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The procedures legal ideology requires in the civil procedure law a clarified and unified prescription of the sine qua non of the tenability and effectiveness of litigation activities, which should be conducted orderly and in strict accordance with the condition, manner and steps provided by the law. Obviously this is in an attempt to "format" all the legal procedures in a prescribed "track" and to provide an objective standard: should it be formally in line with the law, the action is to be considered legal. However, the litigation procedure is a dynamic intertexture, all of which, due to the imperfectness, abstractness and rigidity of statute law, cannot be definitely prescribed even by the most meticulous code. As a result, litigation maneuver is nevertheless possible. Because of the diversity in the configuration of rights and obligations, in the objectives of the litigation, and in the choice of litigation manners, as well as of the differences in the benefit consideration, situation judgment and the common litigation viewpoint, some behaviors of the litigation subject may not necessarily lead to the realization of dispute-solving function. Moreover, as has been proven by the legal practice, it may even hinder the effective and stable operation of the procedure, of which, a typical instance is litigation surprise.
     Attention to the formalities of civil litigation does not mean the complete ignorance of substantive justice in its content. The litigation procedure is not only a defense of the legal rights of the citizenry, but also a demonstration of goodwill and reason. It is not merely to ensure a fair solution of dispute, but also to keep an efficient mechanism and a stable order. Currently, the academic circle is mainly focusing on the conceptual aspect of civil litigation. Deep and detailed research, especially the research into litigation surprise is far from sufficient. However, legal practice calls for a theoretical study of litigation surprise, which should be an important subject in the science of law.
     This doctoral dissertation aims at a systematic study of litigation surprise. Base on the sporadic studies conducted by scholars in this respect, this dissertation gives an expatiation upon the content, the essence and the components of litigation surprise. With a causal analysis from a variety of perspectives, it expounds and proves the legal principles in exercising control over litigation surprise. Through a comparative study of the two legal systems, this dissertation proposes to adopt legal constraints to deal with litigation surprise. By perfecting the system and establishing certain rules, a coercing, rectifying, sanctioning and encouraging mechanism can be constructed to ensure the low frequency and low intensity occurrence of litigation surprise, and consequently to ensure a efficient and stable procedure of litigation process to provide justice in dispute solving. The dissertation consists of an introduction and six chapters, approximately 150,000 words.
     The Introduction part provides the reasons for the choice of the subject. Relevant problems in legal practices and the insufficient current studies conducted by the academic world in this respect have attached great importance to the research into litigation surprise, either in theoretical or in practical sphere. Such a research will deepen and widen the theoretical study of civil litigation in China. It will also contribute to the perfection of China's law-making practice in civil litigation as well as to the effective legal constraints on litigation surprise. The dissertation makes a literature review of both domestic and foreign sources and applies the methodology of empirical analysis,comparative analysis and economy analysis.
     Chapter One is entitled "Empirical Research into Litigation Surprise". It firstly "outlines" the different forms of litigation surprise from the perspective of case study, and thereafter points out the core subject of the dissertation. Secondly, it makes a brief introduction of the research subjects and the methodology applied. Thirdly, it sums up the result of the empirical research, which demonstrates the existence of litigation surprise in current civil or business lawsuits. Litigation surprise brings negative and destructive influence on the operation of civil procedures and is contrary to the pursuit of justice, efficiency and order. Litigation surprise deteriorates the environment of litigation mechanism and results in instability and unbalancedness, which hinders the dispute solving function of the litigation mechanism. Litigation surprise distorts the exertion of the right to file lawsuit and the right of jurisdiction and results in the delay of the litigation, the rise of the cost, the complication of the process and the unexpectedness of the outcome, which degrades the credibility and acceptability of the judgment. The existence of litigation surprise is due to the system deficiency of institution configuration and rule making, as well as the economic, ideological and psychological factors. The subject of litigation surprise includes the party and the court.
