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International institutions are created to promote cooperation, with a byproduct of institutional borders distinguishing members with non-members. Social effects of an international institution, therefore, are not only how it affects cooperation among members within the context of institution, but also how it affects the relationship between institutional insiders and outsiders. For this reason, it is theoretically enlightening to analysis how institutions affect social behavior of nonmembers, more or less ignored in current research agenda.
     To begin with, this dissertation seeks to find out how it differs for member states and nonmembers in facing an institution. The author contends that members endeavor to broaden the scope an institution covers and build up institutional capacity to cope with public concern. Whereas, nonmembers initiate outreach activities to react to the social environment an institution creates, take a share of institutional benefit of global governance, and gain sufficient international recognition. When these two sets of individual needs match with each other, it then paves way for two sides to meet and interact with each other.
     Insofar as the rules applicable, the author claims that the institution in being constitutes a foundation based on which interaction unfolds. The institution in being may as well advance certain modes of behavior, making the tabula rasa of international society a thing of past. Yet, an international institution confines and enables nonmembers in different ways from it does to members. While it affects members within the context of the institution, this does not happen without non-members’prior adherence to this institution. Therefore, it is necessary to explain why non-members decide to adhere to the principles embedded in an institution. The author points out that the need for mutual legitimization brings institutional insiders and outsiders together. More often than not, non-members need to adhere to the mission and principles advanced, whereas the institution needs to add concerns of outsiders or newcomers in its rule system.
     The mutual legitimization, however, does not happen accidentally. Here, the logic of who-shapes-whom does not apply, instead, co-evolution between institution and non-members counts. Institution not only teaches, but also learns. The absence of organizational learning makes mutual legitimization difficult if not impossible. The author then takes Six-party talk, UK’s EC entry, and Indian nuclear diplomacy for examples to illustrate above mentioned dynamics.
     Concerning the empirical experience of China, the author points out that comprehensive participation in international society not only requires China to deepen participation in the context of institutions joined in, but also calls for broadened participation in institutions from which China is still absent. Investment in institutions of the latter category means to China a bright diplomatic opportunity and higher marginal return. The author also takes a sketch over institutions China yet to join and concentrates on the field of non-proliferation to evaluate the extent to which China and international society mutually legitimized.
     It concludes that mutual legitimization significantly affects both the process of interaction between institutional insiders and outsiders and the realignment of international society as a result. In the field of international relations, when discussing the social effects of international institutions, besides the question of how institutions shapes members’behavior, the phenomenal hits of institutional insiders and outsiders are also noteworthy.
    ②Lisa L. Martin and Beth A. Simmons,“Theories and Empirical Studies of International Institutions,”International Organization, Vol.52, No.4, (Autumn 1998), p.730.
    ④A. Glenn Mower, Jr.,“Observer Countries: Quasi Members of the United Nations,”International Organization, Vol.20, No.2, 1966, pp. 266-283.
    ⑤Stephen R. Hurt,“Co-operation and coercion? The Cotonou Agreement between the European Union and ACP states and the end of the Lome Convention,”Third World Quarterly, Vol.24, No.1, 2003, p.173.
    ③John Toye, Order and Justice in International Trade System, in John-ren Chen ed., The role of international institutions in globalization: the challenge of reform, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003, pp.65-73.
    ①Mark Beeson, Institutions of the Asia-Pacific: ASEAN, APEC and Beyond, London and New York: Routledge, 2009, pp.41-43.
    ②Emilie M. Hafner-Burton, Jana von Stein and Erik Gartzke,“International Organizations Count,”Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol.52, No.2, (April, 2008), pp.175-188.
    ③Frank Schimmelfennig,“Strategic Calculation and International Socialization: Membership Incentives, Party Constellations, and Sustained Compliance in Central and Eastern Europe,”International Organization, Vol.59, No.4, (fall 2005), pp.827-860.
    ④Judith Kelley,“International Actors on the Domestic Scene: Membership Conditionality and Socialization by International Institutions,”International Organization, Vol. 58, No. 3, (Summer 2004), p.454.
    ⑤Alexandra Gheciu,“Security Institution as Agents of Socialization? NATO and the New Europe,”International Organization 59, Fall 2005, pp.973-1012.
