刷。
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    3. Amnon Lehavi, Amir N. Licht (2007), Eminent Domain, Inc., 107 Colum. L. Rev. 1704, 1742.
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