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花外蜜腺植物是植物中一个比较特殊的类群,这些植物具有着生于花外、般不参与传粉的蜜腺即花外蜜腺。花外蜜腺分泌糖分及微量氨基酸,吸引蚂蚁或寄生蜂等一群捕食者前来取食,蚂蚁取食花外蜜腺分泌物的同时捕食或干扰取食植物的昆虫,形成了蚂蚁与植物的互惠关系。本研究以长叶西番莲Passiflora siamica Craib.(本地种)和红花西番莲Passiflora coccinea Aubl.(外引种)为材料,探讨了在长叶西番莲的自然生境中,两种植物与蚂蚁建立互惠关系的状况及防御效果,两种植物对去蚂蚁、去取食者、去花外蜜腺以及去蚂蚁+去取食者几种处理的反应。主要研究结果如下:
     1、在两种西番莲植株上共观察到24种蚂蚁取食花外蜜液,主要包括:立毛蚁一种Paratrechina sp.1、黑可可臭蚁Dolichoderus thoracicus (Smith)、黑头酸臭蚁Tapinoma melanocephalum、伊大头蚁Pheidole yeensis等,分别隶属于猛蚁亚科(1属1种),伪切叶蚁亚科(1属1种),切叶蚁亚科(5属9种)、臭蚁亚科(2属2种)和蚁亚科(4属11种)。
     3、长叶西番莲叶片表皮毛密度显著低于红花西番莲(叶子上表面,t=3.28,P<0.01:叶子下表面,t=26.84,P<0.01)。长叶西番莲的叶片下表面表皮毛密度和植株平均叶面积损失呈显著负相关关系(Pearson correlation, r=-0.38, P=0.04,n=30),而红花西番莲的叶片表皮毛密度和植株平均叶面积损失不显著相关。
     4、长叶西番莲植株上蚂蚁数量和平均叶面积损失之间呈显著的负相关关系(Pearson correlation, r=-0.45,P< 0.05, n=20)。利用两种西番莲植株花外蜜腺的蚂蚁群体中不同种类的蚂蚁的行为优势度指数BDI(表示一种蚂蚁在和该群体中其它所有蚂蚁相遇时占优势的比例的指数)和其数量呈显著的正相关关系(Pearson correlation,r=0.86,P=0.01,n=60).
EFN (extrafloral nectary) plant is a special group of plants. They have nectaries on the other part of the plant more than just in the flower. Those nectars seldom involved in pollination. Most EFN secretions contain sucrose, glucose, fructose, and some amino acids. These sugars attract ants, parasitoids and many predators. Ants come for extrafloral nectar may prey on or disturb herbivores, thus formed the mutualism between plant and ant. We studied the mutualism relationship between ant and plant in the natural habitat of Passiflora siamica with two EFN plants Passiflora siamica (endemic) and Passifora coccinea (introduced). The main results are as follow:
     1. At least 24 ant species were recorded utilizing the EFN resource. Include Paratrechina sp.1, Dolichoderus thoracicus (Smith), Tapinoma melanocephalum, Pheidole yeensis. One species from Ponerinae, one from Pseudomyrmecinae, nine from Myrmicinae, two from Dolichoderinae, eleven from Formicinae.
     2. No significant difference was found between the number of ants visit two species of plants (t=1.30, P=0.20), while the compositing proportions of the main four ant species were different in the two Passiflora plants (x2=14.76, df=4, P< 0.01).The quantity of nectar secreted by a single leaf of Passiflora siamica is significantly higher than that of Passiflora coccinea plants (Willcox, z=-3.87, P< 0.01).Ant-excluding in this experiment do not significantly affected the average leaf loss per plant. For each species of plant, no significant difference of leaf nectar quantity was found among treatments.
     3. The leaf trichome density of both side of Passiflora siamica leaf were significant lower than Passiflora coccinea, (upside leaf, t=-3.28, P< 0.01; underside leaf, t=-26.84, P< 0.01). In Passiflora siamica, the average leaf loss per plant was significant correlated to leaf trichome density of the undersider leaf (Pearson correlation, r=-0.38, P=0.04, n=30), but in Passiflora coccinea wasn't.
     4. The average leaf loss (Log(x+1) transformed) of P. siamica was significantly correlated with the number of ants per plant (square root transformed) (Pearson correlation, r=-0.45, P< 0.05, n= 20). Ant behavioral dominance index (BDI, an index calculate as the proportion of dominance times to total encounter times of a species of ant to all other ants species in the same community) was significantly correlated with species total abundance on plants (Pearson correlation, r=0.86, P =0.01).
     As a whole, the plant-ant-generalist herbivore in the two Passiflora species did not show a significant differences in the response to the change, while the interactive system with specialist herbivore request further investigation.
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