    ⑥Iain Hardie and Layna Mosley,“Market Pressures, Membership Conditionality, and EU Accession: Turkey’s Convergence Tale,”January 2007.
    ⑦Kemal Kirisci and Zeynep Gülsah Capan, Turkey on the Edges of the Convention on the“Future of the Europe”, in Sonia Lucarelli and Claudio M. Radaelli eds., Mobilizing Politics and Society? The EU Convention’s Impact on Southern Europe, London and New York: Routledge, 2005.
    ⑧Hongyi Harry Lai,“Behind China's World Trade Organization Agreement with the USA,”Third World Quarterly, Vol 22, No 2, 2001, pp.237-255; Veron Mei-Ying Hung,“China's WTO Commitment on Independent Judicial Review: Impact on Legal and Political Reform,”The American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol.52, No.1, (Winter, 2004), pp.82-127.
    ②James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Inventory of International Nonproliferation Organizations and Regimes, Last Updated Jan.23, 2007.
    ①Ronald B. Mitchell,“Of Course International Institutions Matter: But When and How?”in Frank Biermann, Rainer Brohm and Klaus Dingwerth eds., Proceedings of the 2001 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Global Environmental Change and the Nation State, Potsdam: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, 2002, pp.16-25.
    ①John Toye, Order and Justice in International Trade System, in John-ren Chen ed., The Role of International Institutions in Globalization: The Challenge of Reform, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003, p.71.
    ②Judith Kelley,“International Actors on the Domestic Scene: Membership Conditionality and Socialization by International Institutions,”International Organization, Vol. 58, No. 3, (Summer 2004), p.454.
    ③Mitchell P. Koza and Arie Y. Lewin,“The Co-Evolution of Strategic Alliances,”Organization Science, Vol. 9, No. 3, Special Issue: Managing Partnerships and Strategic Alliances (May - Jun., 1998), pp.255-264.
    ④Samuel S. Kim, China, the United Nations, and World Order, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1979.
    ⑤Jack Knight, Institutions and Social Conflict, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.转引自唐世平:《制度变迁的广义理论》,手稿。
    ①Stephen M. Walt,“International Relations: One World, Many Theories,”Foreign Policy, No.110, Special Edition: Frontiers of Knowledge, (Spring, 1998), pp.29-46.
    ①Lisa L. Martin and Beth A. Simmons,“Theories and Empirical Studies of International Institutions,”International Organization, Vol.52, No.4, (Autumn 1998), p.730.
    ②Daniel W. Drezner, ed., Locating the Proper Authorities: The Interaction of Domestic and International Institutions, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2003.
    ②Greg Mastel,“The WTO and Nonmarket Economies,”in Charles W. Kegley, Jr., Eugene R. Wittkopf eds., The Global Agenda: Issues and Perspectives, 6th edition, Beijing: Peking University Press, 2003.
    ③Joseph Cirincione, Testimony before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, Hearing on China’s Proliferation and the Impact of Trade Policy on Defense Industries in the United States and China, July 12, 2007; Shirley A. Kan,“China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues”, CRS Report RL31555, Updated March 6th, 2008.
    ④Geoffrey M. Hodgson,“What are Institutions?”Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. XL, No.1, (March 2006), p.1.
    ⑤可参阅张旭昆:《制度演化分析导论》,杭州:浙江大学出版社2007年版,第90-91页;Geoffrey M. Hodgson,“What are Institutions?”Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. XL, No.1, (March 2006), pp.1-25;John Duffield,“What Are International Institutions?”International Studies Review (2007) 9, pp.1–22.
    ①Sue E. S. Crawford and Elinor Ostrom,“A Grammer of Institutions,”The American Political Science Review, Vol.89, No.3, (Sep., 1995), pp.582-600.
    ②Stephen D. Krasner, International Regime, Beijing University Press, 2005, p.2.
    ③Marc A. Levy, Oran R. Young and Michael Zürn,“The Study of International Regimes,”European Journal of International Relations, Vol.1, No.3, (1995), p.270.
    ④Abram Chayes and Antonia Handler Chayes,“On Compliance,”International Organization, Vol.47, No.2, (Spring 1993), p.177.
    ⑤Marc A. Levy, Oran R. Young and Michael Zürn,“The Study of International Regimes,”European Journal of International Relations, Vol.1, No.3, (1995), p.272.