     Chapter Two is entitled " Major Issues of Litigation Surprise", which consists of four parts. Part one is about the content of litigation surprise. The dissertation holds that in the specific environment of litigation, litigation surprise refers to the litigation subject's intentional or unintentional action that results in any unexpected change of the litigation procedure, which would be otherwise stable and orderly. Part two is about the essence of litigation surprise. The dissertation recalls the theoretical evolution of litigation and expatiates on the relation between litigation surprise and litigation activity. It points out that the essence of litigation surprise is, from the perspective of the relation between litigation subjects and relation of civil procedure law, a kind of litigation activity. Part three is about the characteristic and significant factor of litigation surprise. The dissertation proposes that the main factor of litigation surprise is its subject. Considering the initiating, processing and its consequent litigation result, the subject of litigation surprise should be the party and the court. The subjective factor is the psychological reaction of the action in the mind of party, which shows the subject's psychological status when conduction litigation surprise. There can be two major types. One is deliberate conduction of litigation surprise. The subject is aware of the consequence and expects it to happen. The other is unintentional litigation surprise, in which case the subject overlooks the possible consequence. The objective factor, in the macro perspective, refers to the activity's deviation from the pursuit of justice, order and efficiency, which hinders the effective operation of the litigation and lowers its dispute solving function and social effect. In the micro perspective, litigation surprise not only harms the rights and interests of the party, but also results in the complication and unexpectedness of the lawsuit, which increases the cost of the litigation procedure. Litigation surprise violated the proper relation or interests which should be legally protected. The dissertation points out that there are four characteristics of the litigation surprise: (1) it has specific agent, which is either the party or the court; (2) it has specific aim, with regard to the judge, litigation surprise means the judge's over-emphasis on the decisiveness of jurisdiction power, which is a result of imperfect litigation rule or system and which deprives the party of his/her full participation in the process; with regard to the party, it refers to the maneuver of legislation loopholes and litigation controversies to delay the process, raise the cost, and increase the complexity and unexpectedness so as to seek gains or reduce losses; (3) it has formal legality and unexpectedness, which exhibits a proper conduct of legal right or jurisdiction operation that is hard to be identified, prevented or constrained due to the imperfectness of the current system. (4) it has negative consequence, which means the litigation deadlock, disorder and high cost, resulting in hostility that deprive the party of their full participation, and the judge, their free proof. Part four is the types of litigation surprise. The dissertation classifies the litigation surprise according to its subject type, namely, litigation surprise from the court and litigation surprise from the party. It points out that the former mainly refers to abrupt judgment which is made without carrying out the obligation of elucidation and which is not in accordance with the facts of the case and relevant laws. The latter refers to the party's behavior resulting in abrupt changes in the otherwise stable litigation procedure. Besides, litigation surprise can also be classified according to the subjective motive into deliberately and fault litigation surprise.
     Chapter Three is entitled " Causes of Litigation Surprise". It attempts at a relativelycomplete analysis of the factors that cause the occurrence of litigation surprise from theperspective of subject types. The dissertation holds that litigation surprise from the courthave four causes: first, the judge's understanding of the litigation purpose, which isusually a sensitiveness and fear of responsibility that will lead to the judge's overemphasis of the final decisiveness and ignorance of the major role of the agent concernedin litigation process. Second, the imperfectness of the current litigation system, whichignores the pleading process with insufficient legislation and the imbalance obligations ofplantiff and defendant. It has become a common phenomenon that defendant does notsubmit or delays to submit or improperly submits written answer. The pre-courtprocedures are always ignored and the limited information makes it impossible for thejudge to have a reasonable expectation of the suit.the absence of the system of publicity ofjudge's free proof. The current legislation has no specifications about the publicity of thejudge's free proof in terms of its condition, manner, scope and effect. Seldom does thejudge publicize his proof. Third, the closedness of judge's free proof. Due to the fact thatthe judge's free proof is a psychological process which is related to the judge's cognition, comprehension and judgement of the facts involved in the case and to the judge's logical analysis, induction, analogy and deduction, it is hard to be perceived by the party. Fourth, the self-position of the government official. Influenced by the official ranking consciousness, the judge frequently has a superior self identity thus unwilling to publicize the process and result of his proof. The dissertation analyzes the litigation surprise from the party as having six causes. Firstly, the viewpoint about lawsuit and interest in a market economy. The dissertation holds that due to the characteristic of the current era, once the dispute is put on court, the party sees it as a competition to determine and allocate certain interests or benefits. Guided by such a principle, litigation surprised aimed at maximize the gains becomes one option for the party. Secondly, the absence of the necessary rules in the present system. The dissertation holds that there exist in China's legislation certain blind area. The rules concerning time limit of testification and objection of jurisdiction cannot eliminate litigation surprise. Thirdly, moral risk under information asymmetry. The dissertation holds that due to the asymmetrical distribution of the litigation information and the relation between behavior option and gains, the party may make converse choices to seek improper gains. Fourthly, cost and effect consideration. The dissertation points out that due to the optional characteristic of the litigation conduct and the asymmetrical distribution of information, the party cannot make rational cost and effect calculations. Once the procedure and the result exhibit any uncertainties, litigation surprise is to be motivated by the maximization of gains. Fifthly, the psychology of the party. The dissertation proposes that litigation surprise is a reflection of the party's speculating psychology in an attempt to seek gains by taking advantage of the loopholes or blind areas in the system. Sixthly, the impact of the lawyer. The dissertation points out that though the lawyers are to maintain justice, but they cannot avoid economic purpose. Under the pressure of competition and their client's desire to win, formally legal activities such as litigation surprise is to be undertaken by the lawyers.
