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     结果:1.连续三天进食不同GI、GL的CHO食物后,L-L与H-L相比运动时间明显缩短(L-L vs H-L:48.6±1.3min vs 55.3±6.9min,P<0.05);
Purpose'This study examined the effect of three days meal with different glycemic index/glycemic load on endurance and metabolic. Methods:Nine endurance-trained male runners ( age:20, 1±0.78 years;height:174±2.23cm;body mass:64.±5.00kg; VO_2 max:64.8±2.35ml.kg~(-1).min~(-1);HRmax:192±3 beats.min~(-1)) completed three main trials that were separated by at least seven days in a counter-balanced design. After an overnight fast for 10 to 12hours, each subject completed glycogen-depleting exercise and consumed an isocaloric meal three days containing among high glycemic index and high glycemic load(CHO=73%、GI=80、GL=553 H-H), low glycemic index and low glycemic load (CH0=73%、GI=42、GL=249 L-L) , high glycemic index and low glycemic load( CHO=31%、GI=79, GL=227 H-L).H-H and L-L that provided 10.0g CHO(kg~(-1) bodymass) , H-L provided 3.0g CHO(kg~(-1) bodymass). After two hours, the subjects were required to run at 70% VO_2max during the first one hour of the run Then they completed the remaining 10-km as fast as possible.
     Results 1. A better performance was found in the L-L trial when compared with the H-L trail (L-L VS H-L :48.6±1.3min VS 55.3±6.9min, P<0.05)
     2. Carbohydrate oxidation was obvions higher (P<0.01) and fat oxidation was obvious lower (P<0.01) in the two high CHO trials i.e., H-H and L-L, when compared to that in the low CHO trail i. e. ,H-L.
     3. Respiratory exchange rate was obvious higher(P<0.01) in the two high CHO trials, when compared to that in the low CHO trail. Heart rate, ratings of perceived exertion, perceived thist , abdominal discomfort were no different in the three trails. But a better abdominal discomfort was found in the L-L after forty minutes(P<0.01)
     4. The 2 h incremental area under the blood glucose curve after the last breakfast was about 1.5 times larger in the H-H trial than that in L-L and H-L trials(P<0.05).Higher blood glucose concentrations were also observed in the two high-CHO trials during the exercise and the recovery period when compared to that in the H-L trial(P<0.05).
     5. Serum nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) and the serum glycerol concentrations were higher in the H-L trial than that in the H-H and L-L trials throughout exercise (P<0.05).
     6. There was no difference in the blood lactate concentrations throughout the performance run in the three trails (P>0.05).
     Conculsion Consumption of three days L-L meal is more effective in improving the 10-km run time when compared to isocaloric H-H and H-L meals. It seems that consumption of three days high CHO meals can provide more CHO for runners and keep blood glucose concentrations higher. There is a relative shift in substrate utilization from CHO to fat and a better abdominal discomfortable when consumption of three days L-L meal.
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