    ⑥Stephan Haggard and Beth A. Simmons,“Theories of International Regimes,”International Organization, Vol.41, No.3, (Summer 1987), p.494.
    ⑦Robert O. Keohane,“International Institutions: Two Approaches,”International Studies Quarterly, Vol.32, No.4, (Dec. 1988), p.384.
    ⑤[美]罗伯特·基欧汉:《局部全球化世界中的自由主义、权力与治理》,门洪华译,北京大学出版社2004年版,第174页。最高审计机关亚洲组织(INTOSAI)把国际制度等同于国际组织:“国际制度就是不论是否经由条约而成立的国际组织,其成员包括两个或两个以上的国家、或政府机构及公共资助的实体,其共同(财务)利益受到一个治理实体的监管”。Working Group on the Audit of International Institutions, List of International Institutions, 18th International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions (INCOSAI XVIII): Budapest, 2004.
    ①Abram Chayes and Antonia Handler Chayes,“On Compliance,”International Organization, Vol. 47, No. 2, (Spring 1993), p.175.
    ④参阅饶戈平:《全球化进程中的国际组织》,载其主编《全球化进程中的国际组织》,北京大学出版社2005年版,第4-5页。该文引用的是UIA, ed., Yearbook of International Organization, 1998/1999, Vol.2, p.1759.
    ②Amy F. Woolf, Arms Control and Nonproliferation: A Catalog of Treaties and Agreements, CRS report RL33865, Updated April 9, 2008.
    ③James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Inventory of International Nonproliferation Organizations and Regimes, 2009 edition, Monterey Institute of International Studies, 2009.
    ②Glenn H. Snyder,“Security Dilemma in Alliance Politics”, World Politics, Vol.36, No.4 (Jul.,1984), pp.461-495.
    ③Frank Schimmelfennig and Ulrich Sedelmeier,“Theorizing EU enlargement: research focus, hypotheses, and the state of research,”Journal of European Public Policy 9:4 August 2002, pp.500–528.
    ②B. Rumelili,“Transforming Conflicts on EU Borders,”Journal of Common Market Studies 45 (1), 2007, pp105-126; George Christou,“The EU, Conflict Resolution and The Case Of Cyprus,”Paper prepared for the GARNET Conference,‘The EU in International Affairs’, Brussels, April 24-26, 2008.
    ③NTI, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 Database, .
    ①Jonathan B. Tucker,“Strengthening the CWC Regime for Transfers of Dual-Use Chemicals,”Pugwash Meeting No.324, 52nd Pugwash CBW Workshop, 10 Years of the OPCW: Taking Stock and Looking Forward, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, March 17-18, 2007; Paul Ingram,“Taking Responsibility: What Can NPT States Realistically Do To Build on Today's Momentum behind Nuclear Disarmament?”Paper presented at a meeting held alongside the NPT Preparatory Committee, 2nd Session, Geneva, May 8, 2008.
    ②Gerald Chan, China and International Organizations: Participation in Non-Governmental Organizations Since 1971, Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1989; Samuel S. Kim,“International Organizations in Chinese Foreign Policy,”Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol.519, China's Foreign Relations, (Jan., 1992), pp.140-157.
    ③John Miller,“The Weight of the Past: East Asia’s China Debate,”in Satu P. Limaye ed., Asia’s China Debate, Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies Special Report, December 2003, pp.2-10.
    ①Madeleine Albright,“Enlarging NATO: Why Bigger Is Better,”in Eugene R. Wittkopf and Christopher M. Jones eds., The Future of American Foreign Policy, Beijing: Peking University Press 2003.
    ②Thomas Wright,“Toward Effective Multilateralism: Why Bigger May Not Be Better,”The Washington Quarterly: 32, 3, 2009, pp.163-180.
    ②Economic and Social Council- High Commission for Human Rights, Compendium Of International And Regional Standards Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia And Related Intolerance, E/CN.4/2004/WG.21/5, January 13, 2004; James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Inventory of International Nonproliferation Organizations and Regimes, 2009 edition, Monterey Institute of International Studies, 2009.
    ②Abram Chayes and Antonia Handler Chayes,“On Compliance,”International Organization, Vol.47, No.2, (Spring 1993), p.178; Jeffrey T. Checkel,“Why Comply? Social Learning and European Identity Change,”International Organization, Vol.55, No.3, (Summer 2001), p.554.