     Chapter Four is entitled "Legal Principles about the Constraints of Litigation Surprise." This chapter expounds the legal principles that can be applied in the constraints of litigation surprise. Firstly, the dissertation proposes that sufficient and clarified information should be provide for the litigation subject so as to promote the stability and reduce the uncertainty of the process and keep a dynamic balance. Effective communication should be achieved to guide the litigation subject to make decisions in accordance with the system so as to control the motive of speculation and reduce the possibility of litigation surprise. Secondly, the dissertation proposes that the party should have the right to get information. The information should be transmitted efficiently in a mutual-trust system so as to conduct sufficient and validate defense and offence, eliminating the uncertainties of the procedure. The party should be enabled to predict the process and result of the judge's proof, so as to ensure a substantive participation in the lawsuit and influence of the final judgment. The dissertation points out the judges directing function should be established aiming at the goal of substantive justice. The asymmetric information distribution should be adjusted in a reasonable scope in order to ensure communication and to predict and rectify the litigation option, and consequently to reduce the uncertainties. Thirdly, the dissertation proposes the obligation of the party should be clarified so as to ensure a one-time solution of the dispute. The effectiveness and the completeness of the defense and offence should be guaranteed, and the meaningless cost should be avoided. Simultaneously, the judge's obligation to promote the litigation should be clarified centering on the publicity of judge's free proof. The judge's action should be expected and accepted by the party so as to eliminate the motive of seeking improper gains. Fourthly, the dissertation holds that litigation procedure should have expectability and credibility. An expectable procedure can not only enable sufficient information transmission, rule making, procedure advancement and order and stability, but also enable the litigation subject to make rational choices and adjustments, control speculation tendencies, inspire honesty and improve the efficiency of dispute solving. The credibility of litigation procedure should be based on the interactive relation between the litigation subjects. Unexpected behaviors should be limited and punished. The party should be given sufficient opportunity in the defense and offence process to inspire their active and effective litigation behavior. Reasonable expectations of the process and result of the judge's proof will enable the judge to make their decision closer to truth and more reliable. Fifthly, the dissertation proposes that the party in a harmonious society should not view the litigation process as a pure competition but as a institutionalized and obligatory activity that must be conducted sufficiently and effectively.
     Chapter Five is entitled " The Two Legal Systems' Strategic Choices Concerning Litigation Surprise", which makes a comparative study between the two legal systems from the perspectives of concept evolution and strategic choice. Due to the case law tradition, the common law system does not have any systematic expatiation of litigation surprise, which is now focused on because of the practical problem it caused such as delay in litigation procedure and increase of litigation costs.In this respect, countries of the common law system define litigation surprise from the party based on the idea of procedure propriety. With regard to the judicatory sphere, system planning and rule making are applied to control litigation surprise. The three separate but interdependent procedures of pleading, discovery and pretrial conference are used to exercise legal control over litigation surprise. The judge's discretion and administration of the cases are enhanced and so is the obligation of the party to promote the litigation. A "platform" is set up for the litigation subjects to conduct sufficient and effective information exchange so as to make the litigation procedure and result more predictable. In countries of the civil law system, concerns of litigation surprise starts from the civil entity law's recognition of power abuse. The independence of litigation right and the expansion of honesty principle in the civil procedure have enhanced such concerns. The theoretical base for the constraint of litigation surprise is the demand of a proper and honest conduction of litigation right. As the focus of legal protection turns in the direction toward an equal attention to individual and social interests under the legal theory of social standard, the abuse of litigation right is gradually attracting attention and acquiring independent meanings in procedure law. The Japanese litigation study circle also dissertates litigation surprise from the perspective of abuse of litigation right, i.e. if the party has litigation right but conducts with malice or other improper intention, he/she will be regarded as dishonest and will be subject to legal constraints accordingly. In the judicature sphere, the civil law system enhances, on the one hand, the directing function of the judge to establish a cooperative litigation module via the efficient and pertinent procedure of legal elucidation and the publicity of judge's free proof. On the other hand, it encourages the party to fulfill the obligation of promoting the litigation via the establishment of honesty principle and relevant legal consequences. It attempts to reduce the occurrence of litigation surprise by standardizing the litigation activities through the system of proof- right - losing, duty charge, and pre-court procedure.
     Chapter Six is entitled "Legal Constraints of Litigation Surprise". The dissertation holds that a perfect litigation system should guide the litigation subject in its choice making through the establishment of a balanced configuration of rights and obligations. Relatively complete information supply through a communication mechanism should be ensured to make the cognition, evaluation and determination of the litigation subject to tally with the legal purpose, hence to eliminate the uncertainties in the process and result of the litigation. The litigation surprise should be confined to the trial of first instance with low frequency and low intensity. Its negative influence and its impact scope should be reduced. The dissertation makes three proposals with regard to this: One is the mandatory mechanism in reply to litigation surprise. Through the perfection of the pleading procedure, the party is required to present in the written petition complete appeal and detailed account of relevant evidences; defendant reply should be conducted before court procedure in written form and should be responded to accordingly. Written answers, court debate and meeting presided by the judge should be adopted to elaborate the evidence exchange and issue arrangement. All these procedures should be completed before the court session, and the party is not to propose new measures of defense and offence. Issue arrangement should have constraint over the party and the judge. The proposing party should be responsible for any skip of the issue arrangement. A second proposal is the establishment of rectifying mechanism in reply to litigation surprise. The judge's obligation of legal elucidation and notification should be pinpointed, which requires the judge to inform the party of their rights and obligations, the composition of the court, the risk of the litigation and other issues related to the procedure. The judge should also elucidate the litigation appeal, evidence proposal and admittance, and the legal standpoint in accordance with the legal conditions. Possible litigation surprises are to be rectified through questioning and reminding. The judge should also, within the reasonable expectation scope of the party, prudently publicize the procedure, result and reason of his free proof, making sure that the winner is the right one and the loser deserves to lose. Apart from this, the verdict should provide explanations on the relation between the case fact and the legal provisions. A third proposal is the establishment of punitive mechanism. The legal consequences of conducting litigation surprise should be clearly defined so as to restrict the litigation subject's motivation to adopt litigation surprise. For instance, if defendant not to give reply or to submit written supply before the time limit, the judge should give legal elucidation. If defendant still refuses to reply , defendant can be taken economical sanction. With regard to the judge's failure in elucidation or improper elucidation, once the objection by the party is recognized, the litigation procedure should be resumed to the stage where the court should provide legal elucidation. Besides, the court should make a written record of the content and manner of the judge's legal elucidation. A fourth proposal is the establishment of an encouraging mechanism, which gives positive benefit and appraisal to the party who positively promote the litigation and the judge who actively publicizes his free proof and properly carries out his directing function, hence makes the litigation subjects willing give up the choice of litigation surprise.
