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To promote the development of small and micro enterprises in countryside and county to solve the surplus rural labor force, increase the income of farmers and rural residents, and promote the stability of the township and village social life has a positive effect. However, in terms of financing, small and micro enterprises in countryside and county are faced with many difficulties. In2011, the national development research institute of Peking University jointly Alibaba group released "the research report on small enterprises management and financing problems" showed that in financing needs of small enterprises, small enterprises financing through by friends and relatives and folk lending accounted for50%, small enterprises financing through by the banks and rural credit cooperatives and other traditional financial institutions accounted for only21%, with22%of small enterprises had never got loans; The loan interest rates of banks for small and medium-sized enterprises rose generally at about30%. In the reality of the formal finance lack of strong support for small and micro enterprises financing, the informal financing has advantage in the information cost and the transaction cost is low, the procedure is convenient and flexible and so on, it plays an important role to solve the problem of financing for small and micro enterprises. This study takes small and micro enterprises in our countryside and county for example, and analyses the behavior of credit mutual help of small and micro enterprises from the perspective of social capital, it conforms the current thought to promote the development of small and micro enterprises for the country and society, it also has significance to solve the current financing predicament for small and micro enterprises and guide the private capital into the financial field orderly.
     This research divides and defines the type of credit mutual help and the connecting link of credit mutual help for small and micro enterprises. Bases on the theory of institutional economics and social capital, the behavior of credit mutual help for small and micro enterprises analyzed in theory. On this bases, uses the empirical analyze the social capital to the influence of behavior of informal credit mutual help and behavior of supervise for the small and micro enterprises, as well as the social network relations to the influence of peer supervision for the group lending and willingness of cooperation again for group enterprises. Finally, puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions on credit mutual help for small and micro enterprises. The specific contents of the research are as follows:
     First, the types of credit mutual help for small and micro enterprises are divided into two categories:formal credit support and informal credit support,and the connecting link of credit mutual help are divided into six categories, respectively: blood kinship, geopolitics; Financial broker, silverback; industry associations, chamber of commerce; supply chain financing; government matchmaking; financial intermediary platform.
     Second, bases on institutional economics, this paper analyzes the production and change in credit mutual help for small and micro enterprises. Bases on social capital theory, it analyzes mechanism in the social capital to credit mutual help for small and micro enterprises, and social support, human feelings and trust to impact credit mutual help for small and micro enterprises.
     Third, it takes country small and micro enterprises in Fujian province as a sample, adopts the method of questionnaire survey to collect data, uses exploratory factor analysis, logistic regression analysis and multiple linear regression analysis and other statistical methods, analyzes the social capital to the influence of behavior of informal credit mutual help and behavior of supervise for the small and micro enterprises. The study found that the reciprocity,human feelings and friends to help social interaction, social dependence and trust were four social capital factors, there were significant positive correlation with loans will of informal credit mutual help lending, it explained that the social capital of small and micro enterprises could promote the lender willing to provide informal credit mutual help lending; there were significant positive correlation between social interaction and social dependence and informal credit borrowing and post-loan supervision.
     Fourth, the use of survey data of group lending in a commercial bank, analyzes the influence in the social network relations to peer supervision in group lending and willingness of cooperation again for group enterprises. Studies show that business owners won't because know for a long time and ignore joint liability to take the amplification effect of risks. But get to know each other long time, it strengthens the will of cooperation again; the cost of mutual supervision in distance of similar enterprise is low, but the group enterprises are not based on distance to decide whether to continue the coinsurance relationship; there is a positive effect in cooperation between enterprises and business transactions to reduce information asymmetry in joint guarantee and maintain the stability of the relationship; Because the risk fund has the compensatory function, the group enterprises relax peer supervision, but risk fund does not have the effect of reinforcement of group relations. This reminds the credit officers that there is a compensation for risk fund, but still should pay attention to keep the post-loan inspection in group lending.
     Finally, on the results of the study, put forward to related policy and suggestions to strengthen credit mutual help for small and micro enterprises. Small and micro enterprises are encouraged to establish credit mutual union, broaden the financing channels; perfecting informal financal system; the rule of law and social norms are in full accord; strengthening the construction of social credit system and guarding against bad credit behaviors; with the aid of social capital, to form credit mutual guarantee organisations of small and micro enterprises.
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