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As the shift of the time, subtle and continuous changes take place in the institutional environment that State-Owned Enterprises faced with. Accompanied with the policies from "Be strong&big" to "Be strong&excellent", Central Enterprises, as the typical representatives of SOEs, are in the continuous transform and involved in the drastic debate, especially for Monopoly Central Enterprises. This dissertation was based on the special history stage, which is the development one in depth and scope (from the year2004to now) of Chinese SOEs'structural reform to continually improve and deepen modern enterprises system and focused in the studies on the pattern charateristics and evolution path of the Monopoly Central Enterprises'organizational structure, from a specific institutional change perspective. This dissertation's author chose Monopoly Central Enterprises as research objects in consideration of their special positions in China and inevitability of their long-term existence.
     From the view of this dissertation's author, no matter how the institution changes, the Monopoly Central Enterprises always faced with the following problems:1. How to balance the relationship between their development demand and SOE structural reform's requirement, i.e., how to foster and strength Monopoly Central Enterprises' competitiveness.2. It requires sustaining innovation and breakthrough to control so large scale enterprises well under the existence pressure.3. In addition to prevent the erosion of "Big Company diseases" and "SOE Common Problems", Monopoly Central Enterprises devoted them to explore the breakthrough of their development bottleneck. By study on the trend of the Monopoly Central Enterprises'structural evolution, the author found that quasi-cluster as one new organizational pattern was one solution to above-mentioned problems and provided one valuable instruction to the actual Monopoly Central Enterprises'management practice. In theory, quasi-cluster theory provided one more alternative organizational pattern for the organization theory and made some beneficiary supplementary to the existing enterprise group theory.
     This dissertation adopted single-case method to make the study on State Grid as the typist case of Monopoly Central Enterprises and concluded that the organizational characteristics of more integration, more centralization vertically, more diversification horizontally and phenomenon of contradiction between headquarter centralization management requirement and member enterprises horizontal demand emerged from the Monopoly Central Enterprises under the background "make SOEs bigger, stronger and more excellent." Then by the embedded case study of CCPG and the comparative researches of the other three typist transverse cases of China Telecom/China Mobile, Minister of Railway with State Grid, this disertation discussed the characteristics and evolution path of the new organization pattern and concluded the quasi-cluster trend emerged from the above-mentioned evolution.
     By means of the factor analysis and discussion on the leader style, enterprise attributes, environment and government effect on the State Grid's organization structure, this dissertation found that the enterprise attributes of mutually enhanced social class one and quasi-government one, more severe supervision environment and government strategy orientation, together with their mutual effects, are the three core variables of the Monopoly Central Enterprises'organization pattern and thus concluded the proposition No.1:Guided by the policy of "Be big&strong", the Monopoly Central Enterprises tend to vertical integration organization pattern in the core business. Higher the extent of monopoly is, accompanied with the authority moving up, higher the centralization is and stronger vertical integration is, vice versa and proposition No.2:More single the products Momopoly Central Enterprises deal with are, higher the extent of vertical integration is and vice versa.
     By analysis of the adoption of organization principle and market principle in the Monopoly Central Enterprises, this dissertation revealed that the relationship between "organization" and "market"is that there are mutual penetration and supplement between the scope of the "place" and the percentage of the principles, thus deduced the proposition No.3:Although the partial horizontal scope and extent is limited for the bottom or border member ones within the Monopoly Central Enterprises, their demand for horizontal structure is so strong as to stimulate them to improve their advantages and obtain quasi-cluster effects by quasi-clustering, under the guidance of the policies from "Be big&strong" to "Be strong&excellent". Furthermore, this dissertation indicated that it is quasi-cluster, but not heterarchy that becomes prominent characteristics of organization pattern evolution under the present institutional transition background.
     By analysis of CCPG as embedded case is concluded the proposition No.4:initiator of quasi-cluster may be members of Monopoly Central Enterprise or not. However, no matter the main body of quasi-cluster are members of Monopoly Central Enterprise or not, quasi-cluster tends to promote the competitiveness of all this quasi-cluster's members and create quasi-cluster effects.
     Afterwards, this dissertation concluded by comparative analysis of China Telecom/China Mobile and Minister of Railway with State Grid the proposition No.5: Guided by the policy "Be strong&big", the Monopoly Central Enterprises tend to diversification. Higher the extent of the monopoly is, broader the scope of diversification is and vice versa.
     At last, by discussion of the significant characteristics of quasi-cluster pattern in the diversification operation and transnational operation, this dissertation logically deduced the applicability of quasi-cluster pattern and concluded Proposition No.6:Quasi-cluster efficiently and effectively responds to strategy requirements of both Monopoly Central Enterprise's headquarter and its members, therefore, the organization principle and self organization principles are both applicable to the coordination and link within quasi-cluster.
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