1 Michele Taruffo,Abuse of Procedural Rights:Comparative Standard of Procedural Faieness,(Kluwer law international,1998).
    2 Access to Justice:Interim Report to the Lord Chancellor on the Civil Justice System in England and Wales(1995).
    3 Adrian A.S.Zuckerman,"Civil justice in Crisis,"Oxford University Press,1999.
    4 Oscar G.Chase,"Civil Litigation Delay in Italy and United States",The American Journal of Comparative Law,vol.61,1988.
    12 “法经济学”是20世纪50-60年代发展起来的一门经济学与法学交叉的边缘学科,该学科致力于以经济学阐释法律问题,以经济学理论和方法对法律的形成、法律的框架、法律的运作予以分析。
    22 《古汉语常用字字典》:《古汉语常用字字典》编写组,北京:商务印书馆1984年版,第244页。
    23 同上注,第259页。
    24 《现代汉语词典》(第5版):中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室编,北京:商务印书馆2006年版,第1378、1459页。
    26 顾培东:《社会冲突与诉讼机制》(修订版),北京:法律出版社2004年版,第1页。
    30 同上注,第270页。
    32 该学说主要是在保障当事人权利和利益的意义上来界定诉讼行为。
    33 国内就民事诉讼行为展开研究的学术专著,主要见于张家慧博士的《当事人诉讼行为法律研究》一书。
    34 吕世伦、公丕祥主编:《现代理论法学原理》,安徽:安徽大学出版社1996年版,第472页。
    35 曹鸿澜:“刑事诉讼行为之基础理论(1)--刑事诉讼行为之效力”,台北:《法学评论》,1974年第6期,第79页。
    36 王锡三:《资产阶级国家民事诉讼法要论》,西南政法学院法律系诉讼法教研室编1986年版,第46页。
    37 在日本学界,学说上把二者合起来称为诉讼主体。
    38 主要指证人、鉴定人、执达员等。
    41 同上书,第6页。
    43 张家慧:《当事人诉讼行为法律研究》,北京:中国民主法制出版社2005年版,第43页。
    44 常怡:《比较民事诉讼法》,北京:中国政法大学出版社2002年版,第209页。
    45 邵明:“民事诉讼行为要论”,《中国人民大学学报》,2002年第2期,第101页。
    46 常怡主编:《民事诉讼法学》(第6版),北京:中国政法大学出版社2008年版,第54页。
    47 田平安主编:《民事诉讼法学研究》,北京:高等教育出版社2008年版,第76页。
    48 吴萍:“诉讼行为界说”,《广西政法管理干部学院学报》,2000年第17卷第2期,第94页。
    49 陈计南:《民事诉讼法论》(上),台北:三民书局出版1994年版,第257页。
    50 同上注,第258-259页。
    51 陈荣宗 林庆苗:《民事诉讼法》,台北:三民书局1996年版,第455页。
    52 同上注,第456页。
    53 李木贵:《民事诉讼法》(上),台北:三民书局2006年版,第六章第6页。
    79 路坦:“关于逾期申请增加、变更诉讼请求的时限处理”,http://www.chinacourt.org/html/article/200407/29/125428.shtml,2007.11.12.
