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Objective To construct the recombinant adenovirus bearing glialcellline derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and endothelin receptor B (EDNRB) gene and investigate its coexpression in neural stem cells. Method The AdEasy system was used to gene vate the recombinant Adenovirus Ad-GE coexpressing GDNF and EDNRB gene . The expression of exogenous genes in neural stem cells after infection was determine serving the expression of the green fluorescence protein(GFP) and detected by reverse transcription polymerrase chain reaction (RT-PCR) method and real-time fluorogenic quantitative PCR. Result GFP expression could be observed under fluorescent microscope 24h later after infection and coexpression of GDNF and EDNRB gene was confirmed by RT-PCR method and real-time fluorogenic quantitative PCR. Conclusion Exogenous GDNF and EDNRB gene can be coexpressed in neural stem cells , which may offer the possibility of a novel approach to local combination gene therapy of Hirschsprung disease .
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