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Basing on the reference to the texts and works of art from Homeric age,combining with the Greek politics, economy and culture in Classical age, thedissertation is a research of the constructions of “the Others” in all three classicalhistorians, Herodotus, Thucydides and Xenophonen’s works.
     The introduction is composed by three parts. Part one explains the theory in thisdissertation. The ways of definition and analysis of “the Others” in this dissertationare learned from the research of Orientalism made by Edward W. Said and theanalytical paradigm provided by Gayatri C. Spivak, who introduced new perspectiveof Feminism to Post Colonial Criticism. Part two defines three main kinds of “theOthers” in Classical Greek world, Female, Barbarians and Slaves, in line accordancewith the characteristics of Polis. Part three summarizes and evaluates domestic andoversea researching, meanwhile explain the structure of this dissertation.
     Chapter one traces Greek ideals of female, barbarians and slaves from Homericage to Archaic period. For female, Greeks thought they should be restricted in“private sphere”. Barbarians were considered as different and inferior to Hellenes forthe existence of Panhellenism and Hellenic personal identification. For slaves andslavery, the contents about which in Homer’s Epic provided some conflicting opinions.On one hand, Greeks discriminated slaves and being slaved was regarded asextremely miserable experience. On the other hand, they beautified slavery andslave owners. Slaves were thought to emerge their ability and character in dedicatingthemselves to their owners.
     Chapter two analyses the constructions of female images in classical historians’works and discusses their cause. The women who introduced into “public sphere”were always displayed as “the Others”. The constructions of their images werechaotic and negative. In contrast, the women who kept themselves in “privatesphere” were given many kinds of wonderful qualities. These constructionsmaintained gender system and responded gender idealism with female roles indramas during Classical age.
     Chapter three analyses the constructions of barbarians in their works. Traditionsfrom Homeric period and great historical events in classical period led to thephenomenon that barbarians were considered as “the Others” by most Hellenes andtheir “otherness” mainly reflected in two aspects: on one hand, barbarians succumbto despotic rulers, which was the opposite to Hellenes’ democracy. On the otherhand, barbarians’ system of behavior and their culture customs were the reverses ofHellenes’. In this background, Herodotus and Xenophon adopted Aeschylus’ ideas ofPersians. In History and Cyropaedia, Persians were constructed as “the Others” whosuccumb to tyrannies and were unaware of freedom, which was consistent withconditions in Persians. Meanwhile, like another authors and craftsmen, Herodotusconstructed other barbarians as “the Others” through the method that theircharacterizations, which were always savagery and ignorant, were portrayed as thereverses of Hellenes’, of which Egyptians, Scythians and Amazons in History weretypical symbols. In classical period, the phenomenon that constructing barbarians asneutral images also existed and was reflects in the three historians’ works, butcompared with the construction as “the Others”, the existence of neutral imageswere not beneath discussion.
     Chapter four analyses the constructions of slaves in their works. Slaves wereconsidered as the same as barbarians by classical historians, which led to theirconstructions of them were the harbinger of the idea “nature slave” that would beexplained detailed in Aristotle’s Politics. In this background, slaves as “the Others”were distinguished from free men/citizens in body, mind and behaviour. Slaves’bodies could not be absolved from violence, meanwhile were ugly and abnormal,which mirrored their incomplete in intelligence or mind, so that slaves’ behaviourswere always foolish or metamorphic. Sometimes classical historians considered thatslaves also had some logos to a certain degree. Dependent on the logos, slaveowners were able to aware slaves through some methods that their profits wereconsistent with their owners to whom they should devote themselves. Obviously,slaves’ acknowledged “logos” were what made them as slaves forever, not whatmade a man as a real free citizen. Besides, distinguish between slaves and free men/citizens was realized as unconditional, so that classical historians omitted slaves’deeds in military operations for intimate relationship between joining in the armyand citizenship, meanwhile avoided their achieved revolt to slavery.
     The epilogue summarizes principle and specialty in the constructions of “theOthers” in classical historians’ works. Said has traced Orientalism to Persians. Afteranalyzing the constructions in their works with the reference to the texts and worksof art from Homeric age, it could be acknowledged that the present of “the Others”in Herodotus, Thucydides and Xenophon’s works composed beginnings ofOrientalism with which in another ancient Greek texts and works of art.
    ①B.Ashcroft, G. Griffiths and H. Tiffin, The Key Concepts in Post Colonial Studies, Routledge,1999, pp.94-95.转引自刘惠玲:《话语维度下的萨义德东方主义研究》,华中师范大学博士学位论文,2011年,第39页。
    ②萨义德赋予Orientalism一词三重含义。第一,作为一种学术研究学科。萨义德说:“最易于为人接受的是其作为学术研究的一个学科的含义;这一称谓的确仍然用于许多学术机构中。”(萨义德:《东方学》,王宇根译,生活读书新知三联书店,1999年,第3页)在他看来,任何教授东方,书写东方或研究东方的人——不管是人类学家、社会学家、历史学家还是语言学家,无论面对的是具体的还是一般的问题——都是“东方学家”,他们所从事的就是“东方学”。第二,作为一种思维方式。萨义德认为:“东方学是一种思维方式,在大部分时间里,the Orient(东方)是与the Occident(西方)相对而言的,东方学的思维方式即以二者之间这一本体论和认识论意义上的区分为基础。”(同上,第3—4页)在西方,有大量的作家,其中包括诗人、小说家、哲学家、政治理论家、经济学家以及帝国的行政官员,接受了这一东方/西方的区分,并将其作为建构与东方、东方的人民、习俗、“心性”(mind)和命运等有关的理论、诗歌、小说、社会分析和政治论说的出发点。这一意义层面上的东方主义含义更加宽泛,可以容纳比如说埃斯库罗斯、雨果、但丁和马克思。第三,作为一种权力话语方式。萨义德指出:“如果将18世纪晚期作为对其进行粗略界定的出发点,我们可以将东方学描述为通过做出与东方有关的陈述,对有关东方的观点进行权威裁断,对东方进行描述、教授、殖民、统治等方式来处理东方的一种机制:简言之,将东方视为西方用以控制、重建和君临东方的一种方式。”(同上,第4页)他运用福柯的话语理论来解释东方学,从而认为:“如果不将东方作为一种话语来考察的话,我们就不可能很好地理解这一具有庞大体系的科学,而在后启蒙(post-Enlightenment)时期,欧洲文化正是通过这一学科以政治的,社会学的,军事的,意识形态的,科学的以及想象的方式来处理——甚至创造——东方的。而且,由于东方学占据着如此权威的位置,我相信没有哪个书写、思考或实际影响东方的人可以不考虑东方学对其思想和行动的制约。简言之,正是由于东方学,东方过去不是(现在也不是)一个思想与行动的自由主体。”(同上,第4—5页)萨义德进一步指出,这三种意义上的Orientalism是相互联系在一起的。18世纪晚期以来,第一种和第二种意义上的Orientalism之间存在着明显的交合,并由此发展处第三种意义上的Orientalism。它无论是作为一种思维方式还是作为一种权力话语方式,都是从作为一种学术研究的“东方学”中引申出来的。在国内学术界,Orientalism一词通常译为“东方主义”。而《东方学》一书的译者王宇根认为,既然该词三个方面的含义都是从作为学术研究的“东方学”中引申出来的,而汉语无法用一个词囊括这三种含义,那么译文只能采取变通的方式。要么将学科意义上使用的Orientalism译为“东方学”,将作为思维方式和话语方式的Orientalism译为“东方主义”;要么对三者不加区分,通译为“东方学”或“东方主义”。他在自己的译文中将之统一译为“东方学”(参见刘海静:《抵抗与批判——萨义德后殖民文化理论研究》,中央编译出版社,2013年,第93—95页)。本文强调Orientalism作为思维方式与话语方式的这两方面,因此在引用王宇根的译文时,保留“东方学”这一译名;在其他地方提及时,则称之为“东方主义”。
    ③D. Fuss, Essentianlly Speaking: Femisim, Nature and Difference, Rouledge,1989, p. i.