    80 王亚新、陈杭平:“论作为证据的当事人陈述”,《政法论坛》2006年第6期,第100、101页。
    81 李龙:“民事诉讼欺诈与应对策略研究”,《人民司法》2006年第5期,第79页。
    82 李龙:“民事诉讼欺诈与应对策略研究”,《人民司法》2006年第5期,第79页。
    83 王亚新:《法律程序运作的实证分析》,北京:法律出版社2005年版,第35-36页。
    84 王亚新、陈杭平:“论作为证据的当事人陈述”,《政法论坛》2006年第6期,第99页。
    88 李祖军:《民事诉讼目的论》,北京:法律出版社2000年版,第1页。
    94 邱联恭:“心证公开论-着重于阐述心证公开之目的与方法”,《民事诉讼法之研讨》(七),台北:三民书局1998年版,第207页。
    95 同上注,第209页。
    96 李祖军:“自由心证与法官依法独立判断”,《现代法学》,2004年第4期,第106页。
    97 主要参见:龙宗智:“刑事判决应加强判决理由”,《现代法学》,1999年第2期;
    99 陈怀峰、刘玉环:“试论法官心证公开在审判公开制度中的适用”,《山东审判》,2003年第5期,第43页。
    100 顾培东:《社会冲突与诉讼机制》(修订版),北京:法律出版社2004年版,第124页。
    102 严格的讲,“官本位”并不是一个科学的概念,而是通俗的说法。它可以体现为一种体制设置和制度安排,也可以表现为一种社会现象、一种思想意识、一种价值取向。而其内涵中就包括公共权力的运行以“官”的利益意志为最根本的出发点和落脚点。
    103 顾培东:《社会冲突与诉讼机制》(修订版),北京:法律出版社2004年版,第114页。
    105 如该法第18条规定,将法官分成12级,这显然是套用了行政级别的划分模式。
    106 在笔者与调研法院法官的一次访谈中,谈及当事人与法官在诉讼中的相互地位与作用时,该法官用一句简单明了的话语表明了他对程序运作的理解:“判决结果是由我决定的,因为审判权在我手中。”
    110 赵刚、占善刚:“论社会主义市场经济条件下我国公民应有的诉讼观念”,载陈光中、江伟:《诉讼法论丛》(第1卷),北京:法律出版社1998年版,第256-257页。
    111 季卫东:《法治秩序的建构》,北京:中国政法大学出版社2000年版,第29页。
    112 夏勇:《走向权利的时代》,北京:中国政法大学出版社1995年版,第36页。
    115 在笔者旁听的一次遗产继承案件的庭审中,法官为了达成调解,反复对原被告晓之以理、动之以情,费了九牛二虎之力,终告失败。庭审中,子女间在利益上的“寸土必争”、辩论中的“恶语相加”,令笔者感叹:一个“利”字如何了得!
    117 在理性选择理论体系中,预期效用理论是现代经济学广泛适用的理性假设,该理论认为:目的外生于决策过
    124 张卫平:“管辖权异议:回归原点与制度修正”,《法学研究》,2006年第6期,第141页。
    125 同上注,第142页。
    128 同上注,第329-330页。
    129 最高人民法院民事诉讼法调研小组编:《民事诉讼程序改革报告》,北京:法律出版社2003年版,第135页。
    130 诉讼中的信息不对称是指在相互对应的诉讼主体之间就彼此间诉讼信息了解的非对称分布状态。
    147 顾培东:《社会冲突与诉讼机制》(修订版),北京:法律出版社2004年版,第150-151页。
    149 行为经济学家Kahneman和Tversky在研究不确定性下行为选择中提出的“框架效应”概念可以在一定意义上对其予以解释。框架效应指的是不确定状态下,行为人的选择不仅与不同行动方案的预期效用有关,更与这些行动方案与基准点的偏离方向有关。根据基准点,当行动方案代表的是“收益”时,行为人是风险的规避者,即在具有同样预期效用的确定性收益和风险性收益中,选择前者;而当行动方案代表的是“损失”时,行为人则成为风险爱好者,也即在具有同样预期效用的确定性损失和风险性损失中,选择后者。转引自魏建:“行为经济学与行为经济法学:一个简单介绍”,载黄少安主编:《制度经济学研究》(第二辑),北京:经济科学出版社2003年版,第23页。
    159 在笔者调研法院下发的问卷中,问及:庭审中您觉得与当事人(律师)之间就案件信息的交流通畅吗?选择A、畅通:B、不畅通,但希望畅通;C、视案件情况而定,分别为:2人、5人、7人。在收回得对法官问卷中,分别为47人、84人、93人。在回答,影响信息交流的原因有哪些?(可多选)选择:A、不信任律师,不愿交流;B、律师与法官的交流是有选择性的,不是全面的;C、律师对法官缺乏信任,不与交流;D、当事人(律师)为确保胜诉不愿意交流;E、其他的分别为5人、2人、无人选择、5人、2人。在收回得对法官问卷中,选择:A、证据不完整;B、不信任律师,不愿意交流;C、律师与法官交流有选择性,不会全 面交流;D、律师对法官缺乏信任,不予交流;E、当事人为确保胜诉,不愿交流,分别为99人、63人、139人、61人、99人。由此可以看出,在我国司法实践中,诉讼主体在程序运作过程中的交流是十分有限的。
    162 唐力:《民事诉讼构造研究:以当事人与法院作用分担为中心》,北京:法律出版社2006年版,第78页。
    164 Roger J.Traynor,"Ground Lost in Criminal Discovery",39 N.Y.U.L.Rew,228,249(1964).转引自龙宗智:“刑事诉讼中的证据开示制度研究”,《政法论坛》,1998年第1期,第4页。
    165 邱联恭:《程序选择权论》,台湾:三民书局2000年版,第4页。
    167 唐力:《民事诉讼构造研究一以当事人与法院作用分担为中心》,北京:法律出版社2006年版,第98页。
    168 张卫平:《诉讼构架与程式》,北京:清华大学出版社2000年版,第154页。
