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在美国由于历史的歧视导致黑人种族发展的滞后。出于补偿正义的考虑,二十世纪六十年代中期美国政府启动了照顾政策(Affirmative Action),在就业和就学方面不仅仅局限于平等的原则,对黑人种族等社会弱势群体提供优先考虑和优先机会,以期消除种族歧视的影响,促进真正的种族平等。照顾政策在10925号总统令里的定义原为,不同种族的的人平等地参与竞争,最有能力的人获得最后的机会,不能因为种族、肤色、性别等原因剥夺他们参与竞争的机会,最后凭借个人能力择优录取而不是择肤色和种族录取。但是美国社会崇尚的是自由竞争和能力原则,在同一的市场竞争机制下,每个人凭借个人的能力获得机会。因此有些人认为反歧视法废除了对黑人的歧视,给予黑人和白人同等的机会参与市场竞争,这相对于以前黑人没有人身自由,没有参与自由竞争的机会来说已经是个很大的进步,而且只能到此为止。有些人则认为这远远不够,除了废除种族歧视还应该积极主动帮助黑人,给予黑人更多的机会。由于照顾政策强调种族的存在,这在形式上正好与宪法规定的各种族平等保护以及能力原则相悖,所以引起了社会极大的关注和争议。照顾政策自实施五十多年以来,人们对照顾政策的理解
The blacks were lagged behind due to history of discrimination in the United States. For compensational justice, in the mid-1960s the government started to enact Affirmative Action and give the preferential treatment to minorities, women and the social vulnerable groups in areas such as employment, education and government contracts in order to eliminate racial discrimination, promote genuine racial equality and gender equality. But American advocate free competition and meritocracy principle. Under the same market competition mechanism, everyone relies on personal ability to get a chance. So some people think that anti-discrimination law abolished the discrimination against blacks, It is already a great progress to give blacks people and white people equal opportunities to participate in market competition, in relative to the blacks who had no personal freedom and no opportunity to participate in the competition, and we can only go so far. While others think it is not enough, in addition to the abolition of racial discrimination we should also be positive to help blacks and give blacks more opportunities. But Affirmative Action which emphasised on race, was contradictory to constitution of the racial equality protection principle and ability in form, so it caused the social attention and dispute. But American advocate free competition and meritocracy principle, under the same market competition mechanism, everyone relies on personal ability to get a chance. So some people think that anti-discrimination law abolished the discrimination against blacks, to give blacks people and white people equal opportunities to participate in market competition is already a great progress, in relative to the blacks who had no personal freedom and no opportunity to participate in the competition, and we can only go so far. While others think it is not enough, in addition to the abolition of racial discrimination we should also be positive to help blacks and give blacks more opportunities. But Affirmative Action Which emphasised on race, was contradictory to constitution of the racial equality protection principle and ability in form, so it caused the social attention and dispute. People's understanding of affirmative action has changes with social political and economic environment. Mid sixties people didn't have a lot of questions of Affirmative Action, but by the mid-seventy of the issues were increasingly fierce, and in the ninetys calls for cancellation of affirmative action.
     The debates about the Affirmative Action were never discontinuous since it was put into action. The first chapter expounds the development path of the Affirmative Action. The debates about it are fierce. From the perspective of ethics the second chapter analyze the most intense debates: conflict against discrimination and reverse discrimination; conflict against the differences and equal; conflict against the legitimacy and rationality; conflict against compensational principle and the principle of merits, conflict against the quota and the representitive system; conflict against the principle of color-blind of the constitutional14th amendment etc. Does Affirmative Action have moral rationality? The third chapter does some ethics research in the following two aspects:first, we acknowledge the moral theory of the justice principle and the theory of compensation and the utilitarian theory on the basis of the maximum utility principle. We consider if Affirmative Action is in compliance with the above two ethical principles; Second, do the above two ethical principles conflict when we continue to implement the policy today? From the point of the the time of the design, Affirmative Action is focused more on principles of justice. It is fair to give the black people preferential treatment, but the Affirmative Action have been implemented for many years and now continued which is more likely to be based on utilitarian principle. People think that the policy conformed to the principle of maximum utility is beneficial to the diversity of American society and many other social utility, but it raises a question:can utilitarian (including social utility) sacrifice justice? People think that the policy is beneficial to the diversity of American society, and many other social utility, conform to the principle of maximum utility. But this raises a question:can utilitarian (including social utility) sacrifice justice? If we continue to enact the Affirmative Action, does it really lead to be unfair for the whites? Does it transition the discrimination from black to white?