    ①S. N. Kramer, History Begins at Sumer, The University of Pennsylvania Press,1981, pp.30-35.
    ①Plutarch, Lycurgus,6.
    ②Xenophon, Constitution of Lacedaemonians,15.6-7.
    ①公职津贴制度并不是雅典独有的制度。在其他城邦中,为了保证公民参政,也不同程度地实行了公职津贴制度。参见G. E. M. de Ste. Croix, The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World, Gerald Duckworthand Co Ltd,1983, pp.289-290.
    ③R. Just, Women in Athenian Law and Life, Routledge,1989, p.29.
    ④在阿提卡方言中,同样不存在阴性形式的词汇还有“雅典人”(Athenaios)一词。参见M. X. Zelenak,Gender and Politics in Greek Tragedy, Peter Lang,1998, p.21.
    ①S. Blundell, Women in Ancient Greece, Harvard University Press,1995, p.114.
    ③P. Cartledge,“AHeterology of Classical Creek Slavery”, Greece and Rome40(1993), pp.163-180.
    ④P. Cartledge,“AHeterology of Classical Creek Slavery”.
    ⑤徐松岩:《古典时代雅典奴隶人数考析——兼评“持续增长说”》,《世界历史》,1994年第3期。古代史料提及的古典时期雅典奴隶的人数大大高于这个数字。公元2世纪晚期,埃塞奈俄斯在自己的著作中提到了雅典、埃吉那和科林斯的奴隶人数(Athenaeus, Sophists at Dinner,272b-d)。埃吉那的奴隶最多,有470000人,这个数字据说引自亚里士多德亡佚的一部著作《埃吉那政制》(Constitution of theAiginetans)。科林斯其次,有460000人,引自厄庇泰迈俄斯(Epitaimaios)亡佚的著作《历史》(Histories)。雅典第三,有400000人,引自克特斯克勒斯(Ctesicles)某部亡佚的著作。他在法勒荣的德米特里乌斯(Demetrius of Phaleron)于前317年—前316年进行的人口普查的基础上给出了这个数字。埃塞奈俄斯提到的这些资料都来自于公元前4世纪。此外,还有一个公元前4世纪的数字来自于公元10世纪的一本辞典。据说,雅典将领希珀里得斯预料到腓力二世将对雅典发起进攻,便计划释放所有奴隶、债务人等一切被剥夺了公民权的人,以便让他们一同来保卫城邦。他认为,当时以及整个前4世纪余下的时间里,仅劳里昂银矿中就有超过150000名奴隶。现代学者通过研究认为,雅典奴隶人数最多时达到了10万左右,占总人口的40%。参见M. I. Finley,“Was Greek Civilization Based on Slave Labour?”Historia8(1959), pp.145-164; T. E. Rihll,“ClassicalAthens”, in K. Bradley and P. Cartledge eds., TheCambridge World History of Slavery, Vol. I, Cambridge University Press,2011, pp.48-73.
    ⑥A. Zimmern, The Greek Commonwealth: Politics and Economics in Fifth Centrty Athens, OxfordUniversity Press,1911, p.399.
    ⑦T. E. Rihll,“ClassicalAthens”.
    ①Diodorus Siculus,3.12.5-3.13.3.
    ②Aeschines, Against Timachus,97.
    ③Lysias, Against Eratosthene,8-9.
    ④Demosthenes, Against Aphobus I,9.
    ⑤Y. Garlan, Slavery in Classical Greece, translated by J. Lloyd, Ithaca and London,1988, p.65.
    ⑦D. Ogden, Greek Bastardy in the Classical and Hellenistic Periods, Clarendon Press,1996, pp.130-131.
    ⑧Xenophon, Oeconomicus,9.5.
    ⑨G. R. Morrow, The Murder of Slave in Attic Law, Classical Philolog,1937, pp.214,220.
    ①Isocrates, Panegyricus,150-151.
    ②Isocrates, To Philip,124.
    ③Isocrates, Panegyricus,50.
    ④Isocrates, To Philip,241.
    ①R. Browning,“Greeks and Others: fromAntiquity to the Renaissance”, in T. Harrison ed., Greeks andBarbarians, Roueledge,2002, pp.257-277.
    ②F. S. Brown and Wm. B. Tyrrell,“AReading of Herodotus’Amazons”, Classical Journal Vol.80, No.4(1985), pp.297-302.
    ③R. V. Munson,“Artemisia in Herodotus”, Classical Antiquity7(1988), pp.91-106.
    ①参见F. D. Harvey,“Women in Thucydides”, Arethusa18(1985), pp.67-90; T. Wiedemann,“Thucydides,Women and the Limits of RationalAnalysis”, Greece and Rome30(1983), pp.163-70.
    ②M. Foucault, The History of Sexuality, Penguin,1985; W. E. Higgins, Xenophon the Athenian: The Problemof the Individual and the Society of the Polis, SUNYPress,1977.
    ③F. Hartog, The Mirror of Herodotus: The Representation of the Other in the Writing of History, translatedby J. Lloyd, University of California Press,1988.
    ④A. Andrewes,“Thucydides and the Persians”, Historia10(1961), pp.1-18.
    ⑤V. Gray,“Herodotus and the Rhetoric of Otherness”, The American Journal of Philology, Vol.116, No.2(Summer,1995), pp.185-211.
    ①V. J. Gray, The Character of Xenophon’s ‘Hellenica’, The Johns Hopkins University Press,1989; J.Tatum,Xenophon’s Imperial Fiction, Princeton University Press,1989.
    ②F. D. Harvey,“Herodotus and the Man-Footed Creature”, in L. J.Archer ed., Slavery and Other Forms ofUnfree Labour, Rouledge,1988, pp.42-52; D. Wiesen,“Herodotus and the Modern Debate over Race andSlavery”, Ancient World3(1980), pp.3-14.
    ③M. H. Jameson,“Agriculture and Slavery in ClassicalAthens”, Classical Journal73(1977), pp.122-45.