    ③Jonas Tallberg,“Paths to Compliance: Enforcement, Management, and European Union,”International Organization, Vol.56, No.3, (Summer 2002), pp.609-643.
    ②Thomas Wright, "On Reforming the International Order: Policy Analysis Brief," Innovative approaches to Peace and Security From The Stanley Foundation, February 2009.
    ③Annette Schnabel,“What Makes Collective Goods a Shared Concern? Re-Constructing the Construction of the Collectiveness of Goods,”Rationality and Society, Vol.18, No.1, (Spring 2006), p.8.
    ④Garrett Hardin,“The Tragedy of Commons,”Science: 162, 13, Dec., 1968.
    ①Peter M. Hass,“Do Regime Matter: Epistemic Community and Mediterranean Pollution Control,”International Organization, Vol.43, No.3, (Summer 1989), pp.377-403.
    ①Thomas Wright, "On Reforming the International Order: Policy Analysis Brief," Innovative approaches to Peace and Security From The Stanley Foundation, February 2009.
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    ④Seema Gahlaut and Vioctor Zaborsky, "Do Export Control Regimes Have Members They Really Need?" Comparative Strategy, Vol.23, No.1, Jan-Mar 2004, pp.73-94; Richard Cupitt and Igor Khripunov, "New Strategyies For the Nuclear Suppliers Group," Comparative Strategy, Vol.16, No.3, Jul-Sep 1997, pp.305-315.转引自刘宏松:《国际防扩散体系中的非正式机制》,复旦大学博士论文,2007。
    ①Charles A. Goldman and Jonathan D. Pollack,“Engaging China in International Export Control Process: Options for U.S. Policy,”Rand Report, 1997.
    ①S. J. Grossman and O. Hart,“Takeover Bids, The Free-Rider Problem, and The Theory of The Corporation,”Bell Journal of Economics 11, 1980, pp.42-64.
    ②Alastair Iain Johnston,“Treating International Institutions as Social Environments,”International Studies Quarterly, Vol.45, No.3, December 2001.
    ①James G. March and Johan P. Olsen,“The Institutional Dynamics of International Political Orders,”International Organization, Vol.52, No.4, (autumn 1998), pp.943-969.
    ③Mark Beeson, Institutions of the Asia-Pacific: ASEAN, APEC and Beyond, London and New York: Routledge, 2009, pp.41-43.
    ①Stephen R. Hurt,“Co-operation and coercion? The Cotonou Agreement between the European Union and ACP States and the End of the Lome Convention,”Third World Quarterly, Vol.24, No.1, (2003), pp.161-176; Tenu Avafia and Dirk Hansohm,“The inclusion of political conditions into trade agreements between the EU and ACP countries: An analysis of the legal and economic implications of Cotonou’s provisions,”Paper prepared for an ECSA-SA conference on The relationship between Africa and the European Union, University of the Western Cape, 22-23 January 2004.
    ③John Toye, Order and Justice in International Trade System, in John-ren Chen ed., The Role of International Institutions in Globalization: The Challenge of Reform, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003, p.71.
    ①Jon C. Pevehouse,“Democratization, Credible Commitments, and Joining International Organizations,”in Daniel W. Drezner, Ed., Locating Proper Authority: The Interaction of International and Domestic Institutions, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2003, p.27.
    ②Marybeth Peterson Ulrich, Democratizing Communist Militaries: The Cases of the Czech and Russian Armed Forces, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1999, p.104.
    ③Andrew P. Cortell and Susan Peterson,“Altered States: Explaining Domestic Institutional Change,”British Journal of Political Science, Vol.29, No.1 (Jan., 1999), pp.177-203; Michael McFaul,“State Power, Institutional Change, and the Politics of Privatization in Russia,”World Politics, Vol.47, No.2 (Jan., 1995), pp.210-243.
    ③John Carlson,“Challenges to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime: Can the Regime Survive? An Australian Perspective,”Paper presented to the Carnegie Moscow Center, 29 May 2007.
