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There is obvious regional diversity in the social and economic development of our country, and the differences in geography,history and cultural traditions would inevitably put unique brands for the rural labor force transfer in various regions.Guizhou is a multi-ethnic province located in a typical karst mountain area,which is also well-known for poverty area concentration,and the poverty here is remarkable whether from the view of depth or breadth. From the perspective of social capital to search the transfer of rural labor force,the paper breaks the existing research paradigm which takes economic person as logical starting,and by taking social assumption into account the paper can more accurately reveal the inherent mechanism about the transfer of rural labor force in China as well as complement the employment theory based on the condition of urban-rural structure.But for a long period of time,the academic community researches little about the rural labor force in this region,let alone the empirical researches from the perspective of social capital.So this paple researches the transfer of labor force in Guizhou from the perspective of social capital.
     Based on the in-depth study about the theory of social capital,the paper elaborates the concept,the level and the characteristics of the social capital of rural areas,establishes the theorital framework for the analysis about social capital in rural area,and does theorital and empirical analysis in individual and group levels.The paper comprehensively uses the research results of social capital from the subjects such as economics,sociology and political science as well as the other related subjects like information economics,social-relationgship network theory,the theory of ant-flock to get a detailed analysis about the inherent mechanism of the rural labor transfer in Guizhou Province.How feature variables of the social capital affect labor transfer at different levels is also analysed and a detailed analysis is made to present the possession and the use of the social capital at the individual and group levels,suggestions and policies are offered for individual labor to enhance their social capital as well as for the government to take measures to accumulate group-level social capital.By combining theory and cases or empirical methods together and through questionnaire survey,semi-structure interviews,collecting information in sector investigation,the data-process and empirical analysis are carried out via the using of social network analysis,econometric and methods related to statistics.
     The conclusions in this paper:the amount of social capital owned by the migrant workers decides the possibility of their mobility and his or her conduct to choose.Meanwhile,both social capital at individual level of migrant workers and social capital of group levels have impact on the transfer of rural labor force,but the impact of social capital at individual level has an important impact on the transfer.Because the relative lack of social capital of group level for the rural labor force in Guizhou,the impact of social capital of group level seems not that direct or obvious.In ethnic minority poverty-stricken area like Guizhou,the transfer of rural labor force is more likely to dependent on the informal social networks such as relatives, geographic relations,these social capitals are of small number and low quality,non-conducive to their upward mobility and integration into the local civil society,leading to the characteristic of non-formal employment.To promote a better transfer,in addition to the investment to the owned social capital and new established social capital for the rural labor force,the public policies and public goods provision of the government still have a positive impact on accumulation and upgrade of social capital at group level for rural labor force.
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