    ④S. B. Pomeroy,“Slavery in the Greek Domestic Economy in the Light of Xenophon’s Oeconomicus”, in V.J. Gay ed., Oxford Readings in Classical Studies: Xenophon, Oxford University Press,2010, pp.31-40.
    ⑥P. Cartledge, The Greeks: A Portrait of Self and Others, Oxford Paperbacks,1993.
    ①P. Hunt, Slaves Warfare and Ideology in the Greek Historians, Camridge University Press,1998.
    ②E. Hall, Iventing the Barbarian: Greek Slef-definition through Tragedy, Oxford University Press,1989.
    ③可参见S. Sa d,“Greeks and Barbarians in Euripides’Tragedies:The End of Differences?”, in T. Harrisoned., Greeks and Barbarians, Routledge,2002, pp.62-100.
    ④K. Vlassopoulos, Greek and Barbarians, Cambridge University Press,2013.
    ①K. Vlassopoulos, Greek and Barbarians, pp.39-41.
    ②R.Alston, E. Hall and L. Proffitt eds., Reading Ancient Slavery, Bristol Classical Press,2011; K. Bradleyand P. Cartledge eds., The Cambridge World History of Slavery, Vol. I, Cambridge Univesity Press,2011.
    ①Homer, Iliad,1.244.
    ②Homer, Iliad,9.443.
    ①Homer, Odessey,19.107-14.译文参见荷马:《奥德赛》,王焕生译,人民文学出版社,1997年,第354页。本文中《奥德赛》的译文主要参考了王焕生译本,后文如无其他情况,不一一注明。
    ①Hesiod, Works and Days,55-59,61,71,64,71-75,65-66,77-78,90-91,100-102.译文参见赫西俄德:《工作与时日神谱》,张竹明、蒋平译,商务印书馆,1991年第2—5页。
    ②Hesiod, Theogony,601-612.译文参见赫西俄德:《工作与时日神谱》,第44—45页。
    ①S. B. Pomeroy, Goddesses, Whores, Wives and Slaves: Women in Classical Antiquity, Random House@Trade,1975, p.35.
    ①S. Clovin,“Greek Dialects in the Archaic and ClassicalAges”, in E. J. Bakker ed., A Companion to theAncient Greek Language, Oxford University Press,2010, pp.200-212.
    ②A. M. Davies,“The Greek Notion of Dialect”, in T. Harrison, pp.153-171.
    ③K. Vlassopoulos, Greeks and Barbarians, p.37.
    ④K. Vlassopoulos, Greeks and Barbarians, pp.39-41.
    ①E. Hall, Inventing the Barbarian, pp.15,26-27,41-43.
    ②Homer, Iliad,24.629-632.
    ③Homer, Iliad,1.115.
    ④Homer, Iliad,11.385,17.52.
    ⑤Homer, Iliad,11.385,17.52.
    ⑥Homer, Iliad,11.385,17.52.
    ⑦Homer, Iliad,6.226-232.
    ⑧Homer, Iliad,3.297,4.44-49.
    ⑨E. Hall, Inventing the Barbarian, pp.44-45.
    ①A. Diller, Race Mixture among the Creeks before Alexander, Urbana,1937, pp.74-77.
    ②Homer, Iliad,24.495-497.
    ③Homer, Iliad,11.393,19.284-285.
    ④E. Hall, Inventing the Barbarian, p.42.
    ⑤Homer, Iliad,2.718,11.385,23.850-883.
    ⑥Homer, Iliad,11.262,13.202-203,14.496-498,17.39-40,126.
    ⑦Homer, Iliad,18.176-177.
    ⑧Homer, Iliad,2.391-393,15.347-351.
    ⑨Homer, Iliad,2.872-873.
    ⑩K. Vlassopoulos, Greeks and Barbarians, p.172.但是荷马用来形容卡里亚人的barbarōphonos一词(bārbaros即“蛮族人”一词即由该词演变而来)确实仅指他们的语言难以听懂,不表示他们作为非希腊的蛮族人在才智、品德等方面低于希腊人的意思。参见E. Hall, Inventing the Barbarian: Greek, p.10.
    ①Homer, Iliad,13.4-6.译文参见荷马:《伊利亚特》,陈中梅译,译林出版社,2012年,第287页。本文中《伊利亚特》的译文主要参考了陈忠梅译本,后文如无其他情况,不一一注明。
    ②Homer, Iliad,12.310-348.
    ③K. Vlassopoulos, Greeks and Barbarians, p.173.
    ④见Homer, Odyssey,4.611-619.另外,后来希腊人认为,割耳、挖眼、刖鼻、剪舌等刑罚是“蛮族人的行径”,但在《奥德赛》中,希腊人也喜好肉刑。比如安提奥诺斯威胁伊罗斯,要把他送给国王埃克托斯,后者会割下他的耳朵和阳具,作为生肉扔给狗群(Homer, Odyssey,18.85-7),而忒勒玛科斯和奥德修斯的手下也是这样对待墨兰提奥斯的(Homer, Odyssey,22.475-7)。
    ⑤Homer, Odyssey,9.105-116.
    ⑥Homer, Odyssey,9.193-298.
    ⑦K. Vlassopoulos, Greeks and Barbarians, p.173.
    ①Homer, Odyssey,7.112-121.
    ②Homer, Odyssey,8.557-564.
    ③Homer, Odyssey,7.86-102.
    ④E. Cook,“Near Eastern Sources for the Palace ofAlkinoos”, American Journal of Archaeology (2004)108,43-77; K. Vlassopoulos, Greeks and Barbarians, p.173.
    ⑤C. Bērard,“The Image of the Other and the Foreign Hero”, in B. Cohen ed., Not the Classical Ideal:Athens and the Construction of the Other in Greek Art, BrillAcademic Pub,2000, pp.390-412.
    ⑥M. C. Miller,“The Myth of Bousiris: Ethnicity andArt”, in B. Cohen, pp.423-442.
    ⑦H. A. Shapiro,“Amazon, Thracians, and Scythians”, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies24(1983), pp.105-114.
    ⑧K. Vlassopoulos, Greeks and Barbarians, p.188.
    ①D. A. Campell, Greek Lyric, Vol. II, Harvard University Press,1988, p.99.
    ②E. Hall, Inventing the Barbarian, p.10.
    ③转引自K. Bartol, Greek Elegy and Iambus: Studies in Ancient Literary Source, Adam MickiewiczUniversity Press,1993, p.111.
    ④K. Vlassopoulos, Greeks and Barbarians, pp.175-176.
    ⑤Homer, Odyssey,24.252.
    ①Homer, Odyssey,17.322-323.
    ②Homer, Iliad,6.454-458.
    ③Homer, Odyssey,8.522-532.
    ④Homer, Odyssey,480-490.
