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With the development of city and economy, the burden of the road transportation system becomes heavier and heavier. Illegal parking has become a more serious problem which has a very bad affection on normal transportation order. The paper is devoted to detecting method of illegal parking based on vision technology and illegal parking automatically snapshot system is designed and realized. What is more the paper analyzes the performance of the system in detail on the basis of field testing. The main contents of the paper are listed as follows:
     Firstly, this paper focuses on moving vehicle detection problem in dynamic scenes. A method named time-based motion history image is applied after analyzing and comparing several normal used methods. This method sufficiently uses the information surveillance video carries and the moving object is depicted independent of processing system. As a result this method has good real-time performance. Meanwhile this paper applies method based on shadow character to remove vehicle shadow which makes the moving detection more precise.
     Secondly, this paper researches on moving vehicle tracking method. Matching theory and several normal used methods are introduced. According to this specific application in this paper characteristic points optical-flow estimation matching tracking method is used. It has good real-time performance and is robust for vehicle adhesion and shading. Furthermore this method makes it convenient to judge vehicle behavior which realizes effective tracking in surveillance scene.
     Thirdly, this paper designs accurate location algorithm based on high speed dome camera. This algorithm combines linear camera imaging model and communication protocol and locates peccancy vehicle twice. Then the vehicle plate can be recognized by using license plate recognition software. In this process peccancy evidence image can also be achieved, then the processing to peccancy vehicle is over.
     Finally, on the basis of all these algorithms above, automatic snapshot system for illegal parking is designed. The frame of the system design of each module and estimation method of performance index are described specifically. Under different kinds of weather circumstance the system is tested in real scene. Then, the system performance including accurate capability real-time capability and stability is estimated. The result shows that this system is an effective solution for illegal parking problem.
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