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The term subliminal perception was originally used to describe situations in which weak stimuli were perceived without awareness. Whenever stimuli presented below the threshold or limen for awareness is found to influence thoughts, feelings, or actions, subliminal perception has occurred. By using some special means, for example, task dissociation, qualitive difference analysis, priming under threshold, a great deal of studies showed that it was real and that there were many differences with the perception under the conscioueness.
     As a precondition, the unconscious awareness was a key on studying the subliminal perception. It was a very important matter how to elicit the unconscious awareness. Msaking techeque was widely used on the study to visual material. However, there were some problemes on using it. Most researchers did not pay more attention to the relation between the stimulus and mask. The experiential use must be changed by experimental demonstration.
     With the development on subliminal perception study, the study objects became more complicate. The compound stimulus with mulripe attributes became a study focus. The studies to the compound stimulus relied on corresponding model's foundation. The work would be helpful to open out the subliminal perception's mental machenism.
     The difference between ages was also an important question. This kind of studies was rare, but its theorical value and practicable function on education was very strong. We must pay more attention to it.
     Based on recognizing hereinbefore, the thesis consists of six experiments on three aspects on subliminal perception. The first focus was on masking techque. The second was the subliminal perception model. The last is the subliminal perception difference on ages.
     The thesis consists of four studies.
     In study 1, three experiments examined a masking stretagy effect on eliciting unconscious awareness. Experiment 1 aimed at detecting the difference between differtent stimuli and the same mask on masking effect. Experiment 2 payed more attentions to the relation between stimulus and mask. Experiment3 validated a masking strategy's effect.
     In study2, the experimental goal was to found a model on subliminal perception study. A kind of material with two attributes was selected to apply to classical subliminal perceptual study procedure. The so-called attribute dissociation model was analysed in the study.
     In study3, an artificial grammar task was selected to validate the model's applicability. By changing the relation between stimulus materials on presenting stimulus stage and on comparing stage, the model's function was perfected. An influencing factor to subliminal perception was found.
     In study4, the attribute dissociation model was applied to the students in elementary school, middle school, high school. To explore the subliminal perception difference on ages was its goal.
     The results were below:
     1. The relaition between stimuli and mask is very important on masking effect. Closer the relation was, better masking effect was. If the mask was formed with all stimulus materials, masking effects would become almost equal among the stimuli. The strategy to form the mask is effective to elicit an unconscious awareness.
     2. The atrribute dissociation model was able to implement attribute dissociation's function on subliminal perception to compound stimuli. It was practicable to different objects. By controlling different relations, it can open out some mental machenisms on subliminal perception and some influencable factors to subliminal perception.
     3. Applying the attribute dissociation model to graduates and elementary school's students, a difference on subliminal perception was found. While the graduate perceived subliminally artificial grammar materical's surface attributes, they also perceived subliminally the materical's connotative attribute. The elementary students only perceived subliminally the materical's surface attributes.
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