     The fourth chapter compares the similarities and differences of preferential policies in the United States and the policy of group preference in China. Although the implementation of Affirmative Action and the preferential policy is different between the two countries,but the means are essentially the same. In the field of college entrance examination enrollment our two countries have a variety of similarities. Implementation of Affirmative Action and preferential policies in the two countries also met a lot of social disputes. As long as it is a fair society, Affirmative Action will exist.But in various stages of social development object and means of Affirmative Action are different. Only improving the living standards of the disadvantaged Affirmative Action or preferential policies are fair.
     There are some problems of plus points for ethnic minorities in the college entrance examination in our country.The author analyzes some factors in the extreme case on our country college entrance examination, and detailed elaborate the uneven distribution of education resources in Beijing, Shanghai and in the college entrance examination enrollment every year, regional recruitment differences of the student proportion in the national key university.The college entrance examination must maintain social justice. To reealize educational fairness on starting point of the higher education, we should give minority plus preferential treatment to achieve the unity of the starting justice and result justice.
① Dorothy J. Solinger.Minority Nationality In a Socialist Stat[J]World Politics. Vol.30, No.1 (October 1977)P1-23; Mariam Jordan.Quotas for blacks in Brazil causellubbub [J]Wall Street Journal,December27,2001 PA6; Pariscilla Qolisaya Pauamau. A Post-colonial Reading of Affirmative Action in Education in Fiji[J]Race, Ethnicity and Education, Vol.4, No.2(2001), P109-123; Mattew lloddic. Preferential Policies and the Bluring of Ethnic Boundaries:The Case Aboriginal Australians in the 1980s [J] Political Studies, Vol.50(2002), P293-312
    ① Terry H Anderson. The Pursuit of Fairness, the History of Affirmative Action[M]Oxford University Press, USA (June 9,2005) P5
    ① Terry H Anderson. The Pursuit of Fairness, the History of Affirmative Act ion[M]Oxford University Press, USA (June 9,2005):15
    ① Wright Susan.The Civil Rights Act of 1964:Landmark Antidiscrimination Legislation[M]The Rosen Publishing Croup,2005
    ② 张立平.论肯定性行动[J]太平洋学报,2001年第3期,P71
    ① Terry H Anderson. The Pursuit of Fairness, the History of Affirmative Act ion[M]Oxford University Press, USA June 9,2005 P110
    ② Terry H Anderson. The Pursuit of Fairness, the History of Affirmative Action[M]Oxford University Press, USA (June 9,2005)P116
    ③ Terry H Anderson. The Pursuit of Fairness, the History of Affirmative Action[M]Oxford University Press, USA (June 9,2005)P139
    ④ Regents of the University of California v. Bakke,438, U.S.265 (1978).