    ①无论男人还是女人,失去自由沦为奴隶总是悲惨的。但《荷马史诗》对两者的态度略有不同。对于被奴役的妇女,史诗直接表达了深切的同情(见上文)。对于被奴役的男人,因为一般情况下男人被认为会战死沙场而不是被俘,所以史诗总要解释他们沦为奴隶的原因和经过。比如《伊利亚特》中说道,普里阿摩斯的儿子鲁卡昂曾被阿喀琉斯抓获,带到列姆诺斯卖作奴隶(Homer, Iliad,21.37-40)。《奥德赛》中,奥德修斯询问牧猪奴欧迈奥斯究竟是如何沦为奴隶的。欧迈奥斯回答说,他本是叙里埃岛上两座城市的统治者奥尔墨诺斯的儿子,被航海的腓尼基人诱骗上船,来到伊塔卡,又被拉埃尔特斯买下,成了牧猪奴(Homer, Odyssey,15.381-388,15.415-484)。奥德修斯也述说过自己沦为奴隶的原因:“国王吩咐伴行人安全送我去见阿卡斯托斯国王,可是那些人心中对我不怀好意,要让我遭受不幸。当那条海船离开陆地一段距离,他们立即计划要让我沦为奴隶。”(Homer, Odyssey,14.336-339)参见P. Hunt,“Slaves in Greek Literary Culture”, in K. Bradley and P. Cartledge, pp.22-47.
    ②P. Hunt,“Slaves in Greek Literary Culture”.
    ③Homer, Odyssey,15.485-491.
    ④那些进驻奥德修斯庄园的求婚者恰恰相反,会虐待奴隶,使他们疲惫不堪。一名女奴说:“但愿求婚人今天是最后、最末一次在奥德修斯的厅堂上享用如意的饮宴。他们派我干磨面的重活,把我累得肢节瘫软。愿这是最后一次设筵。”(Homer, Odyssey,20.116-119)
    ⑤Homer, Odyssey,14.139,15.268-279.
    ⑥Homer, Odyssey,14.139,15.268-279.
    ⑦Homer, Odyssey,15.363-365.
    ⑧Homer, Odyssey,20.409-411
    ⑨Homer, Odyssey,18.322-325.
    ⑩Homer, Iliad,1.112-115.
    ①Homer, Iliad,3.400-409.
    ②Homer, Iliad,19.290-300.
    ③Homer, Odyssey,1.430-433.
    ④奴隶侍妾生下的孩子地位比合法妻子生下的孩子地位低,但也算贵族。参见Homer, Odyssey,4.11-412,14.200-204.
    ⑤Homer, Odyssey,14.417.
    ⑥Homer, Odyssey,14.524-533.
    ⑦Homer, Odyssey,17.318-323.欧迈奥斯虽然是奴隶,但说出这样的话来,可见其思维方式已经与奴隶主一般无二了。参见L. Hunnings,“The Paradigms of Execution: Managing Slave Death from Homer toVirginia”, in R. Alston, E. Hall and L. Proffitt, pp.51-70.
    ⑧Homer, Odyssey,22.113,201,265-270,278-282.所以说奴隶也能具备才智和德性。
    ①Homer, Odyssey,22.424-455,2461-2473.这12名女奴蔑视女主人潘奈洛佩及有资历的老奴欧律克勒娅,又与求婚者私通,等于犯下了双重罪行。她们最后被带出厅堂外绞死,表示被逐出了奥德修斯的家庭。参见L. Hunnings,“The Paradigms of Execution: Managing Slave Death from Homer to Virginia”.
    ①Homer, Odyssey,22.186-200,474-477.
    ②P. Hunt,“Slaves in Greek Literary Culture”.
    ③Homer, Odyssey,22.186-200,474-477.
    ④W. G. Thalmann, The Swineherd and the Bow: Representation of Class in the Homer’s Odyssey, CornellUniversity Press,1998, p.90.
    ⑤Homer, Odyssey,21.214-216.参见K. Raaflaub,“Homeric Society”, in I. Morris and B. Powell eds., ANew Companion to Homer, BrillAcademic Pub,1997, pp.624-648.
    ③V. Gray,“Herodotus and the Rhetoric of Otherness”.
    ②V. Gray,“Herodotus and the Rhetoric of Otherness”.
    ①坎道列斯妻子、阿美斯特莉斯等蛮族女王或王后的“他者性”不体现在性别方面,而体现在血统方面。从“蛮族人”身份的角度观察,她们的“他者性”十分明显。哈托格认为,希罗多德从婚姻、丧葬等方面不同程度地建构了蛮族人的“他者性”,其笔下蛮族国王的形象是研究这一“他者性”的切入点。这些国王的性情中包含着混沌与贪婪、傲慢与残酷,以及酷爱秘密统治,总是不由自主地违反法律或习俗,热衷肉体损毁等特征。蛮族王后或女王同样具有这些性格特征,比如热衷肉体损毁。斐列蒂玛割掉巴卡尔妇女的乳房,托米莉斯亵渎居鲁士的尸体,阿美斯特莉斯摧残玛西斯特的妻子等行为都体现了这一性格特征。再比如傲慢专横。坎道列斯的妻子诚然是受害者,但她强迫居基斯要么自杀,要么杀死坎道列斯,是对自由选择的嘲弄,跟她丈夫的行为没有本质区别。阿美斯特莉斯残害玛西斯特妻子的行为也是如此。这些女性的行为突出了蛮族人王室的双重危险性,因为国王与王后中的每一个人都是独裁者。参见V. Gray,“Herodotus and the Rhetoric of Otherness”; F. Hartog, The Mirror ofHerodotus, pp.212-259,332-334.
    ①Xenophon, Cyropaedia,4.6.11,5.1.3,5.1.17,6.1.23.
    ③C. Dewald,“Women and Culture in Herodotus’Histories”, Women’s Studies,1981, Vol.8, pp.93-127.
    ①R. V. Munson,“Artemisia in Herodotus”.
    ③阿尔特密西娅与泰米斯托克利的行为和处境多有可对照之处。在波斯人举行军事会议的同时,希腊人也在对战事展开争论。在波斯制度中不存在民主投票,而在希腊人的两次讨论中也未进行民主决策。希腊人享有作为自由人投票的权利,但泰米斯托克利用自己掌握的军事力量压服了他们:一开始他威胁要撤走雅典人的战船,后来甚至为了达到目的而和敌人暗通款曲。这位雅典将军的行为完全超出了一个建议者的范畴。希腊人虽然没有进行民主表决,但民主制毕竟是存在的,这是泰米斯托克利和阿尔特密西娅处境最大的不同。因为民主制的存在,前者可以成功地影响公共决策。通过他的代理,雅典能够控制全希腊,并保卫其建立在这一制度上的利益。相反在波斯阵营中,阿尔特密西娅却形单影只,孤立无援。可以认为,正是军事会议上的孤立导致了她后来在萨拉米斯海战中的行为。参见R. V.Munson,“Artemisia in Herodotus”.
    ①Euripides, Bacchae.
    ②T. E. J. Wiedemann,“Thucydides, Women and the Limits of RationalAnalysis”.