    ①John Carlson, Russell Leslie and Annette Berriman,“Strengthening the Nonproliferation Regime,”Paper presented to Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, Phoenix, Arizona, 13-17 July 2003
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    ①Samuel S. Kim,“International Organizations in Chinese Foreign Policy,”Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 519, China's Foreign Relations, (Jan., 1992), pp. 140-157.
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    ①John Toye, Order and Justice in International Trade System, in John-ren Chen ed., The Role of International Institutions in Globalization: The Challenge of Reform, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003, p.71.
    ④Christian Reus-smit,“The Constitutional Structure of International Society and the Nature of Fundamental Instituions,”International Organization, Vol.51, No.4, (Autumn 1997), pp.555-589.
    ③James D. Morrow, "The Institutional Features of the Prisoners of War Treaties," International Organization, Vol.55, No.4, (Autumn 2001), pp. 971-991.
    ①James D. Morrow, "The Institutional Features of the Prisoners of War Treaties," International Organization, Vol.55, No.4, (Autumn 2001), p.975.
    ②Jonathan F. Vance, Objects of Concern: Canadian Prisoners of War through the Twentieth Century, Vancouver: UBC Press, 1994. See, James D. Morrow, "The Institutional Features of the Prisoners of War Treaties," International Organization, Vol.55, No.4, (Autumn 2001), p.975.
    ③Peter D. Feaver,“Command and Control in Emerging Nuclear Nations,”International Security, Vol.17, No.3, (Winter, 1992-1993), pp. 160-187; Michael J. Mazarr,“Going Just a Little Nuclear: Nonproliferation Lessons from North Korea,”International Security, Vol.20, No.2, (Autumn, 1995), pp. 92-122; Dan Blumenthal,“Facing a Nuclear North Korea,”Asian Outlook, June–July 2005; John Carlson,“Challenges to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime: Can the Regime Survive? An Australian Perspective,”Paper presented to the Carnegie Moscow Center, 29 May 2007; Hajime Izumi and Katsuhisa Furukawa, Not Going Nuclear: Japan’s Response to North Korea’s Nuclear Test, .
    ①Llewelyn Hughes,“Why Japaan Will Not Go Nuclear (yet): International and Domestic Constraints on the Nuclearization of Japan,”International Security, Vol.31, No.4, (2007), pp.67-96.
    ③Thomas Wright,“On Reforming the International Order: Policy Analysis Brief,”Innovative approaches to Peace and Security from the Stanley Foundation, February 2009, http://www.stanleyfoundation.org/publications/pab/ WrightPAB209.pdf.
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    ②中华人民共和国外交部:《中国参加国际公约情况一览表(1875-2003)》,http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/ chn/pds/ziliao/tytj/tyfg/t4985.htm。
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    ①John Toye, Order and Justice in International Trade System, in John-ren Chen,ed., The Role of International Institutions in Globalization: The Challenge of Reform, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003, p.75.
    ②Frédérique Déjean and Jean-Pascal Gond,“Measuring the Unmeasured: An Institutional Entrepreneur Strategy in an Emerging Industry,”Human Relations, Vol. 57, No. 6, (2004), pp.741-764.
    ④John Gerard Ruggie,“Multilateralism: the Anatomy of an Institution,”International Organization, Vol.46, No.3, (Summer, 1992), p.587.
    ②John Toye, Order and Justice in International Trade System, in John-ren Chen ed., The Role of International Institutions in Globalization: The Challenge of Reform, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003, p.71.
    ②John Toye, Order and Justice in International Trade System, in John-ren Chen ed., The Role of International Institutions in Globalization: The Challenge of Reform, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003, p.71.
    ③Judith Kelley,“International Actors on the Domestic Scene: Membership Conditionality and Socialization by International Institutions,”International Organization, Vol. 58, No. 3 (Summer 2004), p.454.
    ⑤Amy F. Woolf, Arms Control and Nonproliferation: A Catalog of Treaties and Agreements, CRS report RL33865,Updated April 9, 2008, p.32.
    ②James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Inventory of International Nonproliferation Organizations and Regimes, 2009 edition, Monterey Institute of International Studies, pp.540-544.
    ③Jeremy Rabkin,“The Law of the Sea Treaty: A Bad Deal for America,”Comparative Expertise Institute Report 2006 No.3, .