    170 陈瑞华:《刑事审判原理轮》,北京:北京大学出版社1997年版,第51页。
    171 邱联恭:《程序选择权之法理:着重于阐述其理论基础并辅以展望新世纪之民事程序法学》,台湾:《法学丛书》2000年版,第45页。
    172 王亚新:《社会变革中的民事诉讼》,北京:中国法制出版社2001年版,第217页。
    173[日]兼子一、竹下守夫:《民事诉讼法》,白绿铉 译,北京:法律出版社1995年版,第72-73页。
    174 王亚新:《对抗与判定-日本民事诉讼的基本结构》,北京:清华大学出版社2002年版,第56页。
    177 李祖军:《民事诉讼目的论》,北京:法律出版社2000年版,第93页。
    179 Vgl.Olzen.Die Wahrheitspflicht der Parteien im Zivilprozess,ZZP 98,403.转引自姜世明:《举证责任与真实义务》,台北:新学林出版股份有限公司2006年版,第479页。
    181 邱联恭等:《处分权主义、辩论主义之新容貌及机能演变》,《民事诉讼法之研讨》(九),台北:三民书局2000年版,第367页。
    185 在英美等国家,法官在发现案件真实,特别是促进诉讼效率方面的作用愈发受到关注,并在其民事诉讼改革中得以体现。参见[意]莫诺·卡佩莱蒂:《当事人基本程序保障权与未来的民事诉讼》,徐听译,北京:法律出版社2000年版,第135页;[日]小岛武司等:《司法制度的历史与未来》,汪祖兴译,北京:法律出版社2000年版,第14页。
    186 邱联恭:“突袭性裁判”,《民事诉讼法之研讨》(一),台北:三民书局1980年版,第32页。
    187 常怡主编:《民事诉讼法学》,中国政法大学出版社1996年版,第82页。
    191[英]A S Hornby:《牛津高阶英汉双解辞典》,石孝殊、王玉章、赵翠莲等译,北京:商务印书馆2004年版,第1213页。
    192 《古汉语常用字字典》编写组编:《古汉语常用字字典》,北京:商务印书馆1993年修订版,第321、380-381页。
    193 中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室编:《现代汉语词典》,北京:商务印书馆1983年第二版,第1493页。
    196 就我国而言,最早在1982年颁布的《民事诉讼法(试行)》中的45条第二款所指的“诉讼秩序”实际上就是 民事诉讼秩序,但这一含义仅仅覆盖于妨害民事诉讼的强制措施这一范畴之中,而学界的相关论述也围绕这一诉讼领域展开。这说明学界很早就意识到秩序对诉讼程序的重要意义,但并没有真正的展开论述,而研究的焦点也只局限于妨害民事诉讼的强制措施这一诉讼阶段。还没有上升到从整个民事诉讼程序运作的视角去考量秩序对整个诉讼规则设置运作的重要性及其价值。
    197 目前我国学者更多的是从公正、效率的视角对程序的实质价值予以探讨。
    198 王亚新:《对抗与判定:日本民事诉讼的基本结构》,北京:清华大学出版社2002年版,序章第10页
    199[德]柯武钢 史漫飞:《制度经济学》,韩朝华译,北京:商务印书馆2001年版,第33页。
    200 从诉讼程序运作的角度说,预期是指一些将要发生诉讼法律效果事件的确定性和其它可能发生的事件的不同概率。
    201 张文显:《法理学》,北京:高等教育出版社、北京大学出版社1999年版,第224-227页。
    204 在笔者调研法院下发的问卷中,问及:案件审理中您觉得当事人及其律师的诉讼行为可以预测吗?选择A、可以预测;B、不可以预测;C、视案件具体情况,有一定程度的可预测性,分别为6人、2人、6人。在收回的针对法官的问卷中分别问46人、37人、144人。而在问及当事人与律师相同的问题时,选择结果分别为52人、36人、162人;43人、86人、140人。以上数据表明,在审理中当事人与法官相互之间对对方的行为预期都比较低。
    208 苏力:《法治及其本土资源》,北京:中国政法大学出版社1996年版,第41页。
    209 L.M.Friedman:Friedman,The Repubilc of Choice:Law,Authority and Culture,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1990,p.95.
    210 L,M.Friedman:The Legal System:A Social Science Perspective,New York:Russell Sage Foundation,1975,p.15.
    211 赵刚、占善刚:“论社会主义市场经济条件下我国公民应有的诉讼观念”,载陈光中、江伟:《诉讼法论丛》(第1卷),北京:法律出版社1998年版,第257页。
    221 邱联恭等:《处分权主义、辩论主义之新容貌及机能演变》,《民事诉讼法之研讨》(九),台湾:三民书局2000年版,第368页。
    222 据考证,正当程序原则的思想最早来源于英国,萌芽于1215年的《大宪章》,1354年《伦敦西敏寺自由法》第3章第28条首次以法令的形式使用了“正当程序”一语。汤维建:《美国民事司法制度与民事诉讼程序》,北京:中国法制出版社2001年版,第24页。
    224 徐昕:《英国民事诉讼与民事司法改革》,北京:中国政法大学出版社2002年版,第200页。
    225 19世纪的英国司法改革是在议会制形成、工业革命、宪章运动等一系列重大历史事件的背景下进行的,对其司法制度产生了巨大影响。如建立起了四级三审的法院组织、结束了普通法与衡平法的分离格局。
    226 Access to Justice:Interim Report to the Lord Chancellor on the Civil Justice System in England and Wales(1995).Chapter 2.
