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    1、研究了环境因子对硬壳蛤幼虫和稚贝成活率和生长率的影响。结果表明,硬壳蛤稚贝存活和生长的适宜盐度范围为18-42,最适范围为18-36。从幼虫、稚贝的成活率和日生长率来看,投喂几种单胞藻和代用饵料的培育效果如下:等鞭金藻Isochrysis galbana>大溪等鞭金藻Isochrysis Tahiti(或Isochrysis aff. galbana)(Tiso)>叉鞭金藻Dicrateria sp.>混合藻(大溪等鞭金藻与小球藻)>小球藻Chlorella sp.>亚心形扁藻Platymonas subcordiformis >螺旋藻Spirulina>代用饵料DHA。硬壳蛤对底质环境有一定的选择性,稚贝在砂质底中的成活率和日生长率均高于在泥质底。
    2、研究了温度和盐度对硬壳蛤耗氧率和排氨率的影响。结果表明,不同温度下硬壳蛤个体耗氧率OR (mgO2/ind?h)与软体部干重W(g DW)之间的回归方程可用OR=aWb表示,其中a值在0.04-0.70之间,b值在0.45-0.65之间。硬壳蛤排氨率-温度曲线呈单峰型,其单位体重排氨率在25℃附近达到最大值,且随着硬壳蛤个体的增大而下降,不同温度下硬壳蛤个体排氨率NR(μgNH4-N/ind·h)与软体部干重W(g DW)之间的关系可用方程NR=aWb表示,其中a值在1-27之间,b值在0.40-0.75之间。在盐度16-31范围内,随着海水盐度值的下降,硬壳蛤耗氧率有减小,但是影响不显著。当升高盐度,在41时硬壳蛤耗氧率有所下降,但继续升高至46时,硬壳蛤耗氧率反而有上升趋势。在21-41范围内,从自然海水逐渐升高或是降低海水盐度,硬壳蛤的排氨率均下降;而当海水盐度高于41或是低于21时,硬壳蛤排氨率有上升趋势。
    5、研究了不同单胞藻饵料对硬壳蛤生长余力的影响。结果表明,投喂等鞭金藻Isochrysis galbana﹑三角褐指藻Phaeodactylum tricornutum﹑小球藻Chlorella sp.对硬壳蛤的生长效果显著不同,其生长余力大小依次为等鞭金藻I. galbana>三角褐指藻P. tricornutum>小球藻Chlorella sp.。
With the swift development of mariculture, the self-pollution of mariculture and its effect on the coastal ecosystem became more serious, so it’s very need to conduct the studies on interaction between the filter-feeding bivalve farming and coastal ecosystem and it is also very benefit for the protection and restoration of the coastal ecosystems and the sustainable development of filter-feeding bivalve culture.
    In this dissertation, preliminary studies on effects of environmental factors on metabiolism and growth of hard shell clam Mercenaria mercenaria had accomplished in the fields and laboratory. Results as follows:
    1 The salinity range suitable for juvenile survival and growth was 18-42, and the optimum range was 24-36. According to the survival rate and daily growth rate, the consequence of raised effect of different diets is Isochrysis galbana>Isochrysis Tahiti> Dicrateria sp.>mixed algaes(Isochrysis Tahiti mixed with Chlorella sp.)>Chlorella sp.>Platymonas subcordiformis >Spirulina>DHA(substitutional diet). Hard clam had some selection on substrate, the survival rate and daily growth rate of larval and juvenile in the sandy sediments were higher than that in the clay sediments.
    2 The relationship between individual oxygen consumption rate and its dry fresh weight under different temperature could be expressed by OR=aWb, where OR is oxygen consumption rate(mgO2?ind-1h-1), W is individual dry fresh weight(g), and a ranged from 0.05 to 0.70, b ranged from 0.45 to 0.65. The ammonia-N excretion rate-temperature curve was unimodal, the maximum ammonia-N excretion rate per gram dry fresh weight was about 25℃. The relationship between individual ammonia-N excretion rate and its dry fresh weight under different temperature could be expressed by NR=aWb, where NR was ammonia-N excretion rate(μgNH4-N?ind-1h-1), W was individual dry fresh weight(g), and a ranged from 1 to 27, b ranged from 0.40 to 0.75. The oxygen consumption rate of
    hard clam slightly decreased with the salinity decreased when salinity was between 16 and 31, and with the salinity increased, OR decreased, when salinity was above 41, OR increased in reverse. When salinity was between 21 and 41, with the salinity decrease or increase, the NR of hard clam was decreased.
    3 The ingestion rate of M. mercenaria havn’t distinct change between 15℃ and 30℃. When temperature was below 10℃, ingestion rate was decreased. M. mercenaria has the highest clearance rate in natural sea water, with the salinity decreased or increased, CR decreased, and in the high salinity, CR decreased more distinctly when salinity was above 41 or below 21. The relationship between individual CR and its dry fresh weight under different temperature could be expressed by CR=aWb, b ranged from 0.34 to 0.60.
    Temperature and salinity hadn’t distinct effects on assimilation rate of M. mercenaria . The assimilation rate of hard clam ranged from 0. 3 to 0.7 between 10℃ and 30℃ and ranged from 0.23 to 0.80 when salinity was between 16 and 46.
    4 The effect of salinity on scope for growth of M. mercenaria was distinct, the mature individual had highest scope for growth(242-520J?g-1?h-1) when salinity was between 26 and 36, and juvenile had the highest scope for growth in natural sea water. With the salinity increases, scope for growth of M. mercenaria decreased distinctly, and occured negative growth at 46.
    5 Three algaes had different raised effects on M. mercenaria, and the consequence was Isochrysis galbana> Isochrysis galbana > Chlorella sp.
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