    ① Terry H Anderson. The Pursuit of Fairness,the History of Affirmative Act ion[M]Oxford University Press, USA (June 9,2005)P159
    ① Nickel 1972; Cowan 1972; Taylor 1973; Shiner 1973; Silvestri 1973; Nunn 1974; Nickel 1974; Goldman 1975; Ketchum & Pierce 1976; Woodruff 1976; and Simon 1978[J] Analysis
    ① Terry H Anderson. The Pursuit of Fairness, the History of Affirmative Action[M]Oxford University Press, USA June 9 2005 P259
    ① Terry H Anderson. The Pursuit of Fairness,the History of Affirmative Action[M]Oxford University Press, USA June 9,2005 P261
    ② Terry H Anderson. The Pursuit of Fairness, the History of Affirmative Action[M]Oxford University Press, USA June 9 2005 P262
    ③ Terry H Anderson. The Pursuit of Fairness, the History of Affirmative Action [M]Oxford University Press, USA June 9 2005 P263
    ① Terry H Anderson. The Pursuit of Fairness, the History of Affirmative Act ion[M]Oxford University Press, USA June 9 2005 P263
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    ② James W. Nickel. Discrimination and Morally Relevant Characteristics Analysis.Volume 32, Issue 4,(1972) [J] Analysis P113-114
    ① Steven M. Cahn.Affirmative Action Debate[M] Routledge,2002 P5
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    ② Steven M. Cahn. Affirmative Aaction Debate[M]Rout ledge P12
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    ① Judith Jarvis Thomson. Preferential Hiring [M] Philosophy and Public Affairs 4 Princeton University press 1975
    ① Paul W. Tailor. Affirmativc Action Debate:Reverse Discrimination and Compensatory Justice [M] Rout ledge:2002 P13-16
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    ① The Justifiction of reversed discrimination, presented at the eastern Division meeting of [J] the American Philosophical Association. December 27,1974
    ② Analysis (1976) 36(3):158-160 doi:10.1093/analys/36.3.158 [J] Analysis
    ① William A.Nunn.Reverse Discrimination[J]Analysi s(1974)34(5)P 151-154
    ① Barbara Bergman.In Defense of Affirmative Action[M] Basic Books,New York. 1996
    ① Robert Fullinwinder. The Reverse Discrimination Controversy, Nicholas Capaldi, Out of Order[M](Buffalo, NY:Prometheus Books,1985); F. R. Lynch.Invisible Victims:whitemales and the CrisisofAffirmativeAsction[M]Westport, CT:GreenwoodPress,1989; BarryR.Greossed. ReverseDiscrimination[M] (Buffalo, NY:Prometheus Books,1977)
    ② Frederick R Lynch.Casualties and More Casualties:Surviving Affirmative Action (More or Less) [M]Amherst, N. Y.:Prometheus Books,1997
    ① George Sher. Philosophy and Public Affairs4:Justifying reverse Discrimination in Employment [M] Princeton University press 1975
    ② William G. Bowen and Derek Bok.The Shape of the River[M]Princeton:Princeton University Press,1998
    ① SusanD. clayton and Faybe J. Crosby. Justice,Gender,and Affirmative Act ion[M]Ann Arbor:Universityof Michigan press,1992 P73-78
    ② Barbara Bergamn. In defense of Affirmative Act ion[M]Basic Books; First Edition edition (March 20,1997) P75
    ① William G. Bowen and Derek Bok.The Shape of the River[M]Princeton:Princeton University Press,1998
    ② Judith Jarvis Thomas.Philosophy and Public Affairs 2:Preferential Hiring [M] Princeton University press 1973
    ① Linda Chavez.Minority can't Measure up[J] USA Today,Feb.15,1995.
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    ③ Equal Employment Opportunity commision[J] Foundation Washington, D. C. Annual report 1994
    ① Frederick R Lynch.Casualties and More Casualties:Surviving Affirmative Action (More or Less) [M]Amherst, N. Y.:Prometheus Books,1997
    ① Thomas Nagel.A defense of Affiramtive Action[J]June 18,1981, and Louis Pojman. The Moralstatus of Affirmative Act ion[J]Public affairs quarterly 6(1992):181-206
    ① J. Angelo Corlett. Racism and Affirmative Action [J]Journal of Social Philosophy 24(1993):163-75
    ② Journal of Ethics 2[J] Springer Netherlands (1998)