    ③T. E. J. Wiedemann,“Thucydides, Women and the Limits of RationalAnalysis”.
    ①S. Blundell, Women in Ancient Greece, Harvard University Press,1995, p.126.
    ②Lysias, Against Eratosthenes.
    ③S. Blundell, Women in Ancient Greece, p.126.
    ④S. des Bouvrie, Women in Greek Tragedy: an Anthropological Approach, Oxford University Press,1990, p.53.
    ⑤转引自K. J. Dover, Aristophanic Comedy, University of California Press,1992, p.17.
    ①Aristophanes, Women at the Thesmiphoria,830ff.
    ②Aristophanes, Lysistrata,1043-1053.
    ③Plato, Laws,817B-C.译文参见柏拉图:《柏拉图全集》第三卷,王晓朝译,人民出版社,2003年,第574页。本文中柏拉图著作的译文主要参考了王晓朝译本,后文如无其他情况,不一一注明。
    ④Plato, Laws,658C-D.
    ⑤Plutarch, Phocion,19.2-3.
    ⑥Alexis, Gynaikokratia,41.转引自J. Henderson,“Women andAthenian Dramatic Festivals”, Transactionsof the American Philological Society, Vol.121(1991), pp.133-47.
    ⑦J. Henderson,“Women andAthenian Dramatic Festivals”.
    ①Aristophanes, Peace,962-967.译文参见张竹明、王焕生译:《古希腊悲剧喜剧全集》第六册,译林出版社,2007年,第567页。本文中古希腊戏剧的译文主要参考了张竹明、王焕生译本,后文如无其他情况,不一一注明。
    ②Euripides, Alcestis.
    ③E. Hall, Inventing the Barbarian, p.154.
    ④Aeschylus, Suppliant Women,368-369,600-604.
    ①Euripides, Orestes,1167-1168.
    ②Euripides, Trojan Women,1168-1169.
    ③Euripides, Iphigenia among the Taurians,17,1020.
    ④Eruipides, Rhesus,174,182.
    ⑤Eruipides, Rhesus,173,495.
    ⑥Eruipides, Rhesus,2,130,264,738,828,886,993.
    ⑦Eruipides, Rhesus,388,406,484.
    ①Aeschylus, Persians,188-196.
    ②S. Forsdyke,“Athenian Democratic Ideology and Herodotus’Histories”, the American Journal ofPhilology, Vol.122, No.3(Aut.,2001), pp.329-358.
    ③Aeschylus, Persians,762-766.
    ④Aeschylus, Persians,388-389.
    ①不过,个人英雄主义的某些特质也依然被看重。参见K. J. Dover, Popular Morality in the Time of Platoand Aristotle, Hackett Pub Co.,1994, pp.229-234.
    ②M. I. Finley, Politics in the Ancient World, Cambridge University Press,1983, p.60.
    ③N. Loraux, Invention of Athens: the Funeral Oration in the Classical City, translated byA. Sheridan, ZoneBooks,2006, p.28.
    ⑤S. Goldhill,“The Great Dionysia and Civic Ideology”, in J. J. Winkler and F. I. Zeitlin eds., Nothing to Dowith Dionysos? Athenian Drama in Its Social Context, Princeton University Press,1990, pp.97-129.
    ①古典时期,大狄奥尼索斯节是雅典乃至全希腊最重要的祭祀酒神狄奥尼索斯的宗教节日。狂欢游行、悲剧比赛与喜剧比赛是节日庆典的主要组成部分。悲剧比赛开始之前还要举行四个仪式:十将军奠酒,展示提洛同盟的其他成员向雅典交纳的贡金或贡物,表彰为城邦做出杰出贡献的人士,以及战死士兵的遗孤装扮成重装步兵游行。每一个仪式都在彰显雅典城邦的荣耀与权威。参见Pickard-Cambridge, TheDramatic Festivals of Athens, Oxford University Press,1968.该书对大狄奥尼索斯节的各个环节、剧场的形式、座位的安排等均有十分详细的介绍。
    ②Aeschylus, Persians,173-174,592-593,659.
    ③Aeschylus, Persians,842.
    ①Aeschylus, Persians,45-48,55.
    ③E. Hall, Inventing the Barbarian, p.81.
    ④E. Hall, Inventing the Barbarian, p.81.
    ⑤Aeschylus, Persians,41,135,541,1073.
    ⑥Aeschylus, Persians,120-25,537-83.
    ⑦Aeschylus, Persians,486.
    ⑧Aeschylus, Persians,1046,1054,1056.
    ②J. G. Gammie,“Herodotus on Kings and Tyrants: Objective Historiography or Conventional Portraiture”,Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Vol.45, No.3(Jul.,1986), pp.171-195.
    ③Aeschylus, Persians,16ff.
    ①Aeschylus, Persians,827-831.
    ③埃斯库罗斯和希罗多德的观众都知道,希腊的兵力无法跟波斯相比,但希腊打败了波斯,所以《波斯人》和《历史》中波斯人夸耀自己的兵力和财富其实是作者对他们的讽刺。参见J. G. Gammie,“Herodotus on Kings and Tyrants”.
    ⑤Aeschylus, Persians,591-597.
    ⑥Aeschylus, Persians,696-706.
    ⑦Aeschylus, Persians,241-242.
    ⑨参见A. W. H. Adkins, Merit and Responsibility: A Study in Greek Values, Clarendon Press,1960.
    ⑩J. G. Gammie,“Herodotus on Kings and Tyrants”.
    ①Aeschylus, Persians,243,255.
    ②Aeschylus, Persians,335-340,355-430.
    ①M. C. Miller,“Priam, King of Troy”, inA. M. Carter and S. P. Morris eds., the Ages of Homer: ATribute toEmily Townsend Vermeule, University of Texas Press,1995, pp.449-465; M. C. Miller,“Persians in the GreekImagination”, MeditArch19,2006, pp.109-123; H. A. Shapiro,“The Invention of Persia in ClassicalAthens”,in M. Eliav-Feldon, B. Isaac and J. Ziegler eds., The Origins of Racism in the West, Cambridge UniversityPress,2009, pp.57-87.
    ②E. Gruen, Rethinking the Other in Antiquity, Trustees of Oberlin College,2011, p.43.
    ③K. J. Dover, Greek Homosexuality, Cambridge University Press,1978, p.105.
    ④J. G. Gammie,“Herodotus on Kings and Tyrants”.
    ③Herodotus,3.64-65. J. G. Gammie,“Herodotus on Kings and Tyrants”.
    ②Aeschylus, Persians,768-772.
    ③参见D. L. Gera, Xenophon’s Cyropaedia: Style, Gener and Literary Technique, Oxford University Press,1993, pp.8-10; E. Gruen, Rethinking the Other in Antiquity, p.55.
    ④Xenophon, Cyropaedia,1.1.5.
    ⑤Xenophon, Cyropaedia,1.1.2.
    ⑥Xenophon, Cyropaedia,3.3.4.,4.1.47.
    ⑦Xenophon, Cyropaedia,4.1.45-47,7.3.10.