    ②克劳德(Inis L. Claude)首先讨论了国际组织使某些个体行为合法化的功能,金淳基(Samuel S. Kim)在谈论中国与联合国关系时用到了相互合法化(mutual legitimization)的概念。分别参见:Inis L. Claude,“Collective Legitimization as a Political Function of the United Nations,”International Organization, Vol.20, No.3, 1966, p.367;Samuel S. Kim, China, the United Nations, and World Order, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1979。
    ①JiríSchneider and Alexandr Vondra,“Ukraine: Near Abroad of the European Union? -Overcoming a Curse of Dual-Periphery,”PASS Policy Paper No. 2,“Ukraine in Europe and the World”Conference, February 20-21, 2004, Kyiv, Ukraine.
    ①Alexander Wendt,“Anarchy is what States Make of it: The Social Construction of Power Politics,”International Organization, Vol.46, No.2, (Spring 1992), pp.391-425.
    ②Avner Cohen and Thomas Graham Jr.,“An NPT for Non Members,”Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Vol. 60, No. 3, (May/June 2004), pp.40-44.
    ④Charles A.Goldman and Jonathan D. Pollack,“Engaging China in International Export Control Process: Options for U.S. Policy,”Rand Report, 1997, http://catalogue.nla.gov.au/Record/1547442.
    ①中华人民共和国外交部:《中国与德国政府发表联合声明》, http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/gxh/wzb/zxxx/ t94742.htm。
    ②Shirley A. Kan,“China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues,”CRS Report RL31555, http://www.fas.org/asmp/resources/govern/crs-rl31555.pdf, p.42.
    ④Daryl G. Kimball,“Achieving Entry Into Force of the CTBT,”Paper presented to "Atlanta Consultation on the Future of the NPT", The Carter Center, Atlanta, GA, Jan. 26-28, 2005; Oliver Meier,“Political Significance of the CTBT and Perspectives of Entry into Force,”Paper presented to Twelve Years of the CTBT: Achievements andPerspectives, July 1-2, 2008, Istanbul, Turkey.
    ①George A. MacLean,“Advancing the Comprehensive (Nuclear) Test Ban Treaty: Capabilities, Implementation, and Entry into Force,”Paper prepared for the International Security Research and Outreach Program, International Security Bureau, Ottawa, October 2002.
    ②Michael Crowley,“The CTBT: lack of progress in the Middle East and South Asia,”Trust & Verify, Issue Number 121, July–September 2005.
    ③Deepti Choubey,“Don’t Wait for the United States”, CTBTO Spectrum, Issue 12, April 2009.
    ②参见:Daniel W. Drezner,“Introduction: The Interaction of International and Domestic Institutions,”in Daniel W. Drezner, ed., Locating the Proper Authorities: The Interaction of Domestic and International Institutions, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2003, pp.3-15.
    ③[美]玛莎·费丽莫:《国际社会中的国家利益》,袁正清译,浙江人民出版社2001年版;Alastair Iain Johnston,“Treating International Institutions as Social Environments,”International Studies Quarterly, Vol.45, No.3, December 2001.关于学习理论的详细综述,可参阅:James Clay Moltz,“Divergent Learning and the Failed Politics of Soviet Economic Reform,”World Politics, Vol. 45, No. 2, (Jan., 1993), pp. 301-325.
    ④Amitav Acharya,“How Ideas Spread: Whose Norms Matter? Norm Localization and Institutional Change in Asian Regionalism,”International Organization, Vol. 58, No. 2, (Spring 2004), pp. 239-275.
    ⑤Kenneth Benoit and Jacqueline Hayden,“Institutional Change and Persistence: The Evolution of Poland'sElectoral System, 1989-2001,”The Journal of Politics, Vol. 66, No. 2 (May, 2004), p.424.
    ②Russell D. Howard, Albert S. Willner,“China’s Rise and the U.S. Army: Leaning Forward,”Working Paper of Us Military Academy- West Point, NY 10996, May 2002; Larry M. Wortzel,“Trade with China But Avoid Strengthening Its Military,”www.heritage.org/Research/AsiaandthePacific/EM749.cfm; Bates Gill,“Limited Engagement,”Foreign Affairs, July/August 1999; Bates Gill,“Can China's Tolerance Last?”Arms Control Today, January 1, 2002; John J. Mearsheimer,“China's Unpeaceful Rise,”Current History, Vol.105, No. 690 (April 2006), pp.160-162.