    ③ Gertrude Ezorsky.Raciam andJustice, Ithaca[M]NY:Cornell University Press, 1991; and Robert Fullinwinder. The Reversed Discrimination Controversy[M] Totowa, NJ:Rowman and Allanheld,1980
    ① Brent W. Ambrose, William T. Hughes, Jr.,and Patrick Simmons. Policy Issues Concerning Racial and ethnic Differences in Home Loan Rejection Rates[J]Journal of Housing Reserch 6(1995):P115-35
    ② Rudolf A. Pyatt, Jr. Significant Job Studies [J]Washington Post, April 30,1985, P. D1-D2
    ③ Young S. Lee.Affirmative Action and Judicial Standards of Review:A research for the elusive Consensus[J] Review of Public Personnel Administration 12(1991):P47-69
    ④ Robert Ladenson.Ethics in the American Workplace[J]Business and Professional Ethics Journal 14(1995):17-31
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    ⑥ Thomas E Hill Jr. The Message of Affirmative Action, social Philosophy and Policy 8[J](1991):108-29
    ① The Hea rt of Racism.Journal of Social Philosophy 27[J](1996):5-46
    ② Penni Steward and Janice Drakich.Factors related to Organi zational Change and Equity for Women Faculty in Ontario University[J]Canadian Public Policy 21(1995):429-48
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    [1]Robert Elitgaard. Elitism and Meritocracy in Derveloping Countries [M]baltimore:Johns Hopkins UniversityPress 2001
    [2]Wright Susan. The Civil Rights Act of 1964:Landmark Antidiscrimination Legislation[M]The Rosen Publishing Group 2005
    [3]Edited by Steven M. Cahn.Affirmative Aaction Debate[M] Routledge
    [4]John Rawls.A Theory of Justice [M]Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press 1971
    [5]Barbara Bergman.In Defense of Affirmative Action[M] Basic Books,New York. 1996
    [6]Robert Fullinwinder. The Reverse Discrimination Controversy, Nicholas Capaldi, Out of Order [M]Buffalo, NY:Prometheus Books 1985
    [7]F. R. Lynch. Invisible Victims:whitemales and the Crisis ofAffirmativeAsction[M]Westport,CT:GreenwoodPress 1989
    [8]BarryR. Greossed. ReverseDiscrimination[M]Buffalo, NY:Prometheus Books 1977
    [9]Susan D.Clayton and Faybe J. Crosby. Justice.Gender,and Affirmative Action[M]Ann Arbor:Universityof Michigan press 1992
    [10]Barbara Bergamn.In defense of Affirmative Action[M]Basic Books; First Edition edition March 20 1997
    [11]William C. Bowen and Derek Bok. The Shape of the River[M]Princeton:Princeton University Press 1998
    [12]Edited By:Alan Patten.Philosophy and Public Affairs 2 [M] Princeton University press 1973
    [13]Frederick R Lynch.Casualties and More Casualties:Surviving Affirmative Action (More or Less) [M]Amherst, N. Y.:Prometheus Books 1997
    [14]Gertrude Ezorsky. Raciam andJustice, Ithaca[M]NY:Cornell University Press 1991
    [15]Robert Fullinwinder. The Reversed Discrimination Controversy[M] Totowa, NJ:Rowman and Allanheld 1980
    [16]Gertrude Ezorsky. Racism and justice:The case for Affirmative Act ion[M]Cornell University Press1991
    [17]Bernard Boxill. Blacks and Social Just ice [M]Totowa, NJ:Rowman and Allenheld, 1984
    [18]Robert Fullinwinder. The Reverse Discrimination Controversy:A Moral and LegalAnalysis[M]Totowa, NJ:Rowman and Littlefield,1980
    [19]John Rawls. A Theory of Justice [M]Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press 1971
    [20]Judith Jarvis Thomson. Philosophy and Public Affairs 2[M]Princeton University Press 1973
    [21]Terry Ⅱ Anderson. The Pursuit of Fairness, the History of Affirmative Act ion [M]Oxford University Press, USA June 9,2005
    [22]Daniel Bell. The Coming of Post-Industrial Society[M]NewYork:Basic Bookstore 1973
    [23]John Rawls.1971, A Theory of Justice, Revised Edit ion[M]Oxford University Press 1999
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    [25]Daniel Bell. The Coming of Post-Industrial Society[M] (NewYork: BasicBookstore 1973
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    [27]Judith Jarvis Thomson. Philosophy and Public Affairs 2[M] Cambridge University Press 1973
    [28]Rita Jalai and Seymour Martin Lipset. Racial and Ethnic Conflicts:A Global Prefernece [M] Political Science Quarterly,No.4 Winter1992-1993