    ①Xenophon, Cyropaedia,1.5,1.8-10.
    ②Xenophon, Cyropaedia,8.2.10.
    ③Xenophon, Cyropaedia,8.1.46-48,8.2.10,8.2.26-28.
    ①F. Hartog, The Mirror of Herodotus, p.21.
    ③除了希罗多德,古典时期的其他作家也记述过斯基泰人。埃及库罗斯的《被缚的普罗米修斯》中,威力神说:“我们终于来到这大地遥远的去处,斯基泰人的地域,渺无人烟的荒漠。”后来,歌队唱道:“(斯基泰人)拥有最为边远的国土,在迈奥提斯湖畔。”再有阿里斯托芬的《阿卡奈人》中,歌队长说:“衰老的修昔底德受到克菲索得摩斯的起诉,他的能说会道使修昔底德吃尽了斯基泰蛮荒的苦楚。”埃斯库罗斯和阿里斯托芬都强调,斯基泰人的国土相当蛮荒,处于世界上最边远的地区。对于希腊人来说,地处边远的蛮荒国度意味着:它是(农耕)文明之外的区域,或者处在大地尽头,物产贫瘠,或者处在山中。山是文明与暴力的边界,两个城邦之间的分界线往往是山或森林,那里是牧人、伐木者等游离于城邦生活之外的人的“领地”。在《历史》中,希罗多德也详细记述了斯基泰人国土的地理与气候,尽显其边远、蛮荒的特征(Herodotus,4.7-9)。参见F. Hartog, The Mirror of Herodotus, p.13.
    ④F. Hartog, The Mirror of Herodotus, pp.45-46.
    ⑥F. Hartog, The Mirror of Herodotus, p.48.
    ②F. Hartog, The Mirror of Herodotus, p.46.
    ⑥参见Homer, Odyssey,9.109-114; Hesiod, Works and Days,225-237.
    ⑦F. Hartog, The Mirror of Herodotus, p.12.
    ②F. Hartog, The Mirror of Herodotus, p.115.
    ③参见Homer, Iliad,2.339ff.,13.245ff.,4.158ff.
    ④L. Gernet and J. D. B. Hamilton, The Anthropology of Ancient Greece, The Johns Hopkins University Press,1981, p.169.
    ⑤参见Homer, Iliad,3.296.
    ⑥德摩斯提尼说,发伪誓就是不敬神。见Demosthenes, Against Olympiodorus,52.
    ④Aeschines, On Embassy,45.
    ⑤J. P. Vernant, Myth and Thought among the Greeks, translated by J. Lloyed and J. Fort, Zone Books,1993,pp.126-167.
    ⑥L. Gernet,“Political Symbolism:The Common Health”,转引自F. Hartog, The Mirror of Herodotus, p.122.
    ⑦参见Aeschylus, The Suppliant Women,365ff.
    ④[Plato] Mino,315b-c.转引自E. Hall, Inventing the Barbarian, p.146.
    ⑤Sophocles, fr.126.2-3.转引自E. Hall, Inventing the Barbarian, p.147.
    ⑥M. Detienne, Dionysos Slain, Johns Hopkins University Press,1979, pp.62-63.A. S. Rabinowits, GreekTragedy, Blackwell Publishing,2008, p.50.
    ①A. S. Rabinowits, Greek Tragedy, Blackwell Publishing,2008, p.50.
    ⑤参见Homer, Odyssey,22.471-473.
    ⑥Sophocles, Oedipus Tyrannus,1274.
    ⑧D. C. Kurtz and J. Boardman, Greek Burial Customs, Cornell University Press,1971, p.144.
    ①Plutarch, Life of Solon,21.6.
    ③M. Alexiou, The Ritual Lament in Greek Tradition, Cambridge University Press,1974, p.7.
    ①米瑞斯(Myres)认为,在希罗多德看来,“对称”是自然界与人类世界的基本特征。自然界中,气候上,以赤道为中心南北对称,南方炎热,北方寒冷,炎热和寒冷分别决定了南方和北方事物的性质或习性。水纹地理上,尼罗河与伊斯特河对称。民族分布上,南方的伊比亚与埃及和北方的斯基泰人对称。物种习性上,尼罗河鱼与阿拉伯蛇都体现了“对称”原则。人类世界中则是希腊人与蛮族人的“对称”,具体表现为蛮族人与希腊人在制度和习俗上的对立或倒置。参见F. Hartog, The Mirror ofHerodotus, pp.14-16; W.A. Heidel, Greek Maps: The Frame of the Ancient Greek Maps,Arno Press,1976, p.21; J. L. Myres,“An Attempt to Reconstruct the maps Used by Herodotus,” Geographical Journal, Vol.6(Dec.1896), pp.606-631.
    ③Aeschylus, Persians,181-199.
    ④Aeschylus, Suppliant Women,277-290.
    ②Sophokles, Antigone,904-912.
    ①Xenophon, Hellenica,4.1.29-39. P. Cartledge, The Greeks: A Portrait of Self and Others, pp.48-49.
    ②Xenophon, Anabasis,1.9.
    ①从公元前5世纪开始,某些希腊英雄被按上了蛮族人身份。比如品达说伯罗普斯是吕底亚人(Olympian,1.23-24,36-38),欧里庇得斯说卡德摩斯是腓尼基人(Phoenician Women,5-6,638-639),埃斯库罗斯在《乞援人》中将达那俄斯表现为埃及人。同一时期的陶瓶画和雕刻艺术也经常突出他们的蛮族人身份。参见M. C. Miller,“Barbarian Lineage in Classical Creek Mythology and Art: Pelops, Danaosand Kadmos”, in E. S. Gruen ed., Cultural Borrowings and Ethnic Appropriations in Antiquity, F. Steiner,2005, pp.69-89.
    ②Aeschylus, Suppliant Women,55-58.
    ③E. Hall, Inventing the Barbarian, p.107.
    ④W. R. Halliday, Indo-European Folk-Tales and Greek Legend, Cambridge University Press,1933, p.104.
    ⑤Euripides, Hecuba,1057-1058,1070-1072.
    ⑥Euripides, fr.65.90-94.
    ⑦E. Hall, Inventing the Barbarian, p.105.
    ⑧G. M. Mara,“Democratic Self-Criticism and the Other in Classical Political Theory”, The Journal ofPolitics, Vol.65, No.3(Aug.,2003), pp.739-758.
    ⑥G. M. Mara,“Democratic Self-Criticism and the Other in Classical Political Theory”.
    ①I. S. Moyer,“Herodotus and an Egyptian Mirage:The Genealogies of the Theban Priests”, The Journal ofHellenic Studies, Vol.122(2002), pp.70-90.
    ②参见M. Miller,“Herodotus as Chronographer”, Klio46,1965, pp.109-128.
    ③参见D. B. Redford, Pharaonic King-Lists, Annals, and Day-Books, Benben Publications,1986, pp.63-64.