    ①Mitchell P. Koza and Arie Y. Lewin,“The Co-Evolution of Strategic Alliances,”Organization Science, Vol. 9, No. 3, Special Issue: Managing Partnerships and Strategic Alliances (May - Jun., 1998), pp. 255-264.
    ③Judith Kelley,“International Actors on the Domestic Scene: Membership Conditionality and Socialization by International Institutions,”International Organization, Vol. 58, No. 3 (Summer 2004), pp. 425-457.
    ②Arthur Stein,“Coordination and Collaboration: Regimes in An Anarchic World,”in David A. Baldwin, ed., Neorealism and Neoliberalism: The Contemporary Debate, NY: Columbia University Press, 1993.
    ③Andrew K. Rose, 2004.“Do We Really Know That the WTO Increases Trade?”American Economic Review. 94 (March): 98-114.
    ②Amy F. Woolf, Arms Control and Nonproliferation: A Catalog of Treaties and Agreements, CRS report RL33865, Updated April 9, 2008; NTI, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 Database, .
    ④Thomas Wright, On Reforming the International Order, Policy Analysis Brief, Innovative approaches to Peace and Security From The Stanley Foundation, February 2009.
    ①Deepti Choubey,“Don’t Wait for the United States”, CTBTO Spectrum, Issue 12, April 2009.
    ②Thomas Donnelly and Melissa Wisner,“A Global Partnership between the U.S. and India,”AEI report on Asian Outlook, (August-September), 2005.
    ①Indian Ambitions and the Limits of American Influence, .
    ②SIPRI YEARBOOK 2009: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security (Summary), pp.20-21.
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    ②American Society of International Law,“Congress Approves Authorizing Legislation for India Nuclear Agreement; President Issues Signing Statement,”The American Journal of International Law, Vol.101, No.2, (Apr., 2007), pp. 496-499.关于美国国会批准的过程见.
    ④Daryl G . Kimball,“The Enduring Value of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and New Prospects for Entry Into Force,”CTBTO Spectrum 11, September 2008.
    ①关于这一问题的系统讨论见王逸舟主编:《磨合中的建构:中国与国际组织关系的多视角透视》,北京:中国发展出版社2003年版;苏长和:《中国与国际制度:一项研究议程》,载《世界经济与政治》2002年第10期; Gerald Chan, China and international Organizations: Participation in Non-governmental Organizations since 1971, Hong Kong, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1989; Samuel S. Kim,“International Organizations in Chinese Foreign Policy,”Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol.519, China's Foreign Relations, (Jan., 1992), pp.140-157; Stuart Harris and Gary Klintworth eds., China as a Great Power: Myths, Realities and Challenges in the Asia-Pacific Region, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1995; Weixing Hu, Gerald Chan and Daojiong zha eds., China’s International Relations in the 21st Century: Dynamics of Paradigm Shifts, Lanham, New York, Oxford: University Press of America, 2000; Yong Deng, China’s Struggle for Status: The Realignment of International Relations, Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madride, Cape Town, Singapore, Sao Paulo, Delhi: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
    ①Jim Rolfe,“Welcome in Asia: China’s Multilateral Presence,”in Satu P. Limaye ed., Asia’s China Debate, Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, Special Assessment December, 2003.
    ①Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Inventory of International Nonproliferation Organizations and Regimes, Last Updated: 1/23/2007.
    ②Jing-dong Yuan, Testimony before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Commission: China’s Proliferation and the Impact of Trade Policy on Defense Industries in the United States and China, July 12, 2007, p.2.
    ④Charles A. Goldman, Jonathan D. Pollack,“Engaging China in International Export Control Process: Options for U.S. Policy,”Rand Report, 1997, pp.4-11.
    ①Michael Lipson,“The Reincarnation of COCOM: Explaining Post-Cold War Export Controls,”The Non-proliferation Review/Winter, 1999, p.33.
    ②Shirley A. Kan, Congressional Research Service,“China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues”, RL31555, Updated on March 6th, 2008, p.49.
    ①Michael Lipson,“The Reincarnation of COCOM: Explaining Post-Cold War Export Controls,”The Non-proliferation Review/ Winter, 1999, p.38.
