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Since reform and opening-up, both the public and private finance in Muslim areas have developed rapidly, thus it has greatly promoted the regional economic and social development. Practice shows that the effectiveness of the mechanisms to fulfill contractual obligations is the foundation and core of public finance and private finance development. However, under the background that the economic and financial system continued to deepen, the compliance of public and private finance in Muslim areas (such as the Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture) has shown a big difference. On the one hand, because of its high rates of non-performing loans, public financial institutions have to merge its county originations and control the size of loans, which weakens its support for socio-economic development. On the other hand, though the private finances, which are spontaneously developed by the friendship association and have distinctive minority characters, have not yet obtained legal status, they have a booming trend because of its higher system efficiency, a low default rate. It is increasingly becoming an important financing channel for the private economy. Why the private finance which lacks of legal protection has a high compliance rate? Or What kind of ompliance mechanisms does private finance have? What influence do the main Muslim minority cultures (Islamic culture) have on the performance of private finance mechanisms? Obviously, the answers to the above questions can provide new ideas and methods for the issue that how economic development in Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture and other Muslim areas are in line with the folk culture of Islamic finance, how to address the shortage of funding Muslim areas in a better way and improve organizations. Also it can give a new perspective on how to effectively implement the government financial support policies for the minority areas.
     First, based on the diversity and complexity of private financial activities for Muslim and the existing research results and relevant theories, this dissertation explores a comprehensive theoretical framework of civil financial research perspective of Islamic culture with the use of religious sociology, social capital theory, the Islamic economic thought and modern Islamic finance movement and other related theories to comprehensively and systematically interpret Islamic culture under the perspective of the rise of private financial logic, operation mechanism and affecting factors.
     Second, based on the Islamic cultural perspective, it conducts an in-depth analysis of the status of development of private finance in Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture. The results show that the representative model of economic development with national characteristics, such as the trade between the people of Hui and Zang, greatly promotes the development of private finance in Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, the Hui Muslim, who specialize in business, are not only the dominant participants of commercial activitie but also the main groups in private financial activities, which endows private financial activities in the Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture with distinctive Islam characteristics. Also, it does a comparative analysis of developments in the Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture and Wenzhou private finance, which found that the level of cultural and regional differences in the development of private finance is an important reason for development gap.
     Third, based on the theory of social capital, the dissertation analyzes the capital structure and the compliance mechanism of Muslim community private finance from a perspective of Islamic culture. The results showed that social capital which developed under the influence of Islamic culture provides a common Muslim value. Muslims not only regard it as a private financial activity, but also a way to express their religious piety. So the financial markets, dominated by private financial system, and a private financial compliance mechanism, specializing in effective implementation of the financing contract, have formed. Through the game of both financing parties, repeated game and a variety of embedded social interaction increase default costs of the borrowers enhance the initiative for the borrowers repay and effectively reduce the uncertainty of private financial activities.
     Fourth, by way of fieldwork and Heckman two-stage model, the dissertation analyzes the impact of social capital demand for private financing. The results show that, in spite of its obvious impact of social capital on the private financial activities, there are significant differences in the effect between the Muslim community and the non-Muslim communities. On the one hand, the impact of social capital on the private financing in Muslim community is stronger than in the non-Muslim communities, so the promotion for the development of private finance is more obvious; on the other hand, the social network dimension of social capital has a greater influence on the private finance among non-Muslim population while the trust dimension of social capital has a bigger influence on the private finance in Muslim community.
     Finally, under the guide of a comprehensive theoretical framework for private financial research from a Islamic cultural perspective, the dissertation tries to get a comprehensive picture of the status quo and causes of private finance in Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, analyzes the factors affecting the development of private finance in Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, proposes the recommended development principles and path and makes specific policy recommendations,which aims to provide consulting, intelligence support and reference for the relevant decisions.
     Compared with the existing research results, this dissertation has the following characteristics:First, for the viewing angle, it tries to interpret private financial activities in Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture under Islamic cultural background, hoping to observe the characteristics of private financial markets and development law in a more comprehensive way in Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture; Secondly, for the methodology, it introduces the sociology of religion, social capital theory, the Islamic economic thought and modern Islamic finance movement and other related theory into the analysis of credit constraints from both theoretical and empirical point of view of Islamic culture private financial activities of Muslim influence mechanism; Finally, as for its conclusion, based on Islam and Muslims in economic thinking of the good folk of financial activities in the loan idea, it puts forward the development path private finance in Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture. It is worth emphasizing that the Islamic culture is the main Muslim minority culture, so it has some applicability for its conclusion to be adapted on the financial problems of other Muslim folk in the common religious and cultural background.