    ④参见N. Grimal, A History of Ancient Egypt, translated by I. Shaw, Oxford University Press,1992, pp.319-331; D. B. Redford, Pharaonic King-Lists, Annals, and Day-Books, pp.62.
    ①A. B. Lloyd,“The Late Period”, in B. G. Tigger, B. J. Kemp D. O’connor andA. B. Lloyd eds., AncientEgypt: A Social History, Cambridge University Press, pp.279-348.
    ②参见P. Der Manuelian, Living in the Past: Studies in Archaism of the Egyptian Twenty-six Dynasty, HavardUniversity Press,1994.
    ④I. S. Moyer,“Herodotus and an Egyptian Mirage”.
    参见Sa d, S.,“Greeks and Barbarians in Euripides’Tragedies:The End of Differences?”, in T. Harrison, pp.
    欧里曼冬陶瓶画中的形象截然不同,丝毫没有被贬低的痕迹。参见K. Vlassopoulos, Greeks and
    Barbarians, p.197.
    ①P. Cartledge, The Greeks: A Portrait of Self and Others, p.142.
    ②Euripides, Iphigenia at Aulis,1400-1401.
    ③Euripides, Helen,276.
    ①D. B. Davis, The Problem of Slavery in Western Culture, Oxford University Press,1966, pp.66-67.
    ⑤I. Weiler,“The Greek and non-Greek World in theArchaic Period”, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies9(1968), pp,21-29; B. Isaac, The Invention of Racism in Classical Antiquity, Oxford University Press,2004, pp.257-303.
    ①Aristotle, Politics,7.1327b23-33.译文参见亚里士多德:《政治学》,吴寿彭译,商务印书馆,1965年,第366-367页。本文中《政治学》的译文主要参考了吴寿彭译本,后文如无其他情况,不一一注明。
    ②Pollux, Onomastikon,4.119-120.转引自P. Hunt,“Slaves in Greek Literary Culture”, in K. Bradley and P.Cartleged, pp.22-47.
    ③P. Hunt,“Slaves in Greek Literary Culture”.
    ④Sophocles, Trachinian,1060.
    ⑤见Aeschylus, Agamemnon,1050; Sophocles, Antigone,1001-1002;Aristophanes, Frogs,679-682.
    ⑥Euripides, Orestes,1369ff.
    ⑦Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazusae,1082-1097,1098-1035,1176-1226.
    ⑧参见T. Long, Barbarians in Greek Comedy, Southern Illinois University Press,1986, pp.106-107.
    ⑨Aristotle, Politics,1.1252a27-35.
    ①Aristotle, Politics,1.1252a30-35,1.1252b10-15,1.1253b30-35,1.1254a10-15,1.1254b15-20,1.1254b20-25,1260b5-10.
    ②Aristotle, Politics,1.1254b26-35.
    ③Aristotle, Politics,1.1252b5-10,7.1327b23-33.
    ④Aristotle, Politics,3.1277a33-1277b5,3.1278a7-15.
    ③M. I. Finley, Ancient Slavery and Modern Ideology, p.118.
    ①S. Todd,“The Purpose of Evidence in Athenian Courts”, in P. Cartledge, P. Millett and S. Todd eds., Nomos:Essays in Athenian Law, Politics and Society, Cambridge University Press,1990, pp.33-36.
    ②Antiphon, Against Choreutes,23-25.
    ③Lycurgus, Leocrates,32.转引自V. J. Hunter, Policing Athens: Social Control in the Attic Lawsuits,420-320BC, Princeton University Press,1994, pp.154-158.
    ④Demosthenes, Against Androtion,25; Against Timocrates,167.另可参见V. J. Hunter, Policing Athens, pp.154-158.
    ⑤P. duBois, Torture and Truth, Routledge,1991, pp.52,68.
    ⑥Antiphon, Anonymous Prosecution for Murder,7.
    ①Sophocles, Oedipus Tyrannus,1154.
    ②Aristophanes, Peace,743-750.
    ③Aristophanes, Wasps,1292-1295.
    ④Aristophanes, Birds,1313-1336.
    ⑤Aristophanes, Birds,1313-1336.
    ⑥K. J. Dover, Aristophanic Comedy, University of California Press,1972, p.206.
    ⑦可见Aristohpanes, Lysistrata,1240; Knights,1228; Frogs,501.
    ⑧可见Plato, Gorgias,524c.另,在《历史》中,薛西斯吹嘘自己的实力时也说过,他手中的蛮族大军将在“鞭子”的督导下击败希腊人。这是希罗多德将蛮族人等同于奴隶的另一个例证。见Herodotus,7.103.
    ⑨V. J. Hunter, Policing Athens, p.168-169.
    ①K. L. Wrenhaven,“Greek Representations of the Slave Body:AConflict of Idea”, in R.Alston, E. Hall andL. Proffitt, pp.97-120.
    ②Demosthenes, Against Aristogeito I,24.另可参见T. McNiven,“Behaving Like an Other:TelltaleGestures inAthenian Vase Painting”, in B. Cohen, pp.71-97.不过这种舒缓的行动方式也是阿里斯托芬调侃的对象。《马蜂》中,布吕得克里昂要他父亲菲洛克里昂像精英人士那样走路,要他“像一个富翁那样,神气十足地摆一摆架子”(Wasps,1169)。
    ③T. McNiven,“Behaving Like an Other:Telltale Gestures inAthenian Vase Painting”.
    ④W. G. Thalmann,“Some Ancient Greek Image of Slavery”, in R.Alston, E. Hall and L. Proffitt, pp.72-96.
    ①K. L. Wrenhaven,“Greek Representations of the Slave Body:AConflict of Idea”.因为奴隶总被表现得比自由人矮小,所以有时他们会被误认为儿童。比如约翰奥克利在他以“死亡与儿童”为主题的研究中,多次把绘画和雕塑中的奴隶当成“男孩儿”或“女孩儿”。参见J. H. Oakley,“Death and the Child”,in J. Neils and J. H. Oakley eds., Coming of Age in Ancient Greece: Images of Childhood from the ClassicalPast, Yale University Press,2003, pp.163-194.
    ③Aristophanes, Birds,760-761.
    ④Aristophanes, Lysistrata,330-331.
    ⑤J. H. Oakley,“Some Other Members of theAthenian Household:Maids and Their Mistresses inFifth-centuryAthenianArt”, in B. Cohen, pp.227-247.
    ⑦K. L. Wrenhaven,“Greek Representations of the Slave Body:AConflict of Ideas”.
    ②F. Hartog, The Mirror of Herodotus, p.85.
    ④Aristotle, Historia Animalium,9.17.3.转引自F. Hartog, The Mirror of Herodotus, p.85.
    ⑤F. Hartog, The Mirror of Herodotus, p.87.
    ⑥Heraclitus,22B40.转引自F. Hartog, The Mirror of Herodotus, p.88.
    ⑦Empedocles,31B129; Ion of Chios,36B2.转引自F. Hartog, The Mirror of Herodotus, p.88.