    ③Nina Graeger,“Environmental Security?”Journal of Peace Research, Vol.33, No.1, (Feb., 1996), pp.109-116; Keith Krause, Michael C. Williams, Broadening the Agenda of Security Studies: Politics and Methods,”Mershon International Studies Review, Vol.40, No.2, (Oct., 1996), pp.229-254; Johan Eriksson,“Agendas, Threats, and Politics: Securitization in Sweden,”Paper presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions, workshop‘Redefining Security’, Mannheim, March 26-31, 1999.
    ③Joseph Cirincione, Testimony before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, Hearing on China’s Proliferation and the Impact of Trade Policy on Defense Industries in the United States and China, July 12, 2007, pp.2-3.
    ④Shirley A. Kan, Congressional Research Service,“China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues”, RL31555, Updated on March 6th, 2008.
    ⑤笔者检索了美国公开的法律文集,没有发现这一条文。(U.S. Government Printing Office, Proliferation and Export Control Provisions of Public Law 106-65, in Selected Defense-related Laws, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington: 2004, pp.437-445.)据信,这一条文出现在国会研究局的报告中,可能是因为报告作者能够接触到该法令的保密版本(classified version)。
    ①Shirley A. Kan, Congressional Research Service,“China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues”, RL31555, Updated on March 6th, 2008, pp.40-41.
    ②中华人民共和国外交部:《中国的防扩散政策及措施》,2009年7月27日, .
    ②《关于防扩散问题的一些看法中国外交部军控司司长沙祖康在美国卡内基研讨会上的发言》,2000年11月7日, .
    ③John Toye,“Order and Justice in the International Trade System,”in John-ren Chen ed., The role of international institutions in globalization: The Challenges of Reform, Cheltenham, Massachussets: Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., 2003, p.66.
    ①Study Group on Enhancing Multilateral Export Controls for US National Security, Final Report, Washington, DC: The Henry L. Stimson Center, April 2001.
    ②U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Armed Services, Selected Defense-Related Laws (Amended through December 31, 2003), Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2004, pp.437-445.
    ③中华人民共和国外交部:《中国的防扩散政策及措施》,2009年7月27日, .
    ①Avery Goldstein,“Great Expectations: Interpreting China’s Arrival,”International Security, Vol.22, No. 3 (Winter, 1997-1998), pp.36-73; Thomas J. Christensen,“Posing Problems without Catching Up, China’s Rise and Challenges for US Security Policy,”International Security, Vol. 25, No.4, (Spring 2001), pp.5-40; David Shambaugh,“China Engages Asia: Reshaping the Regional Order,”International Security, Vol. 29, No.3 (Winter 2004/05), pp.64-99; John J. Mearsheimer,“China's Unpeaceful Rise,”Current History, Vol. 105, No.690 (April 2006), pp.160-162; Thomas J.Christensen,“Fostering Stability or Creating a Monster? The Rise of China and US Policy toward East Asia,”International Security, Vol. 31, No.1 (Summer 2006), pp. 81-126.
    ②Joseph Cirincione, "Testimony before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission," Hearing on China’s Proliferation and the Impact of Trade Policy on Defense Industries in the United States and China, July 12, 2007, p.3.
    ③Jing-dong Yuan, "Testimony before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission," Hearing on China’s Proliferation and the Impact of Trade Policy on Defense Industries in the United States and China, July 12, 2007, p.1.
    ④Shirley A. Kan, China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues, CRS Report RL31555, Updated on March 6th, 2008.
    ⑤U.S. Department of State, Adherence To And Compliance With Arms Control, Nonproliferation And Disarmament Agreements And Commitments, August 2005, p.38.
    ⑥中华人民共和国外交部:《中国与德国政府发表联合声明》, http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/gxh/wzb/zxxx/ t94742.htm。
    ⑧Yong Deng, China’s Struggle for Status: The Realignment of International Relations, Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madride, Cape Town, Singapore, Sao Paulo, Delhi: Cambridge University Press, 2008, pp.60-69.
    ①Samuel S. Kim,“International Organizations in Chinese Foreign Policy,”Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol.519, China's Foreign Relations, (Jan., 1992), pp. 140-157.
    ②吴孟真:《从国际规范看中国大陆的环境政策发展及其影响》,< http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/macs/ 3_activity/2007b/20080603-1.doc>.
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