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东北产业集群的发展历史由来已久,建国前,东北初步形成了重工业地域的雏形。建国后,东北依靠国家的倾斜政策和巨额投资,以地域生产综合体的产业集群模式建设发展成为我国的重工业基地,宏观尺度上,东北地区是一个庞大的地域生产综合体,集中分布着技术关联紧密的重型工业,成为我国最完整和最强大的重工业区;中观尺度上,以自然资源为基础建设了众多资源型城市;微观尺度上,形成了以资源型工业和重型工业为产业特征,以国有大型企业为核心,众多大中小型企业和相关机构的地理集聚体,即东北最早意义上的产业集群,并促进了东北地区和全国的经济发展。改革开放后,东北产业集群逐渐衰退,“老体制”、 工业区”、“老企业”等诸多问题日益严重,东北 “老经济如何发展,已经成为一个急待解决的问题。
The Northeast industrial clusters have enjoyed a long history. Before the foundation ofPRC, an embryonic form of heavy industry has already come into being in Northeast. Afterthe establishment, the Northeast, relying on national priority policy and vast investment, hasbecome national heavy industrial base. The industrial clusters of territorial productioncomplex are its model. In macro-scale, the Northeast district is a huge territorial productioncomplex. Heavy industries with closely related technologies mainly distribute here. It hasbecome the most integrated and strongest heavy industrial region in China. In medium-scale,the Northeast has developed many resource-oriented cities based on natural resources. Inmicro-scale, a great many enterprises of various scales and geographical agglomerations, etc,the earliest industrial clusters in the Northeast, have formed. The geographicalagglomerations are characterized by resource-oriented industries and heavy industries.Large-scaled state-owned enterprises are its core. It has promoted the economic developmentof northeast district and the whole nation. After the reform and opening-up policy, theNortheast industrial clusters has gradually declined. The problems of ‘old institution’, ‘oldindustrial region’, and ‘old state-owned enterprises’ have become more and more serious.How to develop the economics of northeast becomes an urgent issue, needing to be resolved.
     This paper begins with the historical development of the Northeast industrial clusters.Supported by the examples of Changchun automobile industrial clusters and Tonghuamedical industrial clusters, it combines theoretical research achievements on industrialclusters home and abroad .It first analyzes the issue of the Northeast industrial clusters. Andthen looks into the factors that restricted the development of the Northeast industrial clustersand its future developmental trend. The paper consists of five sections:
    Section One: The historical development of the Northeast industrial clusters. It is the basicsection of this paper. With the historical sequence, it first reviewed the initial heavy industrialregion of Northeast under the colonial system before China was founded. Then it dissertatesthe formation of the Northeast industrial clusters and its characters during socialist plannedeconomic system. It also summarizes the theoretical explanations of China’s choice on heavyindustry. Finally it analyzes the systematical restrictions and the difficult position that the
    Section Two: The theoretical research on industrial clusters. It is theoretical section of thispaper. Starting from the formation of industrial clusters, it summarizes the evolution ofindustrial clusters theories abroad. Then it discusses the hot issue about the industrial clustertheories. At last it sums up domestic research achievements on industrial clusters.
    Section Three: The analysis of industrial clusters. It is the key section. It mainly analyzes theproblems. First, it makes a comparative study with regional environment of eastern coastalzones. Then from the angle of territorial production complex and institutional changes, itanalyzes the sticking points of the Northeast industrial clusters problems. Finally it analyzesthe blocking elements that the Northeast industrial clusters face.
    Section Four: Research on the examples of the Northeast industrial clusters. It is about thecases and it is the supportive section. From current situations, features and developmentalrestricted factors, and through the research on Changchun automobile industrial clusters andTonghua medical industrial clusters, it further proofs the conclusion that has been analyzed insection three. At the end of this section, it put forward a point on cultivating northeastregional environment and developing its industrial clusters.Section Five: The strategic research on developing northeast industrial clusters. This is theconclusive section. It is also a key section.
     This section is mainly divided into three parts: Part One, constructing industrial clustersba
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