    ⑧Iamblichus, Life of Pythagoras,200.转引自F. Hartog, The Mirror of Herodotus, p.88.
    ①F. Hartog, The Mirror of Herodotu, p.94.
    ③F. Hartog, The Mirror of Herodotu, p.96.
    ④Iamblichus, Life of Pythagoras85.转引自F. Hartog, The Mirror of Herodotu, p.97.
    ⑤Strabo,7.35.转引自D. Dueck, H. Lindsay and S. Pothecary eds., Strabo's Cultural Geography: theMaking of a Kolossourgia, Cambridge University Press,2011.
    ⑥Iamblichus, Life of Pyhagoras,257.转引自F. Hartog, The Mirror of Herodotus, p.98.
    ①Plato, Republic,364b.
    ③Iamblichus, Life of Pythagoras,69;Athenaeus,4.161b,4.238c-d.转引自F. Hartog, The Mirror ofHerodotu, p.99.
    ①修昔底德在提到开俄斯和斯巴达的奴隶时会用oiketai来指称,该词的字面意思是“家庭成员”,既可以用来指称自由人,也可以用来指称非自由人。但当他提到雅典的奴隶时,所用的称呼却是andrapodon,即“人足动物”(man-footed thing),该词对应另一个词tetrapoda,即“牛、牲口、家畜”,字面意思为“四足动物”(four-footed)。参见P. Cartledge, The Greeks: A Portrait of Self and Others, p.136.
    ②Xenophon, Oeconomicus,13.译文参见色诺芬:《经济论雅典的收入》,第44—45页。
    ③Xenophon, Oeconomicus,9.11.译文参见色诺芬:《经济论雅典的收入》,第32页。
    ①Xenophon, Oeconomicus,1.4;1.15;1.16;2.1;5.4.
    ②Euripides, Trojan Women,484-499.
    ③Euripides, Hecuba,354-368.
    ①Euripides, Hecuba,354-368.
    ②E. Hall,“The Sociology ofAthenian Comedy”, in P. E. Easterling ed., The Cambridge Companion to GreekTragedy, Cambridge University Press,1997, pp.93-126.
    ③Aeschylus, Libation Bearers,749-762; Sophocles, Ajax,489-491; Euripides, Trojan Women190-196,
    506-508; Hecuba,357-368.
    ④Euripides, Iphigenia among the Taurians,447-455.
    ⑤Aeschylus, Libation Bearers,76-85.
    ⑥Aeschylus, Libation Bearers,76-85.
    ①Euripides, Helen,728-731.
    ②Philemon, Fr.95.转引自P. Hunt,“Slaves in Greek Literary Culture”, in K. Bradley and P. Cartleged, pp.22-47.
    ③G. S. Daitz,“Concepts of Freedom and Slavery in Euripides’Hecuba”, Hermes99(1971): pp.217-226.
    ④Euripides, Hecuba,332-333.
    ⑤R. Kannicht, Euripides: Helen, Heidelberg,1969, p.208.
    ⑥E. Hall,“The Sociology ofAthenian Comedy”.另可参见P. DuBois, Slaves and Other Objects, TheUniversity of Chicago Press,2003, pp.144,148-149.
    ⑦Sophocles, Philoctetes,995-996.
    ①Euripides, Alcestis,675-678.
    ②Euripides, Trojan Women,509-510.
    ③参见J. Vogt, Ancient Slavery and the Ideal of Man, translated by T. Wiedemann, Oxford University Press,1975, pp.1-25.
    ④Euripides, Helen,726-733.
    ⑤Euripides, Ion,850-856.
    ⑥Euripides, Ion,836-838,1210-1216.
    ①Aristohpanes, Wealth,189-193.
    ②K. Dover, Aristophanic Comedy, University of California Press,1972, p.206.
    ③Aristohpanes, Frogs,179,640.
    ④Aristohpanes, Frogs,743.参见E. Hall, The Theatrical Cast of Athens, Oxford University Press,2006, pp.
    ⑤参见K. McCarthy, Slaves and Masters and the Art of Authority in Plautine Comedy, Princeton UniversityPress,2000; L. Salingar, Shakespeare and the Traditions of Comedy, Cambridge University Press,1974, p.
    109; E. Segal, Roman Laughter: The Comedy of Plautus, Cambridge University Press,1968, pp.164-167.
    ⑥Xenophon, Cyropaedia,8.1.43-44.
    ①Xenophon, Cyropaedia,7.5.78-79.译文参见:色诺芬《居鲁士的教育》,沈默译笺,华夏出版社,2007年,第401—402页。本文中《居鲁士的教育》的译文主要参考自沈默译本,后文如无其他情况,不一一注明。
    ②Xenophon, Memorabilia,3.9.9-10.
    ③J. Tatum, Xenophon’s Imperial Fiction, Princeton University Press,1989, p.190.
    ①Xenophon, Agesilaus,5.2-3.
    ②B. Due, The Cyropaedia: Xenophon’s Aims and Methods, Gepenhagen,1989, p.226.转引自P. Hunt,Slaves Warfare and Ideology in the Greek Historians, p.150.
    ③Xenophon, Anabasis,3.1.23.
    ④Xenophon, Cyropaedia,7.5.84.
    ⑤Xenophon, Memorabilia,1.5.5,1.6.8,4.5.3-5; Oeconomicus,1.16-23.
    ②R. J. A. Talbert,“The Role of the Helots in the Class Struggle at Sparta”, Historia38(1989), pp.22-40.
    ①Xenophon, The Constitution of Lacedaemonians,11.2.
    ②P. Hunt, Slaves Warfare and Ideology in the Greek Historians, pp.60-61.
    ③Thucydides,3.75.1.参见D. M. Lewis,“TheArchidamian War”, in D. Lewis, J. Boardman, J. Davies andM. Ostwald eds., The Cambridge Ancient History vol. V, Cambridge University Press,1992, pp.370-432.
    ⑤P. Hunt, Slaves Warfare and Ideology in the Greek Historians, p.68.
    ⑥P. Hunt, Slaves Warfare and Ideology in the Greek Historians, p.68.
    ⑦O. Patterson, Slavery and Social Death, Cambridge University Press,1982, p.55.
    ②P. Hunt, Slaves Warfare and Ideology in the Greek Historians, p.178.
    ③Diodorus Siculus,13.64.5-7.
    ④Xenophon, Hellenica,1.2.18.译文参见色诺芬:《希腊史》,徐松岩译注,上海三联书店,2013年,第16—17页。
    ⑤P. Hunt, Slaves Warfare and Ideology in the Greek Historians, p.179.
    ⑥Xenophon, Hellenica,6.5.1-52.
    ⑦Xenophon, Agesilaus,2.24; The Constitution of Lacedaemonians,12.4.
    ⑧Xenophon, Hellenica,7.1.22.
    ⑨Xenophon, Agesilaus,2.29; Hellenica,7.1.36.
    ⑩C. Cawkwell,“Introduction”, in R. Warner trans., Xenophon: A History of My Times, Harmondsworth,1966, pp.748.
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