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The key technology of hollow glass beads (HGB) composites is the surfacefunctionalization of HGB. The key to HGB filled polymer composites is how toimprove the interfacial bonding between HGB and matrix resin. The core-shellcomposite structure of HGB and nano-materials can solve the nanomaterialsdisadvantage of agglomerates and difficult to disperse. In this paper, the surfacemodification of the HGB was performed by using rare earth to committed to thedevelopment of the HGB functional composite material.
     PVDF/HGB composites were prepared by the method of solution blending usinglanthanum complex modified HGB. The morphology, structure and crystallizationkinetics of the PVDF and the PVDF/HGB composites were investigated by SEM,XRD and DSC, respectively. The results of SEM showed that the surface modificationof the HGB by using the lanthanum complex improved the interaction between theHGB and the PVDF. The results of XRD indicated alpha was the predominant phasein the PVDF and the crystal structure for the PVDF was not changed by the HGB. Inaddition, the Jeziorny and the Mo methods were used to analyze the non-isothermalcrystallization kinetics, the results indicated that the presence of the HGB decreasedthe crystallization rates of the PVDF.
     PP/HGB, HDPE/HGB, PS/HGB and ABS/HGB composites were prepared bythe method of melt blending using rare earth ions modified HGB, and themicrostructure, mechanical properties and/or crystalline performance of compositeswere studied. The results showed that the interfacial bonding between HGB andpolymer matrix could be significantly improved after superficial treatment of HGBwith the rare earth ion, and the mechanical properties of the composites wereimproved too. The results showed that the HGB modified by neodymium nitrate had anucleating effect on the matrix and promoted the formation of β-crystals ofpolypropylene, but the crystallization rate of polypropylene was decreased by addingHGB. In addition, the HGB modified by neodymium nitrate can increases thecrystallinity of HDPE.
     Uniform and oriented ZnO submicronrods on the surface of HGB werefabricated by using a seed growth process in aqueous solution of zinc nitrate andhexamethylenetetramine at low temperature. The structure and morphology ofas-obtained ZnO submicronrod-coated hollow glass microspheres (HGB/ZnO)composites were analyzed by using XRD and SEM. The results showed that all the HGB were coated with a well-aligned layer of ZnO submicronrods and the ZnOsubmicronrods possessed relatively uniform hexagonal rod structures and standperpendicular. Moreover, the ZnO submicronrods were affected by a variety ofgrowth conditions such as the ZnO seed layers and growth solution concentration andthe solution temperature. In addition, HGB/rare earth doped ZnO composites werestudied.
     Rare earth oxide coated HGB composites were prepared by using homogeneousprecipitation method. The “fusiform” nano-CeO_2coated HGB composites can befabricated under the optimal conditions. Most of CeO2nano-rods vertically in theHGB surface. In addition, the composites of HGB/Y2O3, HGB/Dy_2O_3, HGB/Yb_2O_3and HGB/Y_2O_3:Eu~(3+)were prepared and characterized, respectively.
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