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This paper studied on the method of disrupting red cell wall in the laboratory condition,the assaying method of broken-red-cell rate and the technological procedure parameters of using Carboxym Mthyl Cellulose method to extract Iron-porphyrin from the porcine red blood cell,in the mean time analyzed the Iron-porphyrin purity, production, yield,dissolution rate and the crude protein content of globin. Then this paper was intended to introduce the utilization of Iron-porphyrin and it supplied theoretical basis to industrial production of Iron-porphyrin. The results were as follow:
     1. The method of disrupting red cell in the laboratory was improved. The results showed that the optimum conditions are: 1 times blood cell,add 5 times water and 0.2 times ethanol,and then give mechanical churn for 30 minutes.
     2. The standard curve method was determined to assay the broken-red-cell rate.
     3. The procedure of extracting Iron-porphyrin from porcine blood corpuscle by using Carboxym Ethyl Cellulose method was improved.
     4. The optimum conditions for the extraction techniques of Iron-porphyrin were: separating Iron-porphyrin from globin at pH1.7,at about 2 hours’churning time for sepration,at pH 3.2 for absorbing Iron-porphyrin,at 0.3 times CMC supplement,at about 45 minutes’churning time for absorbtion,the extraction pH at 4.8,70 minutes’for churning.
     5. The content of Iron-porphyrin was about 73%without further purification. The yield was about 2.36g,the dissolution rate of Iron-porphyrin in the 0.1mol/L NaOH,3% Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 was 98.91%,98.11%and 94.73%respectively. The crude protein content of globin was about 92%,and it cost 0.4 RMB for per gram extractives.
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