③ 正规信贷与民间金融并存仅仅是金融“二元”特征的表现形式之一,除此之外还表现为现代金融(先进的金融市场和金融技术)与传统金融(落后地区手工操作和低效率的金融活动)并存;城市金融和农村金融并存;政府导向型金融与市场导向型金融并存等类型。限于本文的研究内容,本文仅讨论正规信贷和民间金融并存的二元金融结构。参见曾康霖.二元金融与区域金融[M].北京:中国金融出版社,2008:41 -42.
    ② 参见《古兰经》(马坚译.《古兰经》[M].北京:中国社会科学院出版社,1981.)卷四,第三章,第39节第130至132页;卷六,第四章第161节,第75页;卷三二,第三章第130至132节,第311页。以后凡引用的内容均依据马坚译本,不在著名版本,只注明章节。
    ② 除此之外,还有些学者使用了“灰黑色金融”(朱德林等,1994~([17]);章晓虎,1996~([18]):李建华,1998~([19]))、“地下金融”(江曙霞,200~([20]);李建军等,2005~([21]))、“体制外金融”(张杰,1999~([22]);彭兴韵,2002~([23]))、“非制度金融”(楼远,2003~([24]))等提法,本文在此不一一列举。
    ① 没有被法律所认可的“金融创新”在长期看来可以过渡为正式金融。参见张宁.试论非正式金融[J].当代财经,2002(11):34-38.
    ② 《圣训经》中记载了先知默罕默德在不同情况下对利息的禁止。与利息有关的默罕默德言行录可以分为三类:指令、解释和提醒。其中,指令是先知默罕默德言行录中阻止穆斯林参与任意一种利息操作的部分:解释是先知默罕默德言行录中解释利息的种类和产生利息的贸易环境;提醒是先知默罕默德言行录中想象那些与利息有联系的人们的结果部分。详见:苏丁·哈伦,万·纳索非泽·万·阿兹米,刚建华译.伊斯兰金融和银行体系——理论、原则和实践[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2012:110-116.
    ① 见《古兰经》第7章第31节:“你们应当吃,应当喝,但不要过分,真主确是不喜欢过分者的。”
    ② 见《古兰经》第11章第116节:“不义的人们追随他们所享受的豪华生活。他们是犯罪的人。
    ③ 见《古兰经》第17章第26至27节:“你应当把亲戚、贫民、旅客所应得的周济分给他们,你不要挥霍;挥霍者确是恶魔的朋友,恶魔原是辜负主恩的。”
    ⑤ 资料来源:[德]米歇尔·加斯纳,菲利普·瓦克贝克(著),严霁帆,吴勇立(译).伊斯兰金融一伊斯兰的金融资产与融资[M].北京:民主与建设出版社,2012:42.
    ① 资料来源:苏丁·哈伦,万·纳索非泽·万·阿兹米,刚建华译.伊斯兰金融和银行体系——理论、原则和实践[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2012:132.
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    ① 临夏回族自治州有多种野生动植物,野生和家种药材共有300多种,发现各类矿产9类43种,矿产地86处。数据来源:编写组.临夏回族自治州概况[M].北京:民族出版社,2008:1-3.
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    ① 拱北是我国伊斯兰教在其先贤坟墓上建造的圆拱形建筑物,供人瞻仰拜谒,根据波斯语音译而来。
    ② 满拉是清真寺经堂学校学生的一种称谓。
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    ④ 目前,商贸流通产业是监夏回族自治州的支柱型产业,其中回藏贸易是商贸流通业的代表性产业。
    ① 2011年全国民间融资规模约为3.8万亿元。资料来源:毛军华,罗景.中国民间借贷分析[J].资本市场,2011(11):46-41.
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    ② 社会资本及非正式制度对公司发展所发挥的作用途径及作用机理(图4-3)主要参考了欧晓明和汪凤桂的分析思路,详见:欧晓明,汪凤桂.社会资本、非正式制度和农业企业发展:机制抑或路径[J].改革,2011(10):116-125.
    ① 文化通常是指一个群体共同拥有的知识,这些知识使得该群体能够以同样的方式表达其生活经验,并依据共同的约定来规范行动。引自:冯兴元.中国的地方文化与地方经济发展模式的演化[R].北京:天则经济研究所,2011.
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