    227 齐树洁主编:《英国证据法》,厦门:厦门大学出版社2002年版,第28页。
    228 同注224,第526页。
    230 Access to Justice:Interim Report to the Lord Chancellor on the Civil Justice System in England and Wales(1995).Chapter 2.
    231 同上注。
    238 何兵:“从美国民事诉讼的困境看我国民事审判方式的改革”,《中外法学》1996年第8期,第11页。
    239 范愉:《诉讼的价值、运行机制与社会效应--读奥尔森的〈诉讼爆炸〉》,《北大法律评论》第1卷第1辑,北京:法律出版社1998年版,第160页。
    240 M.Frankel,The Search for Truth,An Umpireal View,123U.Pa.L.Rev.1031(1975)转引自四川大学张晓薇博士论文《民事诉权滥用规制论》2005年,第103页。
    241 沈达明:《比较民事诉讼法初论》(下册),北京:中信出版社1991年版,第52页。
    244 Robert GBone,Modeling Frivolous Suits,145 University of Pennsyslvania Law Review 519,533(1977,).转引自四川大学张晓薇博士论文《民事诉权滥用规制论》2005年,第46页。
    245 Hazard,id.,James & Hazard,Civil Procedure 4-8(3d ed.1985)转引自唐力:《民事诉讼构造研究-以当事人与法院作用分担为中心》,北京:法律出版社2006年版,第106页。
    246 Geoffrey C.Hazrd,Abuse of Procedural Rights:Regional Report for The United States,Abuse of Procedural Rights:A Comparative Standards of Procedural Fairness,(Kluwer law international,1998),p52.
    247 陈桂明、刘萍:“民事诉讼程序中的程序滥用及其法律规制”,《法学》,2007年第10期,第98页。
    255 姜世明:“法律性突袭裁判之研究”,《万国法律》,2000年第6期,第12页。
    256 Kurt Kettembeil,juristische Uberraschungsentscheidungen als problem yon Logik und Strulauren im Recht,1978,S,11,16,20f;Wolfram Waldner,Der Anspruch auf rechtliches GehOr,1989,Rdn.207f.;Wolfram Waldner,Aktuelle Probleme des rechtlichen GehOrs im Zivilprozeβ,NJW 1965,1315ff.转引自姜世明:“法律性突袭裁判之研究”,《万国法律》2000年第6期,第12-13页。
    259 Jasubei Taniguchi,Abuse pf Procedual Rights:A Japanese Perspective,Abuse of Procedural Rights:A Comparative Standards ofProcedural Fairness,(Kluwer law international,1998),p 215-236.
    260 同上注,p215.
    261 蔡章麟:“民事诉讼法上诚实信用原则”,杨建华:《民事诉讼法论文选辑》(上),台北:五南图书出版公司1984年版,第25页。
    262 日本旧民事诉讼法中第331条规定了对文书真实争执的制裁;第339条规定了对虚伪陈述的制裁。
    264[英]彼得·斯坦 约翰·香得:《西方社会的法律价值》,王献平译,北京:中国法制出版社2004年版,第2页。
    265 Neil Andrews,A New Civil Procedure Code for England:Party Control "Going,Going,Gone," 19,Janauary,(c)Sweet,& Maxwell2000.
    266 这五个目标是:在诉讼的早期阶段使当事人就争诉内容的全部或部分达成和解,从而终结诉讼;便于法官在发现非讼方式解决纠纷更为适当时,可以及时将诉讼引向非讼解决的途径;让当事人为使案件进入庭审程序而积极地交换证据,整理和决定争点;培养当事人之间的协调关系,减少庭审时的对抗气氛,从而带来诉讼费用的降低和纠纷的尽早解决;在无望通过和解或其他非讼方式解决案件时,便于法官适时做出案件进入庭审的决定。而争点整理与促进和解成为案件管理制度的主要目标。
    267 参见《英国民事诉讼规则》,徐昕译,北京:中国法制出版社2001年版,第13页。
    268 沈达明、冀宗儒:《1999年英国<民事诉讼规则>诠释》,北京:中国法制出版社2005年版,第187页。
    285 汤维建:《美国民事司法制度与民事诉讼程序》,北京:中国法制出版社2001年版,第424页。
    289 章武生:《司法现代化与民事诉讼制度的建构》,北京:法律出版社2000年版,第474页。
    291 李大雪:《二战后德国民事诉讼法之改革研究》,西南政法大学博士论文,第78页。
    292 同上注,第84-85页。
    293 主要是1976年12月3日颁布的《简化和加快诉讼程序的法律》,该法通过将程序尽量集中到一次言词辩论来加快民事诉讼,努力使言词辩论成为诉讼的核心。该法一方面要求法院在言词审理之前准备得更加充分,另一方面驳回迟延提出的主张和证据,并认为法官对当事人负有教育和照顾的义务。参见:MunchnerKommentar,ZPO,2,Auflage,Einleitung Rn.58.转引自李大雪:《二战后德国民事诉讼法之改革研究》,西南政法大学博士论文,第11页。
    294 同注291,第4页。
    296 JuMiKo vom 25.11.2004,Beschluss,“Eckpunkte fur eine groβe Justizreform”,Ziff.1.2,S.4 f.转引自李大雪:《二战后德国民事诉讼法之改革研究》,西南政法大学博士论文,第41页。
    298 Amtliche Begrtlndung BT-Drs.14/4722,S.62转引自李大雪:《二战后德国民事诉讼法之改革研究》,西南政法大学博士论文,第50页。