    [29]Robert Elitgaard. Elitism and Meritocracy in Developing Countries [M]Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press 2001
    [30]Terry H Anderson. The Pursuit of Fairness, the History of Affirmative Act ion[M]Oxford University Press,1987
    [31]Wright. Susan The Civil Rights Actof 1964:Landmark Antidiscrimination Legislat ion[M]The Rosen Publishing Group,2005
    [32]JerryT. Fergusonand Wallace R.Johnston.Managing Diversity[M] Mortagage Banking 55 1995
    [33]Steven M. Cahn.Affirmative Aaction Debate [M] Addison-Wesley,1996
    [34]Barbara Bergman. In Defenseof Affirmative Action [M]basicBooks New York. 1996
    [35]Robert Fullinwinder. The Reverse Discrimination Controversy, Nicholas Capaldi, Out of Order [M]Buffalo, NY:Prometheus Books,1985
    [36]F. R. Lynch. Invisible Victims:Whitemales and the Crisis of Affirmative asction[M]Westport,CT:GreenwoodPress,1989
    [37]Barry R Greossed. Reverse Discrimination[M] Buffalo, NY:Prometheus Books,1977
    [38]Susan D clayton and FaybeJ. Crosby,Just ice, Gender, and Affirmative Action[M]Ann Arbor:University of Michigan press,1992
    [39]Daniel Bell.The Coming of Post-Industrial Society[M] (NewYork: BasicBookstore 1973
    [40]William G. Bowen and Derek Bok.The Shape of the River[M]Princeton:Princeton University Press,1998
    [41]Thomas Nagel.M Cohen. Philosophy and Public Affairs 2 [M]Copyright by Princeton University press.1973
    [42]Gertrude Ezorsky. Raciamand Justice [M]Ithaca NY Cornell University Press,1991
    [43]Gertrude Ezorsky. Racism and justice:The case for Affirmative Action[M] Cornell University Press 1991
    [44]Thomas EHill Jr. The Messageof Affirmative Act ion, social Philosophy and Policy 8[M] School of Public Affairs, University of Maryland 1991
    [45]Penni Steward and Janice Drakich.Factors related to Organizational Change and Equity for Women Faculty in Ontario University[M]Canadian Public Policy 211995
    [46]Jeane C Poole and E. Theodore Kautz.An EEO/AA Program that Exceeds Quotas----It targets biases [M]Personnel Journa 66 January 1987
    [47]Bernard Box ill. Blacks and Social Just ice [M]Totowa, NJ:Rowman and Allenheld 1984
    [48]Robert Fullinwinder. The Reverse Discrimination Controversy:A Moral andLegalAnalysis[M]Totowa, NJ:Rowman and Littlefield,1980
    [49]Bernard Boxill. Blacks and Social Just ice[M]Totowa, NJ:Rowman and Allenheld, 1984
    [50]L. Gordon Crovitz. Harvord Law School finds Its Counterrevo lutionary [M]Wall Street Journal, March 25,1992
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    [1]Rita Jalai and Seymour Martin Lipset. Racial and Ethnic Conflicts:A Global Prefernece[J]Political Science Quarterly, No.4 Winter 1992-1993
    [2]Dorothy J. Solinger.Minority Nationality In a Socialist State [J]World Politics. Vol.30,No.1 October 1977
    [3]Mariam Jordan.Quotas for blacks in Brazil causeHubbub [J]Wall Street Journal, December27,2001
    [4]Pariscilla Qolisaya Pauamau. A Post-colonial Reading of Affirmative Action in Education in Fiji[J]Race, Ethnicity and Education, Vol.4,No.2 2001
    [5]Mattew Hoddie. Preferential Policies and the Bluring of Ethnic Boundaries:The Case Aboriginal Australians in the 1980s [J]Political Studies,Vol.50 2002
    [6]Nickel 1972; Cowan 1972; Taylor 1973; Shiner 1973; Silvestri 1973; Nunn 1974; Nickel 1974; Goldman 1975; Ketchum & Pierce 1976; Woodruff 1976; and Simon 1978 [J] Analysis
    [7]Linda Chavez. Minority can't Measure up[J] USA Today, Feb.15,1995.
    [8]Analysis (1972) 33(1):10-12 doi:10.1093/analys/33.1.10[J] Analysis
    [9]Equal Employment Opportunity commision[J]Annual report 1994
    [10]J. Angelo Corlett. Racism and Affirmative Act ion [J]Journal of Social Philosophy 24 1993
    [11]Thomas Nagel.A defense of Affiramtive Action[J]June 18,1981,/and Louis Pojman. The Moralstatus of Affirmative Action[J]Public affairs quarterly 6 1992
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