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Integrated Acousto-optic tunable wavelength filters (AOTF) are very attractive as they offer fast tuning speed, broad filtering bandwidth, convenient tuning, low drive power and especially their unique property of simultaneous multi-wavelength filtering capability. At present, the AOTF is mainly used in optical communication system, such as: Switching, Distribution, Routing, Add-Drop-Multiplexer and Optical switch. In addition, the device also can be used as the tuning component of erbium doped fiber laser and the key component of near-infrared Acousto-optic spectrometer. Therefore, following the developing of optical communication technology, the AOTF is paid more and more attentions.
     In the paper, the theory and calculating, fabricating and testing, developing and application of the AOTF are studied. In the exordium of the paper, the integrated optical waveguide device, the developing and application of the AOTF are introduced simply. In the second chapter of the paper, we mainly studied the theory foundation and simulation analysis of optical waveguide, and the representative optical waveguide devices are fabricated and tested. In the third chapter of the paper, the character of the acoustical waveguide and the inter-digital transducer are researched. In the fourth chapter of the paper, we designed the polarization-depended AOTF and studied stabilizing frequency of the device. In the fifth chapter of the paper, we used some method to improve the capability of AOTF, and fabricated the new device to test its performance. At last, in the sixth chapter of the paper, the application of AOTF is researched, including erbium doped fiber laser, near-infrared Acousto-optical spectrometer and Acousto-optic optical switch.
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