    299 OLzen,Die Wahrheitspflicht der Parteien im Zivilprozess,ZZP98(1985),S.413 转引自李大雪:《二战后德国民事诉讼法之改革研究》,西南政法大学博士论文,第51页。
    317 主要内容参见 唐力:“有序与效率:日本民事诉讼‘计划审理制度'介评”,《法学评论》,2005年第5期。
    319 Niklas Luhmann:Law as a Social System,Oxford University Press,2004,p.152.转引自罗文波:“预期的稳定化--卢曼的法律功能思想探析”,《环球法律评论》,2007年第4期,第28页。
    320 张建伟:《司法竞技主义-英美诉讼传统与中国庭审方式》,北京:北京大学出版社2005年版,第71页。
    321 同注318,序言第1页。
    323[美]Lan R·麦克尼克:《新社会契约论》,雷喜宁、潘勤译北京:中国政法大学出版社2004年版,第54页。
    324 这里所指的诉答程序主要针对我国诉讼制度结构下原告提起诉讼和被告提出答辩,并不是指西方国家意义上的诉答程序。
    344 许世宦:《程序保障与释明义务》,台湾:学林文化事业有限公司2003年版,第143页。
    345 世界各国关于法官释明义务的规定几乎都是原则性的。如法国民事诉讼法第442条规定:法庭庭长与法官可以提请当事人提出其认为解决争议所必要的法律上与事实上的说明,或者提请当事人具体说明看来尚未清楚
    348 邱联恭:《程序选择权论》,台湾:三民书局2000年版,第141页。
    349 陈瑞华:《刑事审判原理论》,北京:北京大学出版社1997年版,第61页。
    355 梁治平主编:《法律解释问题》,北京:法律出版社1998年版,第195页。
    356 苏力:“判决书的背后”,《中外法学》,2001年第3期,第4页。
    357 殷海光、林毓生著:《殷海光、林毓生书信录》,上海:远东出版社1994年版,第11页。
    359 苏力:《法制及其本土资源》,北京:中国政法大学出版社1996年版,第164页。
    362 有关诉讼法上的责任问题,我国学者已有所涉及。如张志铭、张元元:“论裁判责任制改革”,《人民司法》2007年第2期;
    363 针对答辩失权我国学者也存在争论,参见:王亚新:“我国民事诉讼不宜引进‘答辩失权'”,《人民法院报》,2005年4月6日;
    369 张维迎:《信息、信任与法律》,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店2003年版,前言第2页。
    3.[英]A S Hornby(霍恩比)著:《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》,石孝殊、王玉章、赵翠莲等译,商务印书馆、牛津大学出版社(中国)有限公司,2004年版。
    14.陈弘毅:“调解 诉讼 公正--对现代自由社会中儒家思想的思考”,胡牧译,《金陵法律评论》,2001春季卷。
    50.吴杰:“辩论主义与协同主义的思辨--以德日民事诉讼为中心”,《法律科学》, 2008年第1期。
    18.[美]Lan R·麦克尼克:《新社会契约论》,雷喜宁、潘勤译,中国政法大学出版社2004年版。
    27 王亚新:《法律程序运作的实证分析》,法律出版社2005年版。
    4.Michele Taruffo,Abuse of procedural Rights:Comparative Standard of procedural Faieness,Kluwer Law International,1998.
    5.Aceess to Justice:Interim Report to the Lord Chancellor on the Civil Justice System in England and Wales(1995).
    6.Jasubei Taniguchi,Abuse Of Procedural Rights:A Japanese Perspective,Abuse of Procedural Rights:A Comparative standards of Procedural Fairness,Kluwer Law International,1998.
    7.Burkhard Hess,Abuse of Procedure in Germany and Austeia,Abuse of Procedural Rights:A Comparative Standards of Procedural Fairness,Kluwer Law internationgl,1998.
    8.Neil Andrews,A New Civil Procedure Code for England:Party Control "Going,Going,Gone",19,January,(c)Sweet,&Maxwell 2000.
    9.Geoffrey C.Hazard,Abuse of Procedural Rights:A summary View of the Common Law Systems,Abuse of Procedural Rights:Comparative of Procedural Fairness,Kluwer Law International,1998.
    10.Marcus,The Revival of Fact pleading Under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,96Colum.L.Rew.1986.
    11.Magna.C.Hart,The Concept of Law,Oxford,1961.
    12.L.M.Friedman:The Republic of Choice:law,Authority and Culture,Cambridge,Mass.harvard University Press,1990.
    13.L.M.Friedman:The legal System:A Social Science Perspective,New York:Russell Sagefoundation,1975.
    14.Judith Resnik,Failing Faith:Adjudicatory Procedure in Decline,53L.Rev.1986.
    15.Mary Kane,Civil Procedure,Second edition,West Publishing Co,1985.

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