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     针对态势评估不够科学客观的现状,提出了基于粗集分析的态势评估方法——RSSA(Situation Assessment based on Rough Set Analysis)。RSSA在态势模式划分的基础上,通过粗集分析自动生成网元态势评估规则;进一步考虑态势模式发生的频率以及时序变化规律,制定评估规则调整策略;同时以容量理论为依据,综合分析网元的拓扑贡献和传输能力,确定网元的权值;最后融合各个网元的态势及权重,完成全网态势评估。RSSA一方面借助粗集分析,将知识的表达、学习和分析纳入统一的框架之中,兼具表达、学习与分类能力,能够从模式中发现隐含知识、揭示潜在规律并转化为逻辑规则,而且无须任何先验信息,科学客观。另一方面通过图论分析综合考虑网络拓扑结构、网元传输能力对全网态势的影响,融合拓扑数据和流量数据,真正实现全局视角的网络态势评估。
     针对非线性系统预测的问题,将态势预测看作时间序列进行分析,提出了基于广义回归神经网络的态势预测方法——GRNNSF(Situation Forecast based onGeneralized Regression Neural Network)。GRNNSF根据历史数据训练广义回归神经网络,自适应选择网络参数,建立预测模型,并且随数据的到达动态更新预测模型。GRNNSF学习速度快,预测精度高,非线性映射能力强,同时具有结构自适应确定、输出与初始权值无关等特点,在逼近能力、分类能力和学习速度上较反向传播网络和径向基网络有着较强的优势,并且在样本数据缺乏时,预测效果也比较好。
     基于上述关键技术的研究,设计并实现了网络态势管理原型系统(NetworkSituation Management System, NSMS)。原型系统集成了拓扑发现和流量采集两大单元网管功能,提出了多视图、超体积态势可视化方案MVHV(multi-view,hypervolume),实现了网络数据流聚类算法NetStream、态势评估方法RSSA以及态势预测方法GRNNSF,验证了网络态势感知模型TTM。
CyberspaceSituationalAwareness(CSA)referstotheacquirement,comprehension,assessment, visualization of the factors which can bring changes in network situationand the forecast of the development trend in the large-scale network. As thedevelopmentdirectionofnetworkmanagementinthefuture,CSAcanfusemulti-sourceand multi-attribute information, assess and forecast the current state and trend of thewhole-network which is composed of the operating status of various networkequipments, network behaviors, user behaviors and other situation factors, and providethe decision support. Currently the research on CSAis just at thebeginning. There aremany problems to be solved: the current research mainly focuses on security, whichcouldn’treflectthesituationcharacteristicsofintegrityandmacroscopy;themainstreamassessment methods are based on hierarchical structure or weight function, which lackthe theoretical basis; most researches remain at the data level, not up to the situationlevel,whichcan’trealizetheabstractfromdatatoinformationagaintoknowledge.According to the typical problems and common requirements of CSA, we studiedthe current key technologies and the application deployment, proposed a CSA model,and mainly researched the network data stream clustering algorithm, situationassessment method and situation forecast method. We also designed and implemented aprototype system to validate our work. The major contributions of this thesis are asfollowing:
     Considering the shortcomingof traffic analysis and the advantage of data mining,we proposed aCyberspace Situational Awareness model based on Topologyand TrafficMining (TTM). TTM model specifies the CSA functions as well as their division andorganization, defines the data structure, and gives the modeling process and awarenessprocess. The basic idea of TTM model integrates traffic mining and topologyinference,so TTM breaks through the limitations of the security situation, and takes the networktraffic and topology as data source to establish the index system including varioussituation factors which can affect the network situation. TTM provides a higher-levelmore-abstract comprehensive situation, realizes the whole-network assessment andvisualization,and fullyreflects the situationcharacteristics ofintegrityandmacroscopy.In addition, introducing the data mining, TTM is theoretical, scientific and objectivewith the capability of knowledge acquisition, law discovery and known/unknownanomaliesdetection.
     Aiming at the lack of prior knowledge of situation pattern, clustering wasdetermined as the means oftraffic mining.Analyzing the existing clusteringalgorithmsand thecharacteristics of traffic data, we put forward a network data stream clusteringalgorithm for situation pattern partition -- NetStream. On the basis of clustering space grid partition and situation factor selection, NetStreamfirst merges the connected gridstoformclustersinfull-dimensional space;andthensearchesdenseprojectionclustersinthe clusters unsatisfied density threshold by means of top-down subspace clustering;finallydetects concept drift based onChernoff Bound,dynamically adjusts the windowsize and update interval of jumping windows, and incrementally modifies clusteringmodel. NetStream is a fast subspace clustering algorithm, which can deal withhigh-dimension, burst nature, heterogeneous attributes data and satisfy all of therequirements including: one-pass,ordinal access input data, limitedmemory,scalability,comprehensibility, insensitivity to noise and so on. More importantly, the top-downstrategy, which realizes the fast subspace clustering, takes full advantage of the datadistribution characteristic caused by the burst nature of network, and can find theprojectionclusters with different dimensionalityin different subspaces; theconcept driftdetection based on Chernoff Bound, combining with incremental update strategy, canfind the network burst behavior and realize the online clustering and dynamicalmaintenanceofdatastream.
     To enhance the theoretical basis of situation assessment, we proposed a SituationAssessment method based on Rough Set Analysis (RSSA). On the basis of situationpattern partition,RSSA generates the situation assessmentrules of the network elementsautomatically through Rough Set analysis; further designs the adjustment strategy forassessmentrules according to the appearancefrequency of situation pattern; meanwhileanalyzesthetopologycontributionandtransmissioncapacityofthenetworkelementstodeterminetheirweights basedonthecapacitynetworktheory; finally fuses thesituationand weight of each network element and completes the whole-network situationassessment. On one hand, with the aid of Rough Set analysis, RSSA integrates theknowledge expression, learning and analysis into a uniform framework, and has theabilityof expression, learning and classification. RSSA has superiorities at the aspect ofdiscovering connotative knowledge, revealing potential law and designing logical rulesfrom massivehistoricaldataorcases. RSSA does not needanypriorinformation,so itisscientificandobjective.Ontheotherhand,withtheaidofGraph Theoryanalysis,RSSAintegrates topology and traffic data, analyzes the effect of network topology structureand network element transmission capacity on the whole-network situationcomprehensively, and realizes the network situation assessment from a globalperspective.
     Aiming at the problem of nonlinear system forecast, we proposed a SituationForecast method based on Generalized Regression Neural Network (GRNNSF).GRNNSF regards situation forecast as the time series analysis, trains GRNN usinghistorical data, selects network parameters adaptively, and updates the forecast modeldynamically with the arrival of new data. GRNNSF is fast, accuracy, and hassuperiorities in approximation ability, classification ability and learning speed over Back-Propagation Network or Radial Basis Function Network. Even if the sample dataislacking,theforecastresultisalsogood.
     Tovalidatethesekeytechnologiesdescribedupon,wedesignedandimplementedanetwork situation management prototype system -- NSMS. NSMS integrates twonetwork management functions: topology discovery and traffic collection,puts forwarda multi-view hypervolume visualization scheme, implements NetStream, RSSA andGRNNSF,anddemonstrates TTMmodel.
     Our research is a beneficial exploration of Cyberspace Situational Awareness. Itprovides essential support to network situation management environment.The researchis valuable to facilitate network management and has been integrated into our actualproject.
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