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China's current supply system of public goods in rural areas is formed under the conditions of "the countryside feeding the city". Government and the rural residents afford the supply of public goods. The promulgation of No. 1 Article of the Party Central Committee of 2004 presages the coming of industry re-feeding agriculture . In the following years, Chinese Government have proposed a series of policies about benefiting the peasants to implement the proactive fiscal policy and to support agriculture, which have greatly increased the total production of the rural public goods, such as the productive and living public goods. Compared to living public goods, the productive public goods have a greater and more directly efficiency in the promotion of agriculture and rural non-agricultural industries development, increasing their income, stimulating rural consumption and private investment and narrowing the gap between urban and rural economic development. The tilting of Public finances to the agriculture and rural areas will bring opportunities to the regulate and optimization of supplying structure of productive public goods.
     Based on the formers' studies, by the way of mainstream economic theory (agricultural economics, public economics, development economics) and the modern methods of econometric analysis(quantitative economics, econometrics), this paper analyse the issues related to the supply of China's rural productive public goods. Then it put forward the policy protection mechanism to improve the supply effect of productive public goods based on the theoretical and empirical analysis. We have followed the study ideas of "Puting foward problem, analysing current situation, testing effect, recommending mpolicy measure" and research on the following questions.
     Firstly, the first paragarph discussed the public finance context of rural productive public goods supply. Study found that the scale of rural productive public goods supply increased in absolute size, but relative quantity is not enough; the proportion of financial expenditure to support agricultural production and operating expenses are too high, but a relatively low investment in agricultural science and technology. Building a new socialist countryside as an important task is to increase financial input in supporting China's agricultural production and improving the international competitiveness of China's agricultural products.
     Secondly, analyze the supply status of rural productive public goods. The study found that: First, the scale of productive public goods supply increased in an absolute scale, but relative size is declining; second, from the perspective of supplying product mix, the supply of rural productive public goods has heavy characteristics of "hard, light and soft "; third, the supply of rural productive public goods has significant features of regional disparities, which can be divided into soil and water conservation areas, the regional power grid construction and agricultural comprehensive development region. However, such a geographical imbalance depends largely on the significant differences in the endowment of natural resources, rather than the uneven supply of public goods brought about by differences in the regional economy. So this imbalance is reasonable,
     Thirdly, analyze the effect of these investment behaviors for farmers from the rural productive supply of public goods. Based on the analysis of internal relations between rural productive supply of public goods and investment behaviors of farmers, collecting data of 30 provinces and municipalities, this paper establish empirical models of farmers" investment behavior in agriculture. Thus the analysis of average impacts of rural productive investment of public goods investments to each farmer's investment behavior. The study found that rural productive supply of public goods investment have a positive impact on farmers' behavior of agricultural investment, such as increasing electricity consumption , increasing the soil erosion area and transforming low-yield farmland, while rural reservoir capacity, waterlogging control area and alkali treatment area had no significant effect. It is proof that there is a complementary relationship between rural public capital and farmers' private capital, and public investment in rural areas will stimulate the expansion of farmers' private capital.
     Fourthly, analyze the efficiency of government spending on rural productive supply of public goods. With the provincial panel data from 2003 to 2005 and Envelopment Analysis DEA to analyze the efficiency in the rural productive supply of public goods, the results show that: First, the efficiency in the rural productive supply of public goods has improved year-on-year. Active fiscal policies on agriculture have a positive effect on increasing the supply of public goods in rural areas to optimize the scale and the supply structure. Second, the reference number of the regions was little change in ranking between regions and the gap between supply efficiency narrows every year. Third, pure technical efficiency value close to the overall efficiency, is the irrational structure of public goods supply in some areas the main reason is invalid. Four, soil erosion control which is pure public goods is the most important part to be reduced that indirectly reflects the lack in quasi-public goods supply. Five, there is no gap among the east, central and the west in the productive supply efficiency in China's rural, and there is also no significant difference between the main producing areas of agriculture and non-main producing areas. Six, the main impact factor on productive efficiency in the supply of public goods is the rate of spending and disaster of per capita in agriculture, forestry, water resources, meteorology and other departments. The revenue and expenditure of government have no significant effect. According to these basic conclusions, I have learnt a number of important enlighten in policy.
     Fifthly, study the experience of the rural production supply system of public goods from the developed countries. Through studying the supply experience from four Asian countries and developed countries in Europe and the United States, I found that they have great similarities, but considering national conditions, they showed unique patterns. The experience model of Thailand is based on the carrier of cooperative system, while Japan is based on Agricultural Cooperative Federation, India's experience model is project management model, the experience of South Korea is National Movement-style model and the United States model is based on the objective of building a modern agriculture's supply system, the experience model of German is local government supply system. These experiences have given us a number of policy-oriented enlightenments for supply system the rural productive public goods, which includes: strengthening the fiscal policy to support agriculture and expanding the scale of public goods supply; establishing supply system of public goods and local government will be the main the supplier to improve the efficiency of the supply of public goods; considering the National Movement form supply system of public goods, attention should be paid to coordinate the productive supply and farmers' burden; supporting rural cooperative organizations, community-oriented organizations and associations; promoting the development of agricultural science and technology to speed up the changing from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture; strengthening agricultural legislation and legalizing the agricultural policy.
     Sixthly, make policy protection mechanism design to increase supply efficiency of rural productive public goods. Reviewing the historical changes since the founding of the productive public goods supply system, I build the policy protection mechanism to increase rural supply efficiency of productive public goods supply from the decision-making, fund raising and production supervision, which includes: first, to build a needs expression mechanism for the farmers from bottom to top on the microscopic level; second, on the macro level, the establishment of public goods supply structure adjustment mechanism should be made. Considering the fund-raising mechanism construction, a wide range of agricultural inputs security system should be established, and the funding supply approach of public institution should also be reformed; considering the construction of the productive regulatory mechanism, there are three points: first, the preparation of funds budget for the supply of public goods. The other is to adjust the expenditure of earmarked public funds. The third is to promote scientific funds allocation approach. The forth is the establishment of four performance evaluation assessment mechanism of public goods supply. The five last is to perfect the management system of public goods supply.
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