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The supply chain collaboration relates with so many different enterprises, links and factors. It is a complex system problem which has nonlinear and multi-feedback characteristics. Most of the methods used in analyzing the supply chain are the static method on mathematic modeling and indics analyzing. It can describe the complexity hardly. The System Dynamics method, as an effective method validated in studying and resolving the social and economic systems, are being paid more and more attention. How to use System Dynamics method to deal with the complex supply chain system analysis and diagnosis is a focus in supply chain management area. According to the analyzing complex supply chain system collaboration and the rebuilding requirement of the enterprise, four aspects are studied in the thesis:
     1. The complexity of supply chain and the characteristics of System Dynamics method are studied at first. An isomerous supply chain System Dynamics model that has two supply modes is established based on the analysis on a core manufacturing enterprise supply chain. The performance of some key performance indics is analyzed by simulation then.
     2. Supply chain collaboration strategy through information sharing is studied. Two proposals are designed to descripet the different information sharing mode. The two modes are perfect mutual-trust and non-mutual-trust. The System Dynamics analysis of the supply chain under these two proposals is done. Moreover, the effect that divulgence brought under a competition environment is studied. The effect of information sharing on a manufacture is analyzed.
     3. Supply Chain collaboration through contracts is studied. The System Dynamics models with different contract mode are established. The profits of the supplier, manufacture, and the whole chain are analyzed. Then, the application of the contract is discussed.
     4. A method that can aid analysis for the supply chain is put forward, and the general process is structured. The method is based on the structural analysis method of System Dynamics model. Then, the method is used in the analysis in stock management structure.
     At last, the reach result and the direction in the future are